Summer Peaches... going to be ripe in late July/early August!!

Officially the last person I know to be pregnant, the last girl had planned c section this morning for bg baby... He weighed 11.2lbs! Where's my baby :( lol
Wow that is big!!!

I'm sure it was my retail shopping on Friday that set me off lol that an nandos for lunch as soon as I finished my walk my contractions started an did stop
I went shopping friday :(

Weve got homemade nandos one night this week .... So maybe lol
Oh ladies i don't know what to do with feeding. We're strugglin so much. My nipples are so crackrd and sore that every latch is agony. My boobs are so sore and she just needs feeding so much she feeds for over an hour maybe even 2 and an hour later seems hungry again. Last night she fe pretty much constantly from 11pm til 5:30am. With only tiny 5-10minute breaks. I'm exhausted.and the thought ofevery impending feed has me in tears i just don't feel like i can do it. I an ready to pack it in but i know i'll regret it. OH i sick of seeing me miserable already and is practically begging me to gove upp. He just wants to be able to help because theres nothing he can do except watch me cry/shout/grit my teeth through feeds. I have a lactation nurse coming tomorrow but if that doesn't help i don't think breastfeeding is going to last for us. :'(

misse i really hope your lo makes an arrival soon x
Hey ladies! Oh Misse, sorry to hear that the little one hasn't made an appearance for you yet but it doesn't sound like it will be too long now!

How is everyone doing? We are doing ok! Found out yesterday that Sam has tongue tie which we need to keep an eye on as it could affect his feeding although I think it seems to be going ok at the minute.he's able to latch on ok ish, not quite as strong as Erin but he definitely feeds and is content afterwards, Friday will tell as that's when he'll be weighed. I have spoken to a local bf tongue tie specialist and she said from what I've said it all soun positive but we are going to go and see her next week anyway and I have an appt the following day to have it snipped if she thinks we need to. I'm ok at the moment but would hate to be in a position in a few weeks where he wasn't gaining weight and then have to wait to have something done about it so we'll see.

Erin has been ok too, a bit clingy to me which we expected but as Sam is sleeping so much it's not too hard to find the balance and spend lots of time with her right now.

I'm getting some sleep too, he seems to have a fussy period between about one and three and then has been having a good few hours sleep after that so I'm not feeling too bad - although it's going to be bloody hard work when Bob is back to work in a couple of weeks! Trying not to think about that too much right now though!

Hope you are all doing ok!

Sorry feedings handwork KM, maybe sometimes rather than you both being stressed may be better to switch to formula if your really struggling although I get that you don't wantto give up :( hopefully it gets easier.

Broody, I'm dreading how clingy Connie will be, she's really protective already. My friend was round the other day and connie cried cause she was touching my bump and all my mw appts she cries at when I'm being measured and bloodpressure and everything, she doesn't like people touching me.

Loosing more plug with bit of blood... It's defiantly a lot darker than anything else I've had... Back ache and odd tightening but doubt it will turn into anything ... Oh well! Lol x
aw km sorry to hear you struggling i had that the night in hospital i was in tears cause george was doing that. my one nipple is tender and has a sore on it as was only feeding on the one, as my other nipple wont shape properly.

hope it gets better for you,

i realised never put a pic up of my monkey.


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Yay on contractions! Come on wee man might this be the first sweep in history to work lol?

That tongue tie snipping sounds painful but needs must.

Hugs KMB fingers crossed it all settles down what are you using for the nipples, I seem to have got away lightly this time but abby fed like she does. Could it be worth getting some formula to feed from a cup or syringe after each BF feed to reduce how much you are presently making then build it back up after you boobs have healed a bit? You obviously making enough I am just thinking back hopefully the lactation nurse can help you out those poor nips!

Chris (did I say he has a name Christopher Jonathan) had his 5 day weighing and heal prick yesterday he's lost 7oz so not bad at all next weigh in on Friday he's not feeding constantly so looking good at the moment that I am making good milk for him. Abby is far more protective of Matt than I and we have had some tantrums but everyone still makes a fuss of her she is just very vocal anyway if she feels she is being ignored.
I have nipple cream and it worked the first couple of days but she's feeding so much i don't think she's giving it chance to work. She has a really tiny mouth and although I know she is latching properly and getting milk (she's having a really good sleep after her cluster feeding earlier) I don't think it is a good latch. She is always fighting to get more in and just can't.

I feel sorry for OH because he feels useless. He wakes up with us and can't get back to sleep so just has to watch us struggle and listen to us cry :(
Mo just realised matts been calling chris monkey too.

are you getting to the hind milk?that seems to work really well rubbed into the nip. I've been doing a sort of stretch and squash to get loads in his mouth. Is her latch better in the day it might be worth getting up properly make a cuppa and feed her lights on in the lounge so you can focus better if it is. Just going on personal experience i find night feeds half dozey the worse for not getting latch right. No idea if that might help but don't feel alone hun. Do you have anyone apart from OH who can pep talk you through the night feeds?
km you may have an oversupply? my DD fed like that and it turned out I hadnlosds of watery foremilk and she wasnt getting through to thr hindmilk so had to feed constantly. it gave her terrible colic and wind as well as foremilk is very high in lactose. most of the protein and fat to fill in the hindmilk. i gave up with DD because of it but theres loads you can do to help. DS I had the same issues but he also has a feeding disorder and has a special milk thickener and reflux meds so ai only persevered for a few days then expressed a bit.

Breasymilk is best but.not when it makes mummy and baby unhappy. formula is perfectly healthy and sage and nutrituous and should be a guilt free choice. both mine have thrived on formula once the reflux was under control. I did have regrets with DD thougj so understand.jow dtrong.u want to keep goibg

please excuse any typos. very very tired on phone xx
Congratx evryone!!! misse waiting on your update.
KM I was the same with the difference that I don't have enough milk my baby was starving and would cry day and night and when she was on the breast she was just to tired to latch, so many problems that I decided to combifeed, but actually I am expressing mot of the time even tho I only get 2 oz I still put her to the breast and she is only having2 or 3 formula bottles a day, here in the US we have WIC they help you alot eith breastfeeding I saw a lactation consultant but she agreed it was better for me to pump bc she won't latch. I am lucky she lent me a hopital grade double pump, if it wasn't for that I would have gib=ven up already. Hope it gets better for you.
Well after going to bed early I've woken up starving! Still small not unbearable contractions so I've come to sit downstairs to have some cocopops LO wish things would hurry up now I can't sleep!
Tonight has been better. She's actually slept between feeds so feeling a bit better. Even though her last feed took an hour and a half :/
km its so normal, it will settle down! at least with a 1hour30min feed sses gone through to thh hindmilk. is she emptying a breast at each feed? if ur gut is telling u that shes not emptying the boob then dont switch sides. offer 1 side only for a 3hour block then the other side for a 3hout block. dont express at all! the ladies in the BF section will know better. i found the midwifes useless as they had never seen. n.oversupply before and thought it was fantastic that i had so.muuh.milk and express the extra and store it. bad move, i could literally express 10oz from each side within 10mins and haddfar too.much foremilk!

DS is 4 week and has been solely formula fed since 10 days ish and is only just beginning to sleep between feeds xx
I am only feeding her from one side each feed because otherwise she doesn't empty and I just leak everywhere!!!

She struggled so much to get on this morning I had to express and it;s just so painful because she can't get enough nipple in her mouth...the nipple's too big and her mouth is too small. It hurt so much this morning that I was screaming like I was in labour all over again x

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