Stories and reassurance about vbacs

I'm doing chiropractic care because I want to make sure my pelvis is in perfect alignment. I didn't bother with this last time even though it was recommended and I regret it so bad. Without perfect alignment our pelvis can sometimes be restricted in its movements including opening up to its fullest during birth. If nothing else I feel amazing, especially compared with last time, I was so achey and miserable, this time I really feel awesome. I never believed in going to the chiropractor, I always thought they were quackey, but I'm a believer if for nothing more than my comfort, I can tell a huge difference after each adjustment! Looking forward to see if it helps my labor at all!!! The second reason is because when our spines and pelvis are in alignment it allows baby to be better positioned. My dd was positioned all wrong during labor, acinclytic, back to back , so I'm hoping this actually helps with this. Which kind of goes along with #2. Exercising and stretching, allows my body to stay fit and limber. Which is also important for babies positioning. This little one is still all over the place and moves in and out of different positions but I have noticed she tends to get into better position than dd1 did, dd1 was always in the same position on the left side of me, legs outstretched to the right side of my rib cage and head resting on the left iliac crest.
I am just trying everything I feel comfortable with because I want to look back and know I did everything I could to try to succeed.

The reason I am choosing to labor at home until I just can't anymore is because I really think being in the hospital so long last time stalled labor for me. I do have a doppler and will use it intermittently and I feel at any time uncomfortable I won't hesitate to go in, but I definitely think it's ok to trust my body and my dr actually said she'd send me home if I wasn't very dilated (past 3-4) or progression slowed, and she's very cautious so I trust she wouldn't advise me otherwise unless she felt good about it!!

Thanks for getting back to me with such details. That all makes a lot of sense. I'll definitely look into those things myself next pregnancy. It's all worth a try!!

All the best xx
Hi bumpwishes. During my vbac I lost 2.2 litres of blood so they drs have said I can have c section as it was v traumatic or if I try for vbac again then I'll b a low threshold for c section incase same happens again.. I just feel.v nervous about it. But I was only 34 weeks when I had my son .fingers crossed I get to term this time and all.goes well . It's amazing to actually have a vbac ,I'm so happy I was able to labour all the way with minimal pain aswel. Let's hope baby 3 is kind to me haha x

Oh my, I see! Well fingers crossed for you. I'm sure that third time round it should all be in your favour. As you say, at least you have experienced a vbac and whatever you choose or end up having this time round, you know you've experienced it :). Xx
I had an EMCS with DS after a failed induction at 33 weeks due to severe Pre-eclampsia. It was traumatic, but the first thing the doctor said in recovery was "well, you should be a good candidate for a VBAC if you have another" (or something to that effect).

I had to be induced with DD due to high BP (no pre-e though!) at 39 weeks. The induction did not take well, it was long and painful and emotionally difficult. However, I did have a successful VBAC and it was the greatest thing ever. It was incredibly empowering and healed a lot of the trauma from my first birth.
I had an EMCS with DS after a failed induction at 33 weeks due to severe Pre-eclampsia. It was traumatic, but the first thing the doctor said in recovery was "well, you should be a good candidate for a VBAC if you have another" (or something to that effect).

I had to be induced with DD due to high BP (no pre-e though!) at 39 weeks. The induction did not take well, it was long and painful and emotionally difficult. However, I did have a successful VBAC and it was the greatest thing ever. It was incredibly empowering and healed a lot of the trauma from my first birth.

Misspriss thank you for sharing your story. I am so pleased to hear you had a successful vbac and that it has helped you overcome the trauma of your first birth. I hope this happens for me too. Its great that you could have a vbac after such a traumatic first birth xx
Hi ladies,

I had 2 sections. One planned - a really nice experience, 2nd emergency after 48 hour labour - horrid one.

But recovered both times pretty well.

This time I am thinking about trying a VBAC again, but in the last few days I started to think maybe another c-section, planned, calm would be better.

I was told, nothing can be decided now, as only when I am almost at the full term they will be able to tell if it's ok for m to go for a vbac. They check how the scars are holding, position of the baby, etc.

