What a day.
MIL and FIL said to OH they would come and cook for us tonight which I thought was lovely that I didn't have to cook and was presuming I wouldn't have to clear up and do dishes etc. too, thought that was the whole idea? Well, they turned up late afternoon with potatoes, veggies and a chicken for ME to cook while they blew up a HUGE bouncy castle in my living room and wound LO up so much she was screaming and kicking and refused dinner. Then they sat and ate cheesecake in my living room while I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen although clearly tired and in pain. Then couldn't get rid of them at LOs bedtime even though I shut all the curtains and dimmed the lights and put the toys away. So I ended up just shushing them and LO everytime they tried to wind her up to play so she didn't have to go to bed. I got into the bath with LO so they couldn't come in there too and finally got rid of them

Then OH had to spend hours deflating the bouncy castle (I live in a tiny Council flat with no garden) and squeezing it into our walk in hall cupboard and now I can't get into the baby clothes etc. to sort them! Fun fun fun!