

Mum to Harry and Emily
Jul 16, 2008
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Got another scan tomorrow at 9am, a little nervous about how things will look but no point in worrying myself silly, I'll soon find out.

Also just found out that theres a chance I'll lose my job before my maternity leave starts next year :cry: I've looked into my dates and can start my maternity leave as early as 1 February if I have to, it all depends on how long my job will last. I'll have a quiet word with my boss when I see her next.

Other than that, all okay. Had yesterday off sick as sickness and pains too bad for me to leave house. Feeling a bit better today, still very conscious of pain but at least I have the scan first thing tomorrow :)
I hope you feel better soon and good luck tomorrow
Aww hun I hope things work out for you. Btw when are you do :D Our tickers look the same :D
Lhug: good luck with your scan
i had a scan at weeks mrs and the diff is amasin! i even got a wee wave from flump! so prepare to b amased!!

good luck with the scan hun, and hope you feel better soon :hugs:
Thanks girls. Janis, you, me and Laura are all due on the same day, 22 April by last count!
My doc says april 24th but I think thats because I have a 30-32 day cycle :D never know though but we are all still close. I just wish tickers went by youre cycle too :( :( So hard to get a proper date. I wonder :D Should we all be buds.
Sure, although not sure how that works?
Spoo, my doc says im due 24th april too :) But i have no idea how long my cycle is or anything ! so no doubt that will change when i have my scan x
My doc says april 24th but I think thats because I have a 30-32 day cycle :D never know though but we are all still close. I just wish tickers went by youre cycle too :( :( So hard to get a proper date. I wonder :D Should we all be buds.

Sounds a good idea to me hun :D

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