Summer Peaches... going to be ripe in late July/early August!!

Hi girls

I missed loads! Carriers!! I love carrying :-) I'm no believer in natural/attachment parenting but I love my carriers cos they are so quick and easy. I'm only 5ft1 and less than 7 stone but I can carry either baby for a couple of hours no problems. I didn't get on with a wrap, just couldn't get a snug enough fit so I sold it and I bought a cheap Mai Tai on eBay (this one but not pink) and I love it. It's really funky and fashionable and can be hidden under my cardigan with no bulky straps and it gives me a really good snug fit too. But then it was too much hassle as was putting DS in/out 4 or 5 times in an afternoon and it was annoying having to tie it all the time as couldn't get DS in and out easily without untying it, but still use it if I'm going out for most of the day.

Next I bought an Ergo which is meant to be for hardcore sling users but I couldn't get it tight enough for my small frame - the shoulders sag on the tightest setting although OH loves it but I'm selling it as he hardly uses it.

After my Ergo I bought this super cheap carrier expecting it to be cheap and plasticy and rubbish and it's brilliant for me - cheap, super easy to get DS in/out, can wear DS all day without it hurting me and it's even been simple enough for my easily confused Mum to put on!

I also have a Tomy Freestyle fleece winter carrier if any of you ladies want it just for postage I've never actually tried it out (was second hand from a friend) but I heard these are fab for occasional use.

Talking about sex (LOL), my OH had his vasectomy 10 days ago and all seemed fine so we had sex the morning after and he got pain and then 2 huge blood clots, 1 the size of a tennis ball and has been on morphine, tramadol and codeine poor man! He has been going for daily scans and injections and since yesterday they have massively shrunk in size! I was at an Ann Summers party last night and also bought my first ever rabbit :blush: I also had a major fall out with my best friend but that's a story for tomorrow.

Talking about coils, they are fab for long-term and I've only ever heard good things! I react really badly to hormones though but my GP wouldn't believe me and wouldn't remove it so I went home and pulled it out myself in a rage :blush: and 2 weeks later was throwing up and then little A came along!

How is everybodys babies doing with feeding and sleep? A is getting much better. 4-5oz every 3hours and sound asleep by 7pm but still struggling to get him back to sleep after the 4-5am feed! He just grunts and strains and cries and wriggles until I give up at 6 and get him up for the day, even in my bed he won't settle :-( I think it's wind or reflux flaring up at this time. I'm dreading the clock change as now it will be 3-4am every night!

molly are you using fleecy blankets?? And try a fleece blanket instead of a sheet under him and little mits, A gets hot and sweaty as a side effect from domperidone so only has a sleeping bag while me and OH are layered up with a winter duvet and fleece blankets! Also what carrier do you use for a back carry? I've been too afraid to put DS in a back carry but it would be much easier to play with DD!

km I saw this umbrella thing that clips onto the pram handles but I can't remember where, sure it was online though. You will love it when you can drive - so much freedom although it's easier for me now to take the double pram as I live in a flat with concrete steps up to it although ground floor and getting a baby + carseat + bags + toddler who refuses to walk down the stairs is impossible. So I just strap them into the double and bump then down the steps.

I'm going to have to get A a snowsuit - this weather is ridiculously cold!

Seems we all have babies who don't sleep long during the day, they do grow into nice long naps I promise :-) I'm strict and follow Gina F's routines but without the crying and DS is actually taking a catnap in the morning, a longer nap after lunch and 1 or 2 catnaps later on. Most of the time I cuddle him to sleep as love the snuggles but once a day or at night I pop him in the room awake with his dummy and he always goes off without any help as long as he's not overtired! He sleeps much better in the bedroom in dark and quiet with white noise but I did that with DD when she was younger and from 4/5 months she couldn't sleep any other way so days out were awful and she's still the same at 2 so been trying to get DS used to napping on me/couch/pram etc. I cheated today as badly hungover and put DS in his carseat on the automatic rocker I have and he slept 3hours at the same time as DD - bliss!

irma have you tried playing white noise and sneaking out of the room once she's asleep? And leave something next to her that smells like you (a cardi or tshirt you've just taken off). You can get white noise android apps or use a super loud fan or buy a CD. I'm sorry you've been having a rough time and your gran too :-( Chin up, big hug for you.

mo george sounds very good and you sound like you are doing a fab job too :-) glad he enjoyed swimming i haven't been since around 6 or 7 months pregnant, it seems so cold for swimming now! May hunt out some swimming gear and take kiddies on Mon as they heat the pool up for babies and toddlers!
I have a Rose and rebellion you need to sit down to do it and it takes some fiddling but was worth it. I think Chris sleeps less than Abby! He's been gagging on his own dribble a bit so I have to book us both to the GP next week this coil is the copper one so no nasty hormones there. I've seen those carriers they are styled on ergo's I think (I have an Ergo for Abby but she's been in the r&r).

