Hello ladies
I will also be getting the NT scan and Down Syndrome blood tests that go with it. I'll be getting checked out for things if it's ultrasound/blood tests, I don't want amnio, the risk of mc is higher than the chance of having a sick baby - like my MW said. Unless something really was worrying the doctors, I really don't think I'd go ahead with it. It's extremely painful and very dangerous, so why if it's not needed? It's what we have the 20 week anomaly scan for anyway..
I have my scan on Friday, so excited! Doctors appointment went well today. I'm getting more blood tests for my Thyroid levels (due to my hair REALLY badly falling out), kidney function and a number of other things. If these tests don't come back 100% perfect I will have no choice but be admitted to the hospital for the 'few' weeks

Doctor is somehow worried as when he weighed me, I lost over a stone in a month and this sickness needs to be stopped somehow. They're trying me on last pills and I already know they're not working - they actually made my tongue swell. As a last resort, he can offer me Marinol (sp?) which is basically synthetic marijuana which I'm not very keen on!! But he said the decision is mine and I would still be kept off work

and it *can* be dangerous for the baby so it looks like until this goes away, I'm screwed! He said HG disappears after 20/25 weeks in some of his patients, so here's hoping! I'm just dreading Christmas

I'm not gonna enjoy it if I'm gonna be this ill.
I'm also here for the long haul, I'd like us ladies to stick together until babies are here and maybe after?
Two, I hope everything is OK! & yay for moving!
No doubt, has your doppler arrived yet?
Hope everyone is well!