Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)

My SPd is slap bang in the middle of my groin and at it's mildest is sharp and stabbing and at it's worse is achey and crampy like a period. I know it is spd because I can feel it when I open my legs or stand on one leg really bad. My sacraillic ligaments also ache.

I find I suffer most the day after I do something like drive or walk
Hi all - i think I have spd but my gp has been useless, I dont have a designated midwife and every time I call the hospital no one answers! It is very frustrating!
Currently I am in complete agony in my life hand hip and groin, pelvic area and can barely walk!
The GP yesterday said it wasnt SPD as that was only mild!! I had already had to explain what SPD was to him!!! I dont know what to do as it is seriously stopping me from doing anything - a bath helps but nothing helps :( i am literally in tears constantly with pain and frustration!
hope you guys are all feeling ok and not in too much pain
I am currently 30 weeks and the though of 10 more weeks like this is very disheartening
Sounds like u a in massive pain and the healthcare professionals arent very professional. If Im honest it sounds a trip to A&E is in order for you or change ur GP, thats the only ways I see that u get a refferal to physio who thn sort u out. My gp didnt diagnose me either, he just gave me painmeds and the refferal to physio, it was the physio who diagnosed me thn. i think Spd comes in all strenghts of pain, the turning over in bed defo sounds familiar. good luck hun, let us know how you get on xx
I've been diagnosed with everything possible from 14 weeks and only recently was told it was actually SPD! Like a lot of you I was given a pelvic support and crutches which I used gladly and it felt so good to get out of the house at last (without a wheelchair).
A week ago I realised I was feeling pretty good at home but had severe pain after being out and decided to try walking little ways without the crutches and although I'm nowhere near as good as new - giving them up a little and walking short distances without the crutches has strengthened my back a little and I'm having much less pain.
Not sure whether this will help any of you but if you feel like you get to a point where you can give it a go without I would! I still take them out with me but try not to use them unless I have to.
O:) there is hope lol
I tried my crutches the other day and felt worse for it! I can deal with the day and it's the pain of moving at night that's driving me insane! Anyone else finding that?
Hi Ladies,
I just joined the forum so I could post on here, even though I've been lurking for a long time!! I also apologise if this is a long's kind of a long story :)
I live in Germany and have a hard time being pregnant here because my doctor and I have communication issues and she's not the most understanding!
Anyway, I had (well I'm sure I did) SPD towards the end of my first pregnancy but when I told my dr she just said that it was contractions and wouldn't listen to me. I had it for about 6 weeks and just gritted my teeth and got on with it because I wasn't working or doing anything and had plenty of opportunity to rest.
This time however, it started at around 24 weeks and it got bad really quickly. I have a 21 month old and I live up 4 flights of stairs so I think carrying him and lifting him up is what made it so bad. I made my husband come to the dr with me to tell her how much pain I was in and she immediately sent me to the hospital for more tests. The dr's there were TOTALLY useless and just told me there was nothing they could do because I just have a small gap and my pelvis is unstable. The Osteopath even told me that he wouldn't give me a support belt because it was too dangerous for the baby!
So, I did my own research on the internet and found some shorts that they sell in Australia for this problem. I had seen them during my last pregancy but they're EXPENSIVE so decided I could do without them.
This time however, I really thought I would end up crippled and didn't know how I could cope considering all my family live 10,000 miles away and my husband works away during the week.
I was a bit sceptical because i couldn't find a lot of reviews on the internet about the shorts and I hate spending money on things that I'm not sure are going to work.
I found a seller on ebay who offers a money back guarantee so I emailed her and asked if she would offer me a longer time to try them considering I live OS. I also emailed a physio in Oz to ask her professional opinion because I noticed that lots of physiotherapists sell them there.
The ebay lady was great, she raved about them and said I could send them back no probs. The physio also wrote back and gave me a really detailed email about SPD and said the shorts are amazing. She also said that she specialises in SPD and can help the symptoms totally disappear, or at least help to a point where you can function. I'm going to keep looking for a physio near me that knows more about it because it seems to be something they can help with. I have to add that the physio knew I lived in Germany and knew she wasn't getting anything from me so had nothing to gain from her email. I actually sent her a package of chocolates because I was so grateful for her detailed reply.
So, I did buy the shorts and they really do everything as promised, I haven't taken them off since I got them and dread washing them because I have to be without them for a couple of hours.
The clicking bones when I turn over in bed at night has completely gone, the pain when walking and doing normal jobs has also completely gone and I can actually sleep (something I couldn't do before). I still feel the pain a bit in the evening but it's mainly when I've done too much.
As I said, these shorts are expensive!!! However, if you're really desperate like I was I think they are worth it.
I'm sorry this post is so looonnngg!! I just wanted to tell everyone because i was frustrated by the lack of personal reviews when I was looking to buy them. I also wanted to provide the background info so people didn't think I'm just trying to advertise/sell the shorts!!
I'm not sure if I'm actually allowed to say the name etc of the shorts on here but I'm obviously happy to give as much info as I can :)
I'd love some more info if your able to give it, i've had the after effects of SPD for 5years and it will be worse when i've had this baby. Long term i need an operation to pin my pelvis but anything that could help i'd be willing to try xx
ok, I'll see how much I'm allowed to write :D
The shorts are called SRC Pregnancy Shorts (I'm not allowed to post the website but the official one is pretty easy to find). As I said, i bought mine from a woman on ebay (they're not any cheaper, couldn't find them cheaper ANYWHERE) because she offered the money back guarantee. I'm sure you could get it from other places too or I if you're really interested maybe I can let you know who I bought them from.

