Summer Peaches... going to be ripe in late July/early August!!

lol Abby is 18lb8oz Chris gets weighed tomorrow i'm going for at least 12lb. Chris has i think they are called perinatal teeth they haven't cut. but they are all at the age where they find their hands so whether they are teething or not we will all find out. He's not even that big but 3-6 clothes will def be on before 3 months.
A doesn't have his jags until the 5th (next Fri?) I delayed them cos of all his tummy problems.

FX'd domperidone seems to be the medication that's helping him. He's starting to sleep in 2-3hour blocks without thrashing around like a normal newborn and will even sleep for 30 mins on the sofa during the day - absolute bliss! And he will actually sit in his chair and just watch or talk and smile to us - this is unheard of normally he spends 24/7 thrashing around and screaming! Feeds are still ridiculously rubbish at 1-3oz every 3hours but I don't want the NG tube so we are going back to the dietitian to see if we can add calories to his milk.

DD had her first proper start at nursery this morning, I got a funded placement to help me cope. She did okay, she cried when I left but the staff said as soon as I was out of sight she stopped and the read a book and dressed a dolly. Then I came back and she was confused and cried again.

Aww Abby is delicate too. M was about 20pounds last time I weighed her 3 months ago, I think she'll be around 21-22lbs now and she's a month off her second birthday. DS is looking to be a bigger boy if we could just get his feeding sorted and get the weight back on! xx
Well Lily woke up feeling great all smiles so we went to baby massage this morning. She LOVED it. All the other baby's were crying they all needed picking up at some stage to be fed or comforted because they were crying and Lily just lay there smiling away and cooing to the instructor. Definitely something we'll stick to. They do a signing class but it finishes at half 2 and that's not enough time for me to pack up and get off to pick Toby up from school so I'm a little gutted about that. But there's a sensory session we're going to do on a Friday morning.

OH still can't find a job, not so much as an interview from the ones he's applied for so I have started looking too. If OH can find a job then I will wait and finish my maternity but I have applied for one today. I am gutted that I may not get my full 6 months with her but we'll be better off and I will be able to look for a new house with a garden and be able to learn to drive and we can save OH's redundancy money for a holiday next year and just for the future in general x
My piggy pie is 13lbs12 so 5lbs on since birth but his height has now improved he has gone from 9th percentile to 75th percentile which is now in line with weight!

We got a 7 hour sleep out of him last night , but now he is a bit miserable very clingy poor boy thanks to injections :(
Yeah Lily was like that but she slept all night and was absolutely fine by this morning so hope Georgie's the same.

Need to find Lily's red book so I can find out the places to take her to get weighed otherwise she won't be weighed again until she's 17 weeks and I want to know how much she weighs xx
You lost red book?? Lol didn't you have it yesterday for injections?

Our clinic round corner does it weekly which is handy :) will go every two weeks
Ooooo we going to Torquay on the 6 th for 4 days with my mom can't waitttttt first little holiday with George
No I didn't take it for her injections because I couldn't find it so they'll just fill it in next time. I've found it now though x
Lol ohhhh ok phew least you got it!

He slept till 6 this morning was restless cried a few times then slept again but only wanted food at 6 :) he went to sleep at 10:30 and went to sleep in own just put him in an he eventually nodded off am so impressed , as I feed then bath then bed an so far it's going great :) sure johnsons bedtime stuff helps loads too xx
glad to know little man is doing better star xx
I really don't now what to do with Nicolr, she won't sleep in her crib(we can't cosleep and don't want to tbh), but she will wake up and cry every time I p;ace her in the crib. I think I have tried evrything, I'm shattered :/
I read someone had sane problem so she would pretend to put baby down and when she woke up realised still in moms arms she did this few times so eventually baby wouldn't notice and she could put her down
I got wee man weighed 11lb 2oz so not as chunky as I thought but did well over night last night nice 6 hour stretch then the cheeky monkey pooped while I changed him only I needed new clothes but he got it on the floor changing mat everywhere but himself!

Irma I try to put mine down awake even if it's just pop her in to make the bed so she knows it's a safe nice place. I always think it must be dead unnerving to go to sleep in mums arms and come round somewhere else
Lol, weird she loves to hang in there when shr's awake. I don't rock her to sleep but I nurse her in bed and she falls asleep. OH suggested to take off the side rail and putting the crib (cot) together with the bed that way she can be with me but in her own space, once she gets use to it or starts STTN we can put the rail back up. Smart thinking for a firsttime dad. Now lets just.hope the STTN foesn't happen until she turns one lol.
you'll want the rail on when she starts moving lol .head kick!
A ends up in my bed at 5am every morning cos i can't be bothered fighting with him any linger. With M i was super strict with sleep and tried everything but it didnt work til she was ready anyway. So this time I dont care and just do whatever works, he'll figure it out in his own time - i hope lol x
Well I've proper fucked finances up. I was absolutely certain that our tax credits were due yesterday (get them every 4 weeks so around £450) so we took Toby to the fair with the last of our money on Thursday. But apparently they're not due to be paid until Thursday so we have absolutely NO money until Wednesday when my maternity allowance comes in we have a council tax bill of £45 to pay on Monday and barely any food in the house. And barely any formula left for Lily. I'm proper panicking. I hate asking people for money. I feel awful. Like a proper shit mum.
do you get milk stamps? Ask we all make that cock up.
We do but we only have one left of this months so enough for a full carton and we literally have about £1 to our name. Luckily FIL is lending us £100 until Wednesday which we'll get off him later today and I have a few of the ready made cartons that I usually use when we go out.

Just feel so terrible. OH doesn't get why I feel bad just thinks I'm being stupid!
men huh!

Ahh both kids napping at once sure I was doing house work lol

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