Lol I think that's a brilliant just desserts for dipping his wick where he shouldn't. though I doubt he's sperm free they have ejaculate something like 40 times before the little guys disappear. how the heck did he get a tennis ball out?
Awww thanks star

Wow you are like a carrier expert deluxe I have one but havdnt used it :( lol tried when he was little and didn't like being put down but seemed to drown in it lol

George's sleeping is 30 min naps about 1 to 2 hours after a feed sometimes a bit longer, then from 10 o'clock onwards he will pass out for the big sleep so I tend to bath him etc 9:30 ish and then sleep till about 6 feed then sleep till about 9 -9-30 a restless sleep sometimes althought past few nights been restless and not sleeping nicely also few nights he has rolled over and can't get back so wakes me up :( little bugger
His feeding is random still but it will get better I guess

But omg I have a talkative child motor mouth deluxe ( mom says I was exact the same wouldn't shut up) lol we in for trouble

My coil is also copper well will be as all I can have :(
God these clocks messing about and a late night has killed me! We went to bed late so topped Harvey up wit a late bottle and he's still sleeping now. Connie however decided to get up at 6.10 (7.10) even though all week when Harvey's been up early she was gettin up at 7.50... That 40 mins would have made me much happier this morning. They've formed a conspiracy.

I'm guessing I will be coil less and sexless until my tear decides to heal properly... Tried last night-needless to say this was a very bad idea and far to painful so didn't happen lol feeling very sorry for OH bless.

Seriously need housework day today... OHs mum has been going on at me to let her have Connie fr the day and after weeks of me making excuses I've said she can have them BOTH (makes me feele better that she's got her brother with her) for a few hours today (not the whole day) so might get housework done then.. Although feeling physically sick about leaving them... I'm not bad when it's my mum but they know her soo well. Think I just need to get over it lol x
How come your havi copper coil mos? My periods are all messed up too. I came on for a day then stopped. Nt sure what's going on there. Harvey's fine for naps in the day. He sleeps most the day actually. If I'm doing stuff I put him in his swing... Which has been a godsend!
Cause of the previous clots and pulmonary embolism I can't have anything with hormones :( so copper coil it is lol even tho it makes my period and cramps heavier :( but rather that then stress

I feel the same about my mother in law wil not leave g with her but happy for my mom to take him lol saying that he doesn't settle with Paul's mom 5 10 min and he is screaming lol think he knows she is a pain lol
I can feel cold coming on :(

What's everyone planning for crimbo for new arrivals?
Mo Lily is the same. So chatty. It's weird though because she looks like a different baby when she's talking to when she's not but I love having little chats with her haha. SHe doesn't even really cry for anything now she just shouts. Apart from when she has teething pain. Which reminds me I forgot to mention SHE HAS A TOOTH!!!
Haha babies know these things.

Wow new tooth! Connie didn't get her first til 9/10months.

No idea about Xmas thres nothing he's going to need other than clothes. We have a hole playroom full of toys.... Connie doesn't need anything either, I need some good ideas and have none! Will be asking everyone else or vouchers for them though so I can buy all of Next.
It must be coming up to the time we all found out we were pregnant last year! It's gone so quick!
Was going to ask if anyone was considering more babies hen remembered nearly everyone's getting coils... Definitely not then lol. I'm not! Ever!
Oh enough time had passed that i'd gotten rid of most of Toby's baby toys so Lily is getting loads for Christmas and then of course I have to make up for it with Toby. Have bought Lily some clothes too but she's growing so fast that I'm having to get them out for her to wear (6-9 month clothes now).

These are the lists
We have more planned just not yet. 11th November was the day Chris was conceived tested positive 10 days later.

We're getting Chris his car seat for x-mas and some stocking fillers Abby has loads of stuff.
Hard to this I was conceiving g this time last year found out pregnant 14 nov god time has flown

My period started today bang on 28 days that never happens!!! So can book coil tomorrow . Only discovered it when we had sex lol :( naughty me haha
Hmm I think I need to get organised and write some lists, will start one when Connies had breakfast. Pram toys are good idea
I tested positive Nov 18th '11 and by her due date we figured she was conceived around Oct 30th/31st as I was 5 days late when I tested. So it's only a couple of days until it's been a year since I got pregnant.
Hmm I think I need to get organised and write some lists, will start one when Connies had breakfast. Pram toys are good idea
I haven't a clue what to get g think jumparoo but mainly clothes for next 6-9 slot as he won't know difference and probably car seat to as already looking snug in his
I haven't a clue what to get g think jumparoo but mainly clothes for next 6-9 slot as he won't know difference and probably car seat to as already looking snug in his

I know Lily won't know the difference and my mum keeps telling me I'm being silly getting her that much but she doesn't have any toys to interact with whilst she's a bit older as I knew she would have Christmas around the time she started using toys like that x
Yeah that is what is worrying me to he needs toys to interact with
Abby is still playing with newborn stuff she's just odd!

We are getting the Britax first class if you price match it you can gett it new for as little as £89 it retails at £150. it rear faces to 18kg and forward faces to 4 years not sure what that is in KG. Ideal for not so little Lilly and the other chunksters. I just can't lift the flaming car seat lol.

He's getting loads of clothes it would seem poor kid

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