Student protest?

College and university are all the one here so I got a bit confused! So you only pay for university? That is a bit odd. It's true about forcing people to get high paid jobs that are actually less useful. I will almost certainly do some work in developing countries and no way would that be an option if I was meant to be paying back money.
OT but you are honestly one of the most articulate people I have ever come across and it would have been an absolute shame if there were fees that meant that you couldn't become a lawyer

Thank you, although I do have to work at moving my skills on paper, so to speak, into conversation. I am almost obnoxiously shy would you believe it?

Yeah, here colleges are 'higher' education and are more practical things, however, you can go from college into university. University being more 'professional' subjects.

Well, relatively speaking, yes. One could go to college and gain a pratcial skill, but due to fortune, luck, choosing a certain path they could become much higher earners than those with a 'professional' skill because of the paths the latter took. It's all down to circumstance, nothing else.

The fact that a select group of people, a few of whom are very questionable in their loyalties right now - power or people - get to decide that people working towards 'professional' skills must pay whereas those in college do not. Its mind boggling, it really is. How someone can sit from such a vantage point to see the outcome of every student, years in the future is beyond me. You cannot determine ones salary from the education they recieve.

They must have an awfully long way to fall from that high horse they are sitting on. Politics infuriates me nowadays. How I wish there was something the 'little people' could do, but as the demonstrations have shown, there isn't.


Thank you, although I do have to work at moving my skills on paper, so to speak, into conversation. I am almost obnoxiously shy would you believe it?

Yeah, here colleges are 'higher' education and are more practical things, however, you can go from college into university. University being more 'professional' subjects.

Well, relatively speaking, yes. One could go to college and gain a pratcial skill, but due to fortune, luck, choosing a certain path they could become much higher earners than those with a 'professional' skill because of the paths the latter took. It's all down to circumstance, nothing else.

The fact that a select group of people, a few of whom are very questionable in their loyalties right now - power or people - get to decide that people working towards 'professional' skills must pay whereas those in college do not. Its mind boggling, it really is. How someone can sit from such a vantage point to see the outcome of every student, years in the future is beyond me. You cannot determine ones salary from the education they recieve.

They must have an awfully long way to fall from that high horse they are sitting on. Politics infuriates me nowadays. How I wish there was something the 'little people' could do, but as the demonstrations have shown, there isn't.

Its really depressing isn't it. And the fact that they are stopping EMA too means that some people just don't even have a chance now.
Fees will go up to £9,000 a year and if Universities want to charge over £6,000 they have to give reasons for this.

I personally think it's a good idea. Too may graduates don't or can't use their degrees to get decent jobs and the world and his wife want to or want their children to go to university. There aren't enough jobs for graduates and what is the point of studying for three years at great cost to the tax payer only to work on the tills in Tesco? Maybe if people have to pay for it themselves, they'll think about it more carefully.

The way student loans will be paid back, people won't have ot pay if they are on a low wage and what isn't paid off after 30 years will be written off.

In most other countries, if people want higher education they have to pay for it, why should we be any different? We have a huge sense of wanting something for nothing in this country.

The way these students have behaved is disgusting. Urinating on the cenotaph, attacking cars with eldery people (royals or not) in them and pulling policemen from horses and attacking animals. Vile. :growlmad:
The proposals aren't, in my opinon, all that bad to be honest! The government is up the creek without a paddle as far as finances are concerned, drastic measures need to be taken. Labour caused this by encouraging every man and his dog to go to Uni which is why we've ended up with courses in things that mean nothing and are of no real value.

Isnt that a good thing though?

I have heard it mentioned a few times that there are courses which have no value - which ones are they?
In most other countries, if people want higher education they have to pay for it, why should we be any different? We have a huge sense of wanting something for nothing in this country.