So will try and not stress for now.
I'm in line for a vbac, had an emergency but not really emergency section after being induced and it failed completely, ended with a general and a 10lb baby, 2nd pregnancy I was worried as soon as I got the bfp, booking appointment they tell me they won't offer a growth scan, cue panic from me as I'll be darned if I can deliver a 10lb baby naturally (I'm 5ft2!!) at my 12 week appointment I'm told I will be shared care due to baby size and bmi, tell them my concerns and she agrees I can have a scan at 38 weeks to assess baby's size before attempting a vbac. If baby shows as big it will be another section :(
I'm in line for a vbac, had an emergency but not really emergency section after being induced and it failed completely, ended with a general and a 10lb baby, 2nd pregnancy I was worried as soon as I got the bfp, booking appointment they tell me they won't offer a growth scan, cue panic from me as I'll be darned if I can deliver a 10lb baby naturally (I'm 5ft2!!) at my 12 week appointment I'm told I will be shared care due to baby size and bmi, tell them my concerns and she agrees I can have a scan at 38 weeks to assess baby's size before attempting a vbac. If baby shows as big it will be another section :(

x-ginge-x thanks for adding your story. I hope that baby turns out to be a good size for you to have your vbac! Fingers crossed. Xx
Hi ladies,

I had 2 sections. One planned - a really nice experience, 2nd emergency after 48 hour labour - horrid one.

But recovered both times pretty well.

This time I am thinking about trying a VBAC again, but in the last few days I started to think maybe another c-section, planned, calm would be better.

I was told, nothing can be decided now, as only when I am almost at the full term they will be able to tell if it's ok for m to go for a vbac. They check how the scars are holding, position of the baby, etc.

So will try and not stress for now.

Firstly congratulations! Secondly, thank you for sharing your story. I'm sorry to hear about your traumatic second birth.

I didn't think women could have vbacs after more than one csection so it's great to hear that that can still be an option.

I really hope things go we for you and that you get whichever option you wish for in the end xx
A VBA2C is still an option anywhere!

In UK it is even more progressive. I live in in Latvia, and sometimes it is like middle ages here. Yet, still, you are allowed to have a VBA2C.

No everyone will do it. You should have a contract with the OB though.

I am still thinking on what to do... I think I want another child. And if I end up with 3 c-sections, I do not know how it will be possible.

Hi ladies,

I had 2 sections. One planned - a really nice experience, 2nd emergency after 48 hour labour - horrid one.

But recovered both times pretty well.

This time I am thinking about trying a VBAC again, but in the last few days I started to think maybe another c-section, planned, calm would be better.

I was told, nothing can be decided now, as only when I am almost at the full term they will be able to tell if it's ok for m to go for a vbac. They check how the scars are holding, position of the baby, etc.

So will try and not stress for now.

Firstly congratulations! Secondly, thank you for sharing your story. I'm sorry to hear about your traumatic second birth.

I didn't think women could have vbacs after more than one csection so it's great to hear that that can still be an option.

I really hope things go we for you and that you get whichever option you wish for in the end xx
A VBA2C is still an option anywhere!

In UK it is even more progressive. I live in in Latvia, and sometimes it is like middle ages here. Yet, still, you are allowed to have a VBA2C.

No everyone will do it. You should have a contract with the OB though.

I am still thinking on what to do... I think I want another child. And if I end up with 3 c-sections, I do not know how it will be possible.

Hi ladies,

I had 2 sections. One planned - a really nice experience, 2nd emergency after 48 hour labour - horrid one.

But recovered both times pretty well.

This time I am thinking about trying a VBAC again, but in the last few days I started to think maybe another c-section, planned, calm would be better.

I was told, nothing can be decided now, as only when I am almost at the full term they will be able to tell if it's ok for m to go for a vbac. They check how the scars are holding, position of the baby, etc.

So will try and not stress for now.

Firstly congratulations! Secondly, thank you for sharing your story. I'm sorry to hear about your traumatic second birth.

I didn't think women could have vbacs after more than one csection so it's great to hear that that can still be an option.

I really hope things go we for you and that you get whichever option you wish for in the end xx

That's really good then, I never knew. I hope you manage to make s decision you're happy with xx

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