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Stupid Questions about your pregnancy that drive you nuts?


One & Done!
Nov 9, 2012
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Just wanted to hear if anyone else is getting stupid questions that for some reason make you want to rip your hair out?

My MAIN one right now is: "Do you know what you're having yet?"

I've literally been asked this question since my first appointment at 7 weeks. I know that technology is getting better all the time, but i'm getting SO SICK of people asking me this question.:wacko:

What questions, for whatever reason, are driving you nuts??
Ohhh yes...

Check out this thread for a TON of face-palmers: https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/p...uestion-someone-asked-you-your-pregnancy.html

My favorite: "Could there be two in there?"
The 'was it planned question' drives me nuts!!! I know some people get a surprise but it's my second, DD1 is 18 months so it shouldn't surprise people and I actually find it a really rude question, in my head I hear 'did you want this baby?' And ' do you know how contraception works?'!!!
LOL Mrs_T yeah! That would annoy me! I also get a lot of people saying "Aww!! a honeymoon baby!" Uh. no, it's not. We got married on 9/6 and I got my period on 9/15. I didn't O again until 9/28..not that I would explain that to people, but I know whether or not my baby was conceived on my honeymoon or not.
The 'was it planned question' drives me nuts!!! I know some people get a surprise but it's my second, DD1 is 18 months so it shouldn't surprise people and I actually find it a really rude question, in my head I hear 'did you want this baby?' And ' do you know how contraception works?'!!!

This. I get "was it an accident?” all the time. I find it so rude. A stranger also asked if my partner was mad at me for getting pregnant again so soon. Eh? I'm pretty sure he had a hand in creating my current condition....:dohh:
I'd be extremely pissed if someone asked me if it was an accident! What kind of person would ask someone that??
We got married when I was about 17/18 weeks pregnant. People still ask me if we got married due to my pregnancy. No! We had been planning the wedding for 13 months before then! Really gets my back up.

People who keep texting me and ringing me and emailing me asking "have you had the baby yet?!". Yeah, sure! I just completely forgot to tell anyone and have been keeping the baby under the stairs and a rock sellotapes to my stomach.
I've made no secret of the fact that I had ICSI to conceive this pregnancy, and it's primarily due to MFI that will not change (due to medication that DH is on for life). We were told that it's highly unlikely we will ever conceive children without ICSI.

But I get asked all the time 'when are you having another?'... 'I won't be having another...'... 'you will! Getting pregnant this time will kick start your fertility, it happened to my sister-in-law's aunt's cousin's hairdresser' :dohh:
I have had people ask me if it's an accident in more of a round about way saying "Are you excited?" or "Is a congratulations in order?" It's their polite way of being nosey, but it makes me defensive! I always say, yes we are excited and this was planned. I shouldn't care what other people think, but I don't want anyone to think my baby is an accident.
I actually get really annoyed with people asking to know what our chosen name is...I find it so nosy!!

I'm happy to share that we are having a girl, but want to keep the name private - obviously we might change our minds when she's actually born so don't want to blab, and also EVERYBODY has an opinion about your chosen name.

I'm sure this wouldn't bother lots of people, but it irritates me... bah humbug! :winkwink:
Candy, I completely agree! I hate that people ask me her name constantly and when I say it's a surprise they're like ' oh, but you can tell me! ' :dohh:

Errr... no, that's the point! A lot of these people who say stuff like this are not even close to myself or DH (DH has even had regular customers of his push him for her name! :dohh:)
We got married when I was about 17/18 weeks pregnant. People still ask me if we got married due to my pregnancy. No! We had been planning the wedding for 13 months before then! Really gets my back up.

People who keep texting me and ringing me and emailing me asking "have you had the baby yet?!". Yeah, sure! I just completely forgot to tell anyone and have been keeping the baby under the stairs and a rock sellotapes to my stomach.

RIGHT! That's what annoys me about "do you know what you're having?" UM.. don't you think i'd tell you!?!? It's literally driving me insane.
I've made no secret of the fact that I had ICSI to conceive this pregnancy, and it's primarily due to MFI that will not change (due to medication that DH is on for life). We were told that it's highly unlikely we will ever conceive children without ICSI.

But I get asked all the time 'when are you having another?'... 'I won't be having another...'... 'you will! Getting pregnant this time will kick start your fertility, it happened to my sister-in-law's aunt's cousin's hairdresser' :dohh:

Ugh!! people who act likey they know all about someone elses fertility! Again! I would never say something like this to someone! People are SO annoying! :dohh:
I actually get really annoyed with people asking to know what our chosen name is...I find it so nosy!!

I'm happy to share that we are having a girl, but want to keep the name private - obviously we might change our minds when she's actually born so don't want to blab, and also EVERYBODY has an opinion about your chosen name.

I'm sure this wouldn't bother lots of people, but it irritates me... bah humbug! :winkwink:

OH we've had this already and we don't even know the gender! I told someone I liked Harper for a girl and they all gasped and were like "EW!!!!!" Um.. okay.. that's not very nice. LOL.
I go for an hour walk every day, the same man EVERY SINGLE DAY for the last three weeks ask me when I'm due and tells me my dog is ugly.
So I change my walking time no, no I still see him everyday and he still asks every day when I'm due I seriously wish he'd piss off he says loads of more inappropriate stuff to me and I'm sick of it.
I totally agree with Mrs_T on this one, and I have to shamefully admit that before I became pregnant I had asked friends this question before, not realizing how rude it is. I always wanted to know if people were "trying" (because we were! and I wanted to have hope that it can happen to people who were planning it and not just by accident). But now that I'm pregnant, I think it's so rude and can't believe I asked people that question. What business is it of anyone if this pregnancy was planned or not? We'd want it no matter what. I'm in grad school right now so it's almost worse telling people that it was planned because I get this lecture about how hard it is to have kids in school--like it would be better if I had just gotten knocked up as an accident--then they wouldn't think I was crazy. Ugh- just my 2 cents.
I was being asked when I was having another... Before I even had the first one!!
omg Claudinator!! That's terrible!!

He literally had me in tears yesterday I work as a pharmacist and I had to stop going into town because our patients and people I work with ask me the same questions I literally have to hide behind aisle and see if the coast is clear before I can go look at stuff. I've been literally hiding at my mothers the last two weeks because I get tormented everywhere I go I can't even walk my dog in peace.
I have had judgement on the namewe have chosen. We just seem to get "ohhh" n my step mum said it seems like an odd name for us to pick :shrug: we picked michael. A strong traditional name, why this is strange we have no idea as my husbands name is Matthew??? :shrug: we have now been thinking of using the middle name as first n swapping them round to confuse everyone :haha: i wish we had never told anyone now :dohh:

My up most WORST question I get asked though ISSSS.....

I'm pregnant, so feel huge, sleep 5hours a night (if im lucky) have terrible heartburn 24/7 and liturally bring up n swallow acid, and have awful awful sciatica which is painful if I sit, stand, walk or lay!!

So how on earth do people think I flipping feel????? GRRRRRR!!!

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