The way these students have behaved is disgusting. Urinating on the cenotaph, attacking cars with eldery people (royals or not) in them and pulling policemen from horses and attacking animals. Vile. :growlmad:

Definately. Nobody will listen to them if they just go round attacking people and property. Throwing Fire Extinguishers off buildings?? Disgusting, and they are lucky nobody was killed.
In fact, I am a little worried that these are the people who are meant to be at Uni, studying to become Doctors and Lawyers etc!
The proposals aren't, in my opinon, all that bad to be honest! The government is up the creek without a paddle as far as finances are concerned, drastic measures need to be taken. Labour caused this by encouraging every man and his dog to go to Uni which is why we've ended up with courses in things that mean nothing and are of no real value.

Isnt that a good thing though?

I have heard it mentioned a few times that there are courses which have no value - which ones are they?

No, it's not a good thing. It has been costing the country/tax payer a fortune for no return. Graduate employment is at an all time low and there is a huge shortage of people taking vocational courses and so we have a shortage of those in trade industries, such as electricians and pumbers.
The proposals aren't, in my opinon, all that bad to be honest! The government is up the creek without a paddle as far as finances are concerned, drastic measures need to be taken. Labour caused this by encouraging every man and his dog to go to Uni which is why we've ended up with courses in things that mean nothing and are of no real value.

Isnt that a good thing though?

I have heard it mentioned a few times that there are courses which have no value - which ones are they?

I read online yesterday, someone referring to geography and history as pointless dummy courses :saywhat:

Some people are forgetting btw that we do pay. We pay £3.5k per year so its definitely NOT free.

Also, most other countries, in europe anyway that I can think of, have fees of between £1.5-2k, not upwards of £9k.
In most other countries, if people want higher education they have to pay for it, why should we be any different? We have a huge sense of wanting something for nothing in this country.


The way these students have behaved is disgusting. Urinating on the cenotaph, attacking cars with eldery people (royals or not) in them and pulling policemen from horses and attacking animals. Vile. :growlmad:

Definately. Nobody will listen to them if they just go round attacking people and property. Throwing Fire Extinguishers off buildings?? Disgusting, and they are lucky nobody was killed.
In fact, I am a little worried that these are the people who are meant to be at Uni, studying to become Doctors and Lawyers etc!

I agree.
I already pay over 6,000 (i'm half international) but because it is unrealistic, our government (if you can call it that) gives out grants, so I don't actually have to pay much (but you pay it all back if you don't graduate/you quit).

In Europe uni is free, they manage so why can't we?

I do appreciate paying an amount towards higher education, but the potential amount here is ridiculous. The country does need graduates...maybe not as many as it has, but it does need them.

Most of the student protests were completely peaceful with no violence whatsoever, it was only a small minority of these people (half of them NOT uni students) that spoiled things for the majority. However (and before I say this, i'm completely against violent protests, and am not on the side of those that acted violently) but when do peaceful protests ever actually work? Suffragettes...had to turn violent, poll tax...turned almost violent, things like the anti-war protests, done peacefully, certainly didn't work.

What angers so many is that they voted for the lib dems thinking they were on the same page, it turns out they were not. People will still be able to afford university but will just end up with enourmous debts, it could take years to pay them off, then how do you buy a house? marry? etc.

I think it's brilliant that they stood up for something they felt so strongly about, and for the most part it was done in a respectable way, it's better than just sitting around moaning about the cuts and not actually caring enough to stand up for your rights like most of this country enjoy doing.
Gosh poor charles & camilla. God love their poor souls in their rich car, with their rich lifestyle, funded by taxpayers. More than the students will now get from the taxpayer!
I already pay over 6,000 (i'm half international) but because it is unrealistic, our government (if you can call it that) gives out grants, so I don't actually have to pay much (but you pay it all back if you don't graduate/you quit).

In Europe uni is free, they manage so why can't we?

I do appreciate paying an amount towards higher education, but the potential amount here is ridiculous. The country does need graduates...maybe not as many as it has, but it does need them.

