It's hard isn't it girls
Doing it all on my own here - single and 2 under 2 is HARD. OH (/ex-OH??) usually stays one night a week and maybe once at the weekend and to be fair he does give me a rest. We're not supposed to be together but I keep sleeping with him

misse I hear you on the morning after pill, I've had it twice now and been lectured from the doctor like a 16 year old school girl both times. Got myself on the pill now and OH/ex-OH has his pre-op assessment for vasectomy today. If we don't end up together I'm begging the NHS to sterilize me!
Alex usually goes to bed around 9pm. feeds at midnight - 1am then 4-5am (with a few wakings in between to rub his tummy or turn him over or give dummy or clean up sick) then doesn't really settle back down so he comes into bed until I give up at 6am and force myself out of bed (sometimes we snooze a little longer). Then he gets medicine and I have a coffee and start feeding him before M wakes. Then get M and mines breakfast, get both dressed and finish A's feed. That's the only bit we have sorted the rest of the day we just muddle through! Bedtime is hard - A usually screams the whole time I'm putting M to bed and I feel awful but I have to remember there's only 1 of me and there's 2 children so I'm doing my best!
Alex has paediatrician today, going to ask for more meds but not holding out much hope as his weight gain is fab. Think it'll just be a case of surviving this hellish sleep until he outgrows the reflux a bit.
Currently trialling Neocate but it's not making any difference, I don't think he has a milk allergy anymore - we've already tried Nutramigen and Pepti with no difference. Think he just has awful reflux
Plus we have to thicken feeds to custard consistency for his dysphagia but cos it's so thick he swallows air and air gets trapped in the milk too meaning he has lots of trapped wind overnight. But it's better than choking and screaming when eating.
I have PND again, not sure if I mentioned it before. But anyway I'm on Citalopram and Amitriptyline and doing okay