Oh girls. I'm struggling with the breastfeeding. My milk came in last night and my boobs have been RIDICULOUSLY engorged all day. Nothing is helping. I tried hand expressing, hot flannel, cold compress, painkillers and other things. She can't latch properly because my boobs are too big. On top of that I think I have mastitis. My boobs are hot and red and itchy and one of them is more swollen on one side so looks lopsided. They're REALLY lumpy and I'm just in agony. My nursing bra must be at least 2 cup sizes too small at the moment (and it is a 34F). It's getting so stressful, both me and Lily just get frustrated when it's time to feed. If I didn't know that this is going to go on for a few days no matter what I do I would've given up this morning :'(