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Stupid Questions about your pregnancy that drive you nuts?

omg Claudinator!! That's terrible!!

He literally had me in tears yesterday I work as a pharmacist and I had to stop going into town because our patients and people I work with ask me the same questions I literally have to hide behind aisle and see if the coast is clear before I can go look at stuff. I've been literally hiding at my mothers the last two weeks because I get tormented everywhere I go I can't even walk my dog in peace.

I'm so sorry your having to hide away from such horrible people hun :hugs:
I posted a Facebook status that said "this baby should be growing good because he's starving me! Anyone want to bring me a tomato?" And everyone started posting about how it's twins. Using my ultrasound (my avatar <<<) of obviously one baby as proof that its 2. I said no its just one, I've had four ultrasounds and I'm pretty sure they'd tell me haha.....they told me I was wrong and there's 2. Ugh.

I've also got "oh what big boobies you have! That means its a girl!" This lady seen the potty shot and everything and still bought me girl clothes for my baby shower. I've never heard the boob theory when I was gender guessing :haha: she's dead serious though.
Oh and I also get what's his name? I tell them Leo and they immediately give me other suggestions...mostly in laws
I go for an hour walk every day, the same man EVERY SINGLE DAY for the last three weeks ask me when I'm due and tells me my dog is ugly.
So I change my walking time no, no I still see him everyday and he still asks every day when I'm due I seriously wish he'd piss off he says loads of more inappropriate stuff to me and I'm sick of it.

Does he have Alzheimer's or something?

I'd smack him for saying my dog was ugly though :haha:
I feel like it's ground hog day every day.
Working with the public can be an nightmare and there making me miserable and then I get anxious because I have to avoid people.
And that man says the most inappropriate stuff to me I seriously couldn't repeat what he said to me the other day I literally stared at him in disbelief I didn't know how to answer. We have a whippet and a pug and there gorgeous!! My little fatties!
I have had judgement on the namewe have chosen. We just seem to get "ohhh" n my step mum said it seems like an odd name for us to pick :shrug: we picked michael. A strong traditional name, why this is strange we have no idea as my husbands name is Matthew??? :shrug: we have now been thinking of using the middle name as first n swapping them round to confuse everyone :haha: i wish we had never told anyone now :dohh:

My up most WORST question I get asked though ISSSS.....

I'm pregnant, so feel huge, sleep 5hours a night (if im lucky) have terrible heartburn 24/7 and liturally bring up n swallow acid, and have awful awful sciatica which is painful if I sit, stand, walk or lay!!

So how on earth do people think I flipping feel????? GRRRRRR!!!

So people aren't allowed to ask 'how are you" ??? That's a common part of polite conversation, pregnant or not. Just say 'fine' and move on. It's not like they want the real answer anyways. Even if they do care, how are they supposed to know the intimate details of your pregnancy? Maybe they even ask because they're worried and want to help or understand it must be hard.

I know we're all hormonal and some of the listed comments are really rude or snoopy but other times people are just trying to make conversation because they care. It's like people can't say anything to a pregnant lady without her getting angry. I mean, if they're bugging you for a gender or name even after you told them you're not telling, then yeah, get mad. But the first time it's common curiosity and trying to connect. They're probably annoyed we won't shut up about our pregnancies as it is.:haha:

Though pregnancy does seem to draw in the meanies and nosey types. Pregnancy and wedding planning seems to get people to drop all the social filters.
I feel like it's ground hog day every day.
Working with the public can be an nightmare and there making me miserable and then I get anxious because I have to avoid people.
And that man says the most inappropriate stuff to me I seriously couldn't repeat what he said to me the other day I literally stared at him in disbelief I didn't know how to answer. We have a whippet and a pug and there gorgeous!! My little fatties!

Well I see the pug in your profile pic and he/she's GORGEOUS!

