Scary that one of us has popped already! Dying to know details love labour stories hahah
Basically we can go anytime!! Oh is hoping I will go into labour in next couple days so he can get out of a presentation course he has to go on lol nice hey!!
OH has to start his new job next time he's off so in a week and a half! Apparently I am miserable because I keepsaying he needs to organis ethe time he needs off I was expecting him to be off for atleast 3 weeks!
Can't believe she had her baby! OH is still out... Might just go to bed but more interested on seeing what time he gets in... But no doubt I will be woken at 5 by my child sooo not sure it's worth it
I lost some more of my plug this morning. None of it bloody though so don't think it's a sign that anything is imminent. Is wasn't loads either just a bit but definitely plug. Kind of made me think twice about wanting her out though. As long as she waits for after my baby shower next weekend lol x
Can believe all these things are starting to happen! It's gone so quick! Connie woke me up at 5, think I actually might be dying and feel sick with tiredness! OH got in abou 11.20 and it's his lay in and he's still asleep, he never sleeps this late but didn't seem too drunk when he got in... I'm coating secon il he gets up so I can go bed for an hour.... And my lay in tmoro!
Just lost some more and a fairly big clump this time. It's made me feel loads better because it was starting to feel like forever away but now it feels like the end is in sight!! Even though nothing will probably happen for another few weeks it's still exciting
Can I ask what is it like. Clumps? How do you know it's your plug? She can be the first baby to actually be at her own shower!! Lol
I am paranoid I won't know I'm in labour lol
As much as I hate it when people say this ... You will know your in labour lol and you would know your plug it's like giant thick bits of snot.... More than clumpy dishcarge it's lovely
Yeah I've been having increased discharge and it's white. This has got a greeny snotty quiality to it. It's clumpy and stretchy and yeah a bit like snot lol. It's not the same as discharge.
And you will know you're in labour. I said to my mum the other day that I don't actually remember what contractions feel like. I remember they hurt but I don't remember exactly how it felt. She said "Oh you'll soon remember. As soon as they start you'll be like SHIT, I have to do this again!" Hahaha x
Well I've been having some lovely cramps in my back in general discomfort in my bump. 2 lolly ices, a shower, painkillers and bouncing on my ball can't shift them. So uncomfortable I want to scream lol x
Pleased to say I'm hanging on a bit :-D Pressure and pain have gone, I has shifted up a bit. LO isnt sleeping too good, hope it passes before baby is here xx
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