Lost a nice big clump of plug and now having watery discharge. Not enough to worry me though but things like this are not giving me much confidence of making it past my baby shower lol. She better just hang in there a bit longer
I've lost two bits of green plug today but think that's to do with sex last night... Think its knocked it or something hahah. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get to 38 weeks atleast. Still betting on the 14th. Connies bday thursday so got a very busy week! Need to build toys, get balloons cake and banners and buy her a couple more bits! Still waiting for bits for her party bag to come so hopefully they're here by sunday!
Yeah I've got my baby shower and still got bits to get for that. Decorations should be coming in the post tomorrow or Tuesday. Still got to go and pick a few things up for games, prizes and then I'll get the food later in the weeks.
OH and DS are banished from the house from lunch time so I can get everything cleaned and ready and OH is sorting some stuff out that I can't this week so the house isn't a mess on Sunday x
I've cheekily told MIL she can hold a meet the baby party lol! Saves me cleaning the place up. No one wants to hold a new born they are all floppy and delicate supposedly! Abby never liked be cradled. In fact for a toddler that can't walk she has spent most of her day on her feet.
thats clever meet the new born party! like that idea!
i am dreading my baby shower...because its customary in south africa to dress up the poor mum and make her look and feel like a complete ass, and make her do all these things to her! and my mom and cousin are on top of the pecking order! i told them not tooooooooo but they not listening..
Awwwe bless. I wish I hadn't thrown my own in all fairness. It's driving me crazy I am literally gonna spend all Saturday and Sunday morning cleaning like crazy. My dining room table isn't big enough for the food lol. I think I've got too many guests coming and they won't all fit in my house. Haven't decided on the food we'll have, haven't sorted prizes for the games lol...I'm gonna give myself a heart attack x
Agreed! Just order pizza lol. Connies desperately trying to walk she's managing up to 6 steps at the moment but need her to get it before baby gets here. Gt a few family members round Thursday evening for Connies bday and they've got a 1 or slot so they don't make mess and annoy me lol they can see connie have a bit of cake and go. Chucked a pack of nappies in the shopping today and few cartons of milk for hospital bag. Going to start packing it soon! Still need bikini for the pool
i still have my top misse no dignity left i am not wearing bottom halfs i can't see the lady garden so don't care lol. I'm getting a special t-shirt printed a keep calm and push or some thing then having the kids details printed on the back after.
Gah Abby still won't try but she was lunging yesterday at MILs and constantly cruising. SHe can climb stiars so thats a bonus
I fancy a clean baby and no epidural. I don't like the needles used for locals or any other need really so will try anything else first. OH quite fancies a water birth to as he could do very little at ABby's birth as I internalise teh pain I barley made a noise. It was after everyone had bogged off that I realised how loud everyone else was teh woman next door was mooing!
Oh jeez, just had a look at teh maternity tour video. Panic reinstated! We have picked a different hospital to where we had Abby as it's a quicker drive for Matt to get to us if he needs to come from work. I have had some disturbing experiences of this hospital and after being admitted with the sickness thing and not getting the best treatment or pain killers at the time I am now worried and don't want to use it though I have a lovely dippy community midwife
Just got back from taking Toby for his pre-school jabs it was horrid. He wouldn't do the second one and was squirming so I had to hold him still. He cried it was horrible.
He's okay now though. But me, I'm knackered from the walking but olympic flame is coming to our town today so going to watch it x
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