I have a laptop yay! Well actually its my Mums but it'll do for now!
I had a terrible practise labour again last night. Earlier on in the day I had horrible back pains and not quite diarrhoea but like loose bowels... sorry TMI! Didn't think anything of it.

at 11pm ish and went to bed, started mild contractions at midnight which got worse until at 1am I was having to get up and breathe through them. I couldnt get the hang of the contraction timer app on my phone haha but they were every 5-6mins but not lasting very long (like 40-50secs). It was like a belt building up round my hips and lower back and at the peak was like a really sharp, nippy hard ball in my tummy then it released and started to throb away. They were exactly the same paints I got a few hours after the prostin pessary with LOs induction so must be my cervix softening up! I felt weirdly calm though, I knew that if baby wasn't ready it wouldn't come to anything. I just used them to practise relaxing and breathing etc. for the real thing. It was SO weird though, I made myself lie down and switch my mind off and when one started I let my body go all floppy and relaxed and just accepted it and when I checked the time I'd been doing that for an hour and gone into a weird trance thing! It faded off and was completely gone by 4am. But LO gets up at 6 so I have been exhausted today
I checked my cervix (been doing this for years) and it's not really any different from usual, still 2cm but kind of long/thick so don't think my little practise did anything
I have everything for baby now, got my carseat today and tried it out

I have a swing and bouncer for baby but my LO thinks they are hers so I will never be able to put baby in them anyway. Mum is supposed to be buying my cot (I'm getting the Graco Petite Bassinet for our room) but I think money is a bit tight for her so I might just buy it myself and say I forgot she was getting it! Need to pick up a stand for Moses Basket too!
Hospital bags packed and hanging from the end of the bed too! And all baby clothes are washed and ironed (thanks Mum!) but have nowhere to put them yet so they are still at my Mums. I can't wait to get to 37-38 weeks so I can try some EPO or RLT etc. I don't want to just now as I'm scared I push things a little too early with the contractions I've been having. Think I will get some Clary Sage oil too incase my contractions are rubbish like my last labour - they were so painful but so short they weren't doing anything at all!