Supply issues?


Soon to be mum of 2!
Jan 3, 2011
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Is there anything I can take to increase my supply? It feels like I've just about tried everything. I feed him every hour and a half to two hours around the clock and he never seems satisfied. After awhile there isn't any more milk flow and he's still hungry. He'll continue to scream until he gets a supplement. I even resorted to buying a pump because people were suggesting that to increase supply. I've found that after 24 hours of pumping (every 2 hours for 30 minutes at a time), I'm only getting about 2-3 ounces total of milk. That's hardly enough to feed him! I'm drinking a lot of water and getting enough sleep (5-6 hrs or so) and I don't know what else to try.

I'm afraid I'm going to get depressed if I can't breastfeed him since I very much want to, and after having my milk take 1 week to come in, I already suffered with people telling me I can't do it. :cry: I'm finding myself crying thinking about it. I don't want to think of my son having a depressed mother because I know how that is, so I'm trying to think positively about it. It's just hard. Especially because I feel like everyone is against me breastfeeding. They don't see the point, my husband especially. He feels as long as he is healthy and gaining weight, there's no need to worry what method he gets the food by. As soon as Micah starts crying, everyone just starts warming him a bottle, despite how I feel about it. They figure he'll be hungry anyway after breastfeeding (and he is), so he'll need the supplement.

I've even been scolded by the pediatricians for him losing so much weight when I tried to exclusively breastfeed. He wasn't having enough wet/dirty diapers for the week that I tried to quit the supplement.

What can I do at this point? I've talked to a lactation consultant who checked on his latch (it's perfect), as well to check how much milk he's getting (about .5 oz each feed) and they just keep telling me to keep him at the breast as much as possible, which I've been doing. But it doesn't seem like it's enough? :cry: If I have to give up, I will, but not without fighting for it first. I just wish I had a little support from those around me...
It sounds like you are caught in a vicious cycle with the supplements. .5 oz really is low supply. Your supply probably is low because LO is not stimulating your supply enough because he keeps getting formula.

It's very normal for newborns to want to nurse constantly and act hungry all the time. That in itself doesn't mean anything about your supply. In fact, that's what gets your supply going in the first place. But if your family responded to that by giving him a bottle each time, and then he fell asleep and stopped suckling, then you weren't getting the signal to make more milk.

If you want to get your supply back at this point, you will need to nurse as often as possible, for as long as possible, and then pump whenever you can. Focus on sending the message to your breasts loud and clear that there isn't enough milk. Remember that empty breasts are the signal to make more milk.

The point of pumping for now shouldn't be to get enough milk to actually feed your LO. It may be a while before you get there. Keep pumping for at least 5 minutes per session after your milk stops flowing. And do plenty of compressions and massage, until you feel emptier. Again: the goal is to empty your breasts so that they produce more milk, faster.

You could also see about getting some domperidone. That's a medication that can increase milk supply. Maybe look for TheNewMrs and other posters who have relactated, and see how they built their supply back up.

One last thing. The LC said your son's latch is perfect. Do YOU feel that it's perfect? Is he getting plenty of areola in addition to the nipple? When he sucks, do you hear him swallowing? Do you notice his sucking rate changing, where it starts fast at first and then gets slow and steady?

Good luck mama, it might take a lot of work at this point but with some stubbornness you can turn things around :hugs: I am mad at your family on your behalf! So disrespectful of your choices. Maybe it would help to have a heart to heart with your husband and really try to show him how much this means to you. It could help a lot to have an ally in your family.
Have you tried raspberry leaf tea? That's supposed to help supply too. xo
It sounds like you are caught in a vicious cycle with the supplements. .5 oz really is low supply. Your supply probably is low because LO is not stimulating your supply enough because he keeps getting formula.

It's very normal for newborns to want to nurse constantly and act hungry all the time. That in itself doesn't mean anything about your supply. In fact, that's what gets your supply going in the first place. But if your family responded to that by giving him a bottle each time, and then he fell asleep and stopped suckling, then you weren't getting the signal to make more milk.

If you want to get your supply back at this point, you will need to nurse as often as possible, for as long as possible, and then pump whenever you can. Focus on sending the message to your breasts loud and clear that there isn't enough milk. Remember that empty breasts are the signal to make more milk.

The point of pumping for now shouldn't be to get enough milk to actually feed your LO. It may be a while before you get there. Keep pumping for at least 5 minutes per session after your milk stops flowing. And do plenty of compressions and massage, until you feel emptier. Again: the goal is to empty your breasts so that they produce more milk, faster.

You could also see about getting some domperidone. That's a medication that can increase milk supply. Maybe look for TheNewMrs and other posters who have relactated, and see how they built their supply back up.

