Awww star I hope he's on the mend soon. Lily was 21lbs 3 weeks ago so could well be 29lb before she's 9 months. She's not rolling either so it's not like she's starting to move around a lot. I got Lily a learn and crawl ball, a sing and discover piano, a vtech walker and the occtobubble orchastra. We didn't buy any 6month+ toys because we knew Christmas was coming up so we mainly just went for that and have asked other people to get her clothes. Especially as she is fitting into some 12-18 month clothes lol. The rate she goes through clothes the girl is going to cost me a fortune. I got Toby too much to list haha and other people are mainly getting lego. I shouldn't have splashed out so much really as it is his birthday at the beginning of Feb.
OH is devastated because his xbox has broken and we can't afford to replace it until February!!! To be fair as we don't have proper TV it is used a lot. Not just for his games but as a DVD player, for catch up tv and for lovefilm/netflix to watch films on so it is quite unfortunate it's broken.
Lily is laughing at everything these days it's amazing. I never go a day without getting a laugh I love it.