Most of the student protests were completely peaceful with no violence whatsoever, it was only a small minority of these people (half of them NOT uni students) that spoiled things for the majority. However (and before I say this, i'm completely against violent protests, and am not on the side of those that acted violently) but when do peaceful protests ever actually work? Suffragettes...had to turn violent, poll tax...turned almost violent, things like the anti-war protests, done peacefully, certainly didn't work.

What angers so many is that they voted for the lib dems thinking they were on the same page, it turns out they were not. People will still be able to afford university but will just end up with enourmous debts, it could take years to pay them off, then how do you buy a house? marry? etc.

I think it's brilliant that they stood up for something they felt so strongly about, and for the most part it was done in a respectable way, it's better than just sitting around moaning about the cuts and not actually caring enough to stand up for your rights like most of this country enjoy doing.


I was in town yesterday for the protest in NI. Seemed to be peaceful for the most part although there were 8 arrests made, mostly it seemed, riled by the police officers themselves. I saw officers with rifles (wtf!) and one policeman searching parked cars. No need. No need whatsoever...
First off, I don't know why people keep saying "Why should people expect to have free education?" It's not free to go to Uni, when I started in 2008 the fees were £3k a year. had to drop out because I got pregnant. I have no degree, no job from it yet I still have £3k of debt.

I voted Lib Dems for the sole reason that Nick Clegg wanted to abolish tuition fees or at least vote against a rise. I, along with probably every other Lib Dem supporter, feel let down and cheated. I used my vote for them because I believed in their policies and now this? Such a let down and I totally get why people are so angry.

I was hoping to start Uni again in Sept '11. I will not be doing this now. I am a single mother who wants to get out of this benefits system by getting a good career that will set me and my daughter up for life. For the career I want to do I will need a degree. A degree that I can no longer get through University. And it's easy for people to say "If you wanted it that much, you would do it regardless of how much it costs." But most of those people will not be single parents who do not want a potential £36k debt hanging over them before they've even graduated. I'm hoping I can get some sort of college degree where the fees are much more affordable.

I don't agree with the violent protests. I do see though, why there are protests. And Cameron and Clegg are probably sat up there on their pedastals at No 10, sipping tea and laughing merrily at all the mere peasents out on the streets fighting for justice which they are never going to get
Gosh poor charles & camilla. God love their poor souls in their rich car, with their rich lifestyle, funded by taxpayers. More than the students will now get from the taxpayer!

Gosh I know, bless them... :rolleyes:
First off, I don't know why people keep saying "Why should people expect to have free education?" It's not free to go to Uni, when I started in 2008 the fees were £3k a year. had to drop out because I got pregnant. I have no degree, no job from it yet I still have £3k of debt over my head for when I do get a job.

I voted Lib Dems for the sole reason Nick Clegg wanted to abolish tuition fees or at least vote against a rise. I, along with probably every other Lib Dem supporter, feel let down and cheated. I used my vote for them because I believed in their policies and now this? Such a let down and I totallyget why people are so angry.

I was hoping to start Uni again in Sept '11. I will not be doing this now. I am a single mother who wats to get out of this benefits system by getting a good career that will set me and my daughter up for life. For the career I want to do I will need a degree. A degree that I can no longer get through University. And it's easy for people to say "If you wanted it that much, you would do it regardless of how much it costs." But most of those people will not be single parents who do not want a potential £36k debt hanging over them before they've even graduated. I'm hoping I can get some sort of college degree where the fees are much more affordable.

I don't agree with the violent protests. I do see though, why there are protests. And Cameron and Clegg are probably sat up there on their pedastals at No 10, sipping tea and laughing merrily at all the mere peasents out on the streets fighting for justice which they are never going to get

I thought the rise wasn't coming into effect until 2012? Can you not start next year before the rise?
First off, I don't know why people keep saying "Why should people expect to have free education?" It's not free to go to Uni, when I started in 2008 the fees were £3k a year. had to drop out because I got pregnant. I have no degree, no job from it yet I still have £3k of debt over my head for when I do get a job.

