Many fertility experts recommend that women who are actively trying to get pregnant take evening primrose oil from the first day of their menstrual period through ovulation. From ovulation until the onset of the next period, that evening primrose oil can be replaced with flaxseed oil. Once those women become pregnant, they can continue taking flaxseed oil until the 34th week of pregnancy, then switch back to evening primrose oil to aid in delivery. The extra gamma linolenic acid in the evening primrose oil can prepare the cervix for delivery and make childbirth more comfortable for mother and baby alike. The evening primrose oil should be taken orally, as this gives it time to dissipate throughout the body and be absorbed gradually.
After the 36th week of pregnancy the evening primrose oil capsule can be inserted vaginally and gently massaged into the skin to ease discomfort and help prepare for delivery of the baby. Evening primrose oil can also be rubbed on to the cervix each evening during the last few weeks of pregnancy as a way to prepare the cervix for delivery.
Midwives have long used evening primrose oil to aid delivery and make the process more comfortable. Women who long for a more natural pregnancy and childbirth are also looking to evening primrose oil and other natural remedies, rather than relying on harsh drugs and chemicals. From conception to birth, evening primrose oil can be a big help. Native Americans knew about the power of this natural remedy for centuries, and modern women are beginning to learn about it as well.