One last thing. The LC said your son's latch is perfect. Do YOU feel that it's perfect? Is he getting plenty of areola in addition to the nipple? When he sucks, do you hear him swallowing? Do you notice his sucking rate changing, where it starts fast at first and then gets slow and steady?

Good luck mama, it might take a lot of work at this point but with some stubbornness you can turn things around :hugs: I am mad at your family on your behalf! So disrespectful of your choices. Maybe it would help to have a heart to heart with your husband and really try to show him how much this means to you. It could help a lot to have an ally in your family.

With pumping, I've been waiting about 10 minutes or so after the last drops are out before stopping just in case I get any extra. I definitely feel empty after I finish. As for LO feeding, I'm not sure. He gets enough areola in his mouth. As for his sucking though, it always starts off pretty fast and consistent with swallowing. This lasts about 2 minutes or so and then he slows down to swallowing more slowly. Eventually he starts fussing though, which I assume is due to slow or no flow. I end up spending time switching back and forth between breasts, but eventually he flat out refuses to latch and just cries. So I worry about not getting enough stimulation since he refuses to suck after there isn't anymore milk.

I talked with my husband about how I've been feeling. He felt really badly about it. He said he understands and will try to be more supportive about it since he now knows just how important it is to me. We're going to try and keep Micah latched on as much as he wants to be right now.

As for the tea, I hadn't tried that! I'll try anything so I think I'll run out and grab some later. :flower:
you could also try fenugreek and blessed thistle.

Fenugreek: 3 capsules 3 times a day
Blessed Thistle: 3 capsules 3 times a day, or 20 drops of the tincture 3 times a day

I would try stopping supplementing and let him feed as often as he wants whenever he wants. That will be the most effective at boosting your supply. If you do need to still supplement try a feeding tube so he is still on the breast.

You can also try making lactation cookies. very tasty.
Try oatmeal for breakfast - that makes a real difference to me.
I just ordered some domperidone after trying everything else to no avail, I've heard that it works wonders for low supply!
I hear you completely. The only difference is you seem to be making more milk than I did my first month which was nada. I had myself and my baby checked out by 2 or three lactation specialists. This is the conclusion I came to at four weeks - I have insufficient glandular tissue. I am pregnant with the second one and this is what I did with my first:

1. I took lots of garlic, fenugreek in yogurt
2. I also tooke mother's love/ milk capsules which has goats rue in it
3. I took lots of moringa olifera leaves - cooked version. Bit if you don't get those you can always get them as capsules.
4. I ate oatmeal and drank lot of coconut water. Coconut milk is supposed to help too but I don't like the taste of coconut milk.
5. Most important get an Supplemental Nursing System. You can order it from amazon. It's a little tedious but once you get the hang of it - you will love it. Basically you are feeding your baby and still he gets to have the nutrition he gets from wahatever amount if breast milk you produce.
6. Get the book - making more milk by Diana west.
7. Keep pumping
8. Kick everybody except your husband out if you life for rhea next few months. Ignore them.
9. Feed only at the breast even if you are feeding formula. Message me if you need more help.

I have to go now but will update later tonight. Enjoy your baby and if you have cry feel free to cry. I cried a lot and that helped me vent. I am sorry I am not there to give you a big hug. I know exactly how tht feels. You bore him for 9 months and you get to set the ground rules on feeding him. You need to make sure he is healthy too by getting the necessary nutrition and the necesaary immunity from whatever breast milk you produce.
Everyone's suggestions so far are great! I had a low supply at one point when my daughter was about 2 weeks old, what helped me get it back up was stop the supplement completely, pump after every feed, take some fenugreek 3 times a day, and drink some milk maid tea, and my supply was back up within a week, and 2 weeks later we were elusively breastfeeding, which continued on until she was 13 months. It was hard work, but definitely worth it!
I will look into the supplemental nursing system. I've heard good things about that. I've also been taking fenugreek as suggested here and I've noticed a slight increase in the 3 days I've been taking it. (Went from .25 oz total to maybe .75 or 1 at most) He's also been on the breast a lot more often, and it does take him longer to get frustrated it seems. Eventually, he still rejects it and refuses to suck more. From there, I pump.