Have you told him he's being inappropriate? You shouldn't have to put up with that.
Yeah, I think i'm going to have a hard time with people hating our name when we pick it. I'm not the type of person who wants to hide it from everyone, so I guess I'd better just get used to hearing everyone's opinions about it! LOL
I hate the "do you know what you're having?" Question, and have taken to answering "we're pretty sure it's a baby, but i guess it could be a kitten or a puppy" :eyeroll:
I hate the "do you know what you're having?" Question, and have taken to answering "we're pretty sure it's a baby, but i guess it could be a kitten or a puppy" :eyeroll:

Haha!!! I love your response! It annoys me when people ask that too. I've never even considered being so personal with pregnant women before. I had a taxi driver ask me that question yesterday! I wish I'd used your response :)
hahahaha wishyouwerehere!! I love it! I may need to use that next time!
So far ive had from my mother and father, are you hungry? What do yo want to eat every few hours :hehe:
Oh and I also get what's his name? I tell them Leo and they immediately give me other suggestions...mostly in laws

Totally get this too!!! Our little guy is Leo Ellis & I always get 'how old fashioned' I'm like well don't call your kid it then if you don't like it :facepalm:
People have no boundaries with pregnancy! Xx
Now I keep getting "are you sure there is only ONE?" I guess because i'm starting to show. UHHHH. YEP. I'm Sure.
People keep asking me 'was it planned?' Oh yeah cos I've managed to not get pregnant for the first 6 years we have been sleeping together but suddenly forgot how to take my pill!

I think they ask because we aren't married, which really pisses me off. X
People keep asking me 'was it planned?' Oh yeah cos I've managed to not get pregnant for the first 6 years we have been sleeping together but suddenly forgot how to take my pill!

I think they ask because we aren't married, which really pisses me off. X

I love this we were married 5years when we told everyone on our anniversary we were pregnant,
My husbands Nan said oh good I taught one of you wasn't working properly!!!
I wasn't even mad I taught it was hilarious she's 84
People keep asking me 'was it planned?' Oh yeah cos I've managed to not get pregnant for the first 6 years we have been sleeping together but suddenly forgot how to take my pill!

I think they ask because we aren't married, which really pisses me off. X

I love this we were married 5years when we told everyone on our anniversary we were pregnant,
My husbands Nan said oh good I taught one of you wasn't working properly!!!
I wasn't even mad I taught it was hilarious she's 84

Haha! That's brilliant! Love comments from grandparents! Xx
People keep asking me 'was it planned?' Oh yeah cos I've managed to not get pregnant for the first 6 years we have been sleeping together but suddenly forgot how to take my pill!

I think they ask because we aren't married, which really pisses me off. X

I love this we were married 5years when we told everyone on our anniversary we were pregnant,
My husbands Nan said oh good I taught one of you wasn't working properly!!!
I wasn't even mad I taught it was hilarious she's 84

Haha! That's brilliant! Love comments from grandparents! Xx

After a certain age grandparents are allowed to say whatever they want. LOL My grandma is the same way. With my son she told me to eat lots of ice cream so he would be slippery and slide out more easily. My mom and I were like...um that would lead to diabetes and/or a very large baby! LOL
It's the questions from people I barely know that really annoy me.

I got asked yesterday by someone at work if we had problems conceiving because I was had mentioned that I had been tracking my cycles to someone else - I hadn't spoken to this girl for over a year, she's just not someone I have reason to speak with and yet she felt that was appropriate.
Someone else at work asked if it was congratulations and had I only just found out?
Some else asked how far along I am, I said 18 weeks, they said 'oh, so still really early then' - erm, it's nearly half way through but okay.

Are you excited? What sort of stupid ass hat question is that? Also, I *really* wish everyone would piss off will their ill informed advice!
People keep asking me 'was it planned?' Oh yeah cos I've managed to not get pregnant for the first 6 years we have been sleeping together but suddenly forgot how to take my pill!

I think they ask because we aren't married, which really pisses me off. X

I love this we were married 5years when we told everyone on our anniversary we were pregnant,
My husbands Nan said oh good I taught one of you wasn't working properly!!!
I wasn't even mad I taught it was hilarious she's 84

Haha! That's brilliant! Love comments from grandparents! Xx

After a certain age grandparents are allowed to say whatever they want. LOL My grandma is the same way. With my son she told me to eat lots of ice cream so he would be slippery and slide out more easily. My mom and I were like...um that would lead to diabetes and/or a very large baby! LOL

Ha there totally allowed to say what they like she's hilarious I never had grandparents she is priceless!!!

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