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Sweep experience, is this normal?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2013
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Maybe TMI

Had a sweep, or an attempt at one. She said the outer part of the cervix can get a finger in, but at the top it's still quite closed.

Any who, I noticed on the tissue paper I was lay on a little blood, which I know is normal! But then I got home and cleaned up a bit more because of the lubrication they use, but I noticed some bitty clumpy stuff.. So I thought oh has the lubrication gone weird.. But then I realised is it my mucus plug broken up when she attempted to do the sweep?

Like it was the colour of what I expected the plug to be (creamy mucus colour) but rather than one big plug it came out in bits because obviously she's had to move stuff around in there.

Anyone else had this?

Or is it just some weird reaction with the lubrication and my discharge and has made things.. Clumpy??

Sorry.. Just found it strange!!
Definitely plug and totally normal! I had this with DD too when I had my sweep! Cramping, little bit of blood and lots of plug loss is all normal after a sweep.


Keep us updated if this starts things for you! :)
I thought it was weird how it was like clumpy. Not stringy like a plug is usually.

I've been achey since.. Period pain ache.. Gonna have some food and the. Bounce on the ball tonight. Hoping something will occur before the weekend! Otherwise induction on the 29th!!
Another question.. Has anyone who practically had no progress (eg. Top of cervix still closed..) have any success with a sweep?

I'm having period pain and back ache and the odd twinge that gets me more excited.. But Im then also thinking am I only in pain because obviously she attempted a sweep.. And when she said top of cervix is closed but I will try if I can get any further.. Tried.. It hurt a bit more and obviously she wasn't gonna force it.. Am I just hurting because of that?! Or has it helped towards helping labour?!

Has anyone had success after such a disappointing sweep?

I'm still only 3/5ths engaged apparently too :(

I've been aching on and off all afternoon and evening.. I feel sore when standing.. I've had some different kind of twinges in my tummy and I've got so excited every time..

Please give me some kind of hope! Xxx
I didn;t get anything from any of my sweeps , so yours sounds promising to me... Good Luck x
That definitely sounds like plug, so that is always good!

Your discomfort sounds perfectly normal, albeit no fun.

With ds1, my sweep was successful, but I had nothing that I can remember. No blood, no plug, no cramping (until labor), no nothing. This time, I feel like I have the flu. My lower body is achy and tired, I'm slightly nauseated with a lack of appetite, I've been crampy (menstrual cramps), and I've had tons of bleeding. When I say tons, I don't mean that I've soaked pads. I just mean that every time I've wiped (appointment at 10am, it's now 7:15pm), I've seen blood, mucous, or some wonderful mixture of the two. I hope this is a successful sweep as well.

Also, if it helps, I had bh throughout most of the second half of my first pregnancy, but I really didn't have any labor signs until labor. So don't fret. I think just under 60 hours after my sweep, I went into labor, and before that, all was silent. Then BAM! Labor :haha:

I don't know about you, but I feel like the sweep has put me on an emotional timer. It doesn't help that my first born was 5 days early, and that is quickly approaching. But for some reason, I feel pressure. It's so silly! :)

I hope yours is successful!! Keep us all posted!!! :hugs:
Just woke up and the aches have subsided a bit but I'm hoping once I'm up and doing things it'll come back. Had a crappy sleep, tummy kept going rock hard and just generally very uncomfortable.

My mom said she wants to take me to go get some new pj's or loungewear for after baby is here as a treat so hopefully being up and active will help :)

Fingers crossed.

Yeah I feel a bit more anxious and stuff especially the night before the sweep, and like my mind went on over drive yesterday planning. My other half works at home and I help whenever I can. so I was going through a plan of getting him up to date on work if I start to have contractions, and making sure we have a quick tidy around so when we come home we can relax. I just kept going over the plan and what we needed to do before we left haha I feel more anxious now! Eeee

Fingers crossed I see progress today anyway :)
Good luck, hope things pick up today for you xx
I have been losing plug since my sweep 9 days ago lol. Im still going to my induction tonight! Im curious to see how much I have progressed
My mw won't even do a sweep if you're only 3/5ths. That said if its dislodged some of your plug it might well help things along, so even if you don't go into labour in the next 48hrs it might speed up the process for you. Good luck!
Well this morning I checked and there didn't seem to be much blood. Then I popped out with my mom and the pad I was wearing had more blood stained discharge and I've kinda felt like small gushes of discharge come away. And I've noticed what I imagine is smaller pieces of plug in the pad too.

So I think there's progress. Had some tightenings/Braxton hicks after I came back home and aches and now it's subsided again.. But hopefully it's starting something.. Maybe for the weekend? I hope. Haha
Keep us posted :)
I had a very similar sweep experience to you, but no blood or discharge afterwards, so I'm not thinking it was very successful!
But I have another one tomorrow, and then again Sunday. So we'll see!
Just mainly blood stained discharge more than anything. I felt more hopeful before with the twinges.

But argh it's driving me mad nothing is progressing. I am absolutely desperate for some progression on pain so I know it's starting!



I'm hoping something happens whilst I'm sleeping! And tomorrow through the day xxx
Sending positive thoughts for those real contractions to hit! Mine started at 9pm as I was laying down for bed with ds1. I'm hoping to see the same thing tonight or tomorrow since that would be the "window" for the sweep!!!

Good luck!!!!!

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