Hi all, after nearly a week I can now finally share my labour story.
So, as previously posted I had a sweep on the 7th at 39+1, and later started losing some mucus plug. That night I pestered DH to have sex, which he was very reluctant to do, but I wouldn't take no for an answer.
I literally got on top of things
The next day, lost some more mucus plug and later in the afternoon I felt a bit wet. Checked panty in toilet to find some liquid discharge, which I wasn't sure what it was at that time.
Since I wasn't home, I called DH to come pick me up. When iIgot home, I suddenly felt like tis strong urge to clean clean clean. The house suddenly felt so dirty and I felt so angry and upset for no apparent reason.
I cleaned the house from top to bottom, all windows. scrubbed everywhere and mopped and double mopped....LOL. I just had a whole lot of energy.
Then Just before stepping in the shower to wash of the tiredness and try and relax, I felt the water flowing down my legs.
So, instead of relaxing after the shower we headed to the hospital.
Sure enough when we arrived the water broke properly and gushed out, contractions were mils throughout the night, and didnt get stronger.
I was induced the next day on Saturday the 9th. 1 pill per vagina in the morning which didnt do much, and another pill at 2pm.
At around 4pm the pain started to kick in, by 5 pm I was 2cm dilated At around 6pm I started feeling faint and dizzy with the pain. So, I asked for a drip. The midwives took me to the delivery room for the drip to keep a close eye on my progress. But informed me that I wasn't in active labour yet.
By 7.30. The pain had increased more, but it was only 2 contractions in 10 minutes. By then even if I was doing well with my breathing I was starting to feel restless, midwife checked me again and informed me that I was 3-4 cm dilated and I was offered gas.
The gas was a God sent. Helped a lot.
I coped better with it, by 10pm, after checking the midwife said I was 5cm dilated, but that they were not happy with the contractions. She started with oxytocin drip at around 10.30, and at 11pm a started feeling a strong urge to push, and she informed me I was 9 cm.
I started pushing at around 11.06 and baby was born at 11.09pm.
I honestly couldn't have asked for a better midwife or a better labour. Everything went rather smoothly and I honestly cannot complain.
Hope this story is informative enough and some of you finds reassurance and comfort from it, about induction, labour and birth.
I did not have a birth plan, as it is my belief that you cannot predict what will happen in labour. Its just communication with your midwife and hopping that you get someone who listens to you and respond to your needs as a patient.
Goodluck ladies..