Jeez ladies who remembers after pains? My bodies wired weird so i get leg and low contractions (according to many websites these are BH's my arse they are the MW's agreed I wasn't making them up). This is where i have my after pains same place same strength les frequent but just as long.
Afterpains were pretty horrendous second time round! Body has to work much harder.
DS still suffering with reflux. Still only on 1-2oz feeds and can only go max 2hrs between feeds. The longest he has ever slept is about 1hour15mins and thats with squirming grunting and crying out. Finding it pretty horrific just now! Horrible thing to say but cant wait for the baby stage to pass
Little miss has been asleep all afternoon. Think shes liking the cot lol. Really hoping she keeps her temp up this time so we can go home. Dying to be in my own house. And my pains have just started too. Well achey x
Had cramps since forenoon but don't think anything of it , about 2 hours ago had serious pressure down below like he dropped , now just had wht I think is my bloody show , an some serious cramps trying to time them
Now don't seem regular but very intense!
I want this to be it but at same time scared SHITLESSSSSS. Lol
I just came on to say the same thing... Now I'm actually think something might happen I'm really nervous! Saying that iwill probably wake up in the morning with nothing happening lol
got home yesterday only had to stay over because of the meconium.
Oh no that reflux sounds horrible what have MW's/paeds said as they both have had it?
BFing means the pains go quicker but are dead strong when feeding yuck. Little guy must have had his night this afternoon he did a 4 hour sleep we had guests who both held him and he remained out for the count!
Jo the little miss had the same. She had a 5 hour sleep this afternoon. So i slept too lol. We're gonna stay in overnight. Her temp is up and staying up...just want to make sure it stays there overnight so should be home tomorrow.
Used up the rest of my clarysage in bath and a massage, bounced on my ball and now hoping nothing more happens till I've had a good night sleep lol. Loving the Olympics opening it's so ridculous but think it's brilliant lol
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