I worry since whenever I have tried to ebf, he ends up not having any stools and ends up with crystals in his urine - definitely a sign he is not having enough. So I'm trying to focus on him getting enough to eat while also increasing my supply. Hopefully I can somehow manage that. I don't want him to starve. :cry:

I will try the oatmeal and tea as well. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. It feels good to come on here and have some support. :hugs:
I'm wondering when I should start to see an increase in my supply. I've been on the supplements for almost a week now and I'm still only producing 2-3 oz or so total a day. He's had free access to the breast as much as he wants, I'm pumping after every feed, etc. I've got some oatmeal and have started drinking the tea three times a day. To be honest, I'm terrified it's a glandular issue instead since my doctor said I should see an increase within 2-3 days. I do have thyroid problems but last I checked, that was well under control with my medication. :shrug:

I ended up breaking down and crying again today - argued with DH over it again. This time because he hates seeing me so depressed over being unable to feed our child. It's so hard feeling this way. I don't know. I feel like I'm trying everything to fix the problem and doctors keep judging me for not being able to ebf, like I'm doing something wrong or being lazy. If only it were just me being lazy! :cry:
I don't think everyone sees good results from the supplements so I wouldn't be worried about that per se. But if you have been pumping 5 min past empty and you are still getting 2-3 oz per day, that does seem concerning. :(

Don't feel like you are failing your child. You are working so hard to do what's best for him. He is lucky to have a mama like you...and that will be true no matter what happens with BF.
blessed thistle worked great for me I had a really hard time for the first 5 weeks with my son I was mix feeding because I had inverted nipples and he just couldn't draw my nipple out far enough because I was mix feeding my supply dropped so as hard as it was I fed him every half hour as well as taking the blessed thistle and within 5-7 exhausting days my supply was ridiculous. he didn't always need feeding every half hour but I wanted my supply to be what he needed it to be without the formula. Its a tough choice to make as you are already so tired from the baby but after my supply was getting more and more I would start dropping to an hour and then 2 hours because I had enough for him. Good luck and I hoe it all works out for you and that you and bubs are happy with the outcome.
I've still been doing what I've been doing. Micah has been feeding from the breast every hour or so, I've been taking the supplements, and I pump after every feed. I've tried adding more skin to skin and just having a day to do just that. It's been where I don't do much else other than feed him lately, which is okay since I haven't needed to go to work yet. :thumbup: Everything has been pretty much the same though...I'm still making about 2-3 oz per day of milk. It feels like we're all so stressed - Micah, DH, and me. I keep ending up in tears because I know I'm obsessed with this. I want it so desperately and I feel like there's something I'm not doing...or something I could change to suddenly make me produce even an oz or two more total. I know I shouldn't but I keep comparing myself to other women - seeing them talking about low supply whilst making 15+ oz a day. I know low is low regardless of how much you make but I'd like to be able to satisfy my baby at least one feed out of the day. I know I shouldn't but I don't feel good enough to be Micah's mom - I can't even feed him which is the normal thing to do...I know I'm trying but I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. I need to be more patient I guess...:cry:
Most of the women with low supply talking about producing 15oz a day aren't talking about feeding from the breast direct and pumping, most of them are feeding via pumping only as well as topping up with formula. I am not saying there isn't a problem but I know myself if I pumped many times a day most days I would only get out around 2-3oz total. I have no supply issues but just don't respond well to any pump xx
That's good to hear. I have heard some women just don't respond to the pump - maybe I could be one of them? The half an oz or so I get is from the times LO doesn't feed from me - I have to be at an appointment, etc. That's why I worry that if I have hours where I pump exclusively (work), I only make that much every 2 hours or so. LO has been on me all day today. He finally refused to relatch after 3 hrs of on and off nursing. Trying to think of it in baby steps...At least he's not refusing to nurse after 5 minutes like before. :nope:
Well it's been another week and there's still no improvement - you could probably say we've taken steps back. :nope: He nursed more frequently this last week but he's back to refusing the breast after 5 minutes or so. I tried drinking the dark beer my doctor recommended - horrible since I dislike drinking - and I didn't see much change. The other items I added in last week like the tea and herbal supplements, still haven't shown any change either. :shrug: I feel like such a failure at this point. Everyone keeps telling me to take his breast refusal as a sign to just stop since after 7 weeks, I still can't produce enough milk even after having him on every hour or two + emptying my breasts. Just wish I could do something. I feel so powerless! :cry:
:hugs: :hugs: I'm so sorry things aren't getting better.

It is still up to YOU what you do now. Some breastmilk is better for him than no breastmilk. You've been working so hard at this and I wish I could talk you out of feeling like a failure. If you wanted to stop now, for the sake of your own sanity (not other people!), I think you'd be perfectly justified in doing so. But if you want to continue putting him to the breast and pumping what you can, you'll still be giving him a wonderful gift.

Another thought I have is what about domperidone? I don't remember whether you've considered that already.
my son is only a week older than yours and I am also breastfeeding. I pump every 2-2.5 hours and get 3-4 oz. each time. Its very rare that he will drink the full 4 oz but he does drink up to 3.5 or maybe a little more. Pump between feedings and after feedings. Make sure your breast is completely drained. When i first started pumping after feedings i would only get a teeny bit and then after a few days i was getting a half oz and now i can get almost an entire oz out after he is fed and satisfied. Did your lactation lady tell you about breast compression? If you start at the top and squeeze and slide your hand down toward your nipple. It helps to speed the LOs up when their poking around

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