I voted Lib Dems for the sole reason Nick Clegg wanted to abolish tuition fees or at least vote against a rise. I, along with probably every other Lib Dem supporter, feel let down and cheated. I used my vote for them because I believed in their policies and now this? Such a let down and I totallyget why people are so angry.

I was hoping to start Uni again in Sept '11. I will not be doing this now. I am a single mother who wats to get out of this benefits system by getting a good career that will set me and my daughter up for life. For the career I want to do I will need a degree. A degree that I can no longer get through University. And it's easy for people to say "If you wanted it that much, you would do it regardless of how much it costs." But most of those people will not be single parents who do not want a potential £36k debt hanging over them before they've even graduated. I'm hoping I can get some sort of college degree where the fees are much more affordable.

I don't agree with the violent protests. I do see though, why there are protests. And Cameron and Clegg are probably sat up there on their pedastals at No 10, sipping tea and laughing merrily at all the mere peasents out on the streets fighting for justice which they are never going to get

I thought the rise wasn't coming into effect until 2012? Can you not start next year before the rise?

I heard it's in effect as of 2011. Will have a look
Gosh poor charles & camilla. God love their poor souls in their rich car, with their rich lifestyle, funded by taxpayers. More than the students will now get from the taxpayer!

Their lifestyle and finances are beyond the point. They are elderly people in a car where the bullet proof glass was broken. They must have been terrified. That is not OK because they are rich and privaledged and students are p*ssed off.

Students climbing on and disrespecting, urinating on war memorials. Perhaps you could explain to my friend who's husband was killed in Afghanistan why that is acceptable?

It's disgusting and I am gobsmacked anyone would think any of it was OK.
oh and i love how it was the students who voted lib dem and how its just come back and hit them smack bang in the face

Why do you 'love' that the party we supported went back on the pledges we voted for? Thats actually a pretty spiteful thing to say.
Gosh poor charles & camilla. God love their poor souls in their rich car, with their rich lifestyle, funded by taxpayers. More than the students will now get from the taxpayer!

Their lifestyle and finances are beyond the point. They are elderly people in a car where the bullet proof glass was broken. They must have been terrified. That is not OK because they are rich and privaledged and students are p*ssed off.

Students climbing on and disrespecting, urinating on war memorials. Perhaps you could explain to my friend who's husband was killed in Afghanistan why that is acceptable?

It's disgusting and I am gobsmacked anyone would think any of it was OK.

My comment was a bit silly and I take it back. It's all very frustrating though - caring about something in which you have no control over. Hopefully we can actually leave once I graduate as planned.
I already pay over 6,000 (i'm half international) but because it is unrealistic, our government (if you can call it that) gives out grants, so I don't actually have to pay much (but you pay it all back if you don't graduate/you quit).

In Europe uni is free, they manage so why can't we?

I do appreciate paying an amount towards higher education, but the potential amount here is ridiculous. The country does need graduates...maybe not as many as it has, but it does need them.

Most of the student protests were completely peaceful with no violence whatsoever, it was only a small minority of these people (half of them NOT uni students) that spoiled things for the majority. However (and before I say this, i'm completely against violent protests, and am not on the side of those that acted violently) but when do peaceful protests ever actually work? Suffragettes...had to turn violent, poll tax...turned almost violent, things like the anti-war protests, done peacefully, certainly didn't work.

What angers so many is that they voted for the lib dems thinking they were on the same page, it turns out they were not. People will still be able to afford university but will just end up with enourmous debts, it could take years to pay them off, then how do you buy a house? marry? etc.

I think it's brilliant that they stood up for something they felt so strongly about, and for the most part it was done in a respectable way, it's better than just sitting around moaning about the cuts and not actually caring enough to stand up for your rights like most of this country enjoy doing.

I have serious baby brain and I'm not thinking properly today, but you have articulated everything I wanted to say :thumbup:

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