I'll also post the email reply from the physio because I found that really helpful!! Here is her answer to my question if the shorts were beneficial and or dangerous (after what the Osteopath here told me).
Firstly, congratulations on your second pregnancy I hope all is progressing well.
Secondly, I would definitely have to disagree with the comment that Physiotherapy would not be beneficial to your SPD. As a specialist Women's health physio I can say with confidence that I frequently resolve or reduce SPD pain for my patients.
My first line of treatment is always to ensure there is adequate mobility of the lower back joints, to release the tighter muscle groups surrounding the pelvis and commence on a stabilising exercise program that incorporates the pelvic floor, the lower back muscles and the deep abdominals. I am not sure how much you know about SPD, but essentially it is a dysfunction of the sacro-iliac joint, or an instability of the pelvis. When we are pregnant, our oestrogen and relaxin levels are significantly altered which causes our soft tissues (ligaments, tendons and muscles) to become looser, less able to contract as quickly and generally more supple. In some women, this makes no difference at all whilst in others, the increase is looseness (for want of a better word) means that there is an increased movement at various joints. Because your weight distribution is changing with the weight of the baby and your weight, the pelvis is the likely area of pain. Thus, the pelvis which is normally very stable, moves more and thus you get significant pain. Importantly, this is not a condition that you should be "pushing through the pain" with. You can become quite debilitated if it gets worse and I have prescribed crutches and even advised wheelchairs for mobility.

So, after all that, I would recommend finding a physio who can teach you these stability exercises - you don't want your joints to be made more mobile so I would definitely not recommend getting manipulated or "cracked" or "realigned" or "put back in place" also because this can cause long term damage due to the looser ligaments- you want things to be stabilised. This is why I would definitely contradict what was said regarding the stability belt. In fact, it is the perfect option for you and in all my years of study, I have never heard of one reducing or affecting the growth of the baby. Sure, if the belt is extremely tight and goes all the way over your belly and you wore it 24 hours a day 7 days a week, then there may be some issues, but I would largely think you would be breathless and have trouble digesting your food before your baby's growth was compromised.

Lastly, SRC shorts - both the pregnancy ones and the recovery shorts are an EXCELLENT product for this type of condition. They are a little like the "skins" or those tight leggings that you see professional athletes wearing during training or with warm ups. They have a compressive feel and essentially hold you together around the middle assisting with the muscles to hold your pelvis stable when you walk. Most women don't want to take these shorts off because they are so comfortable. The belts are also helpful, however some find that they slip out of position more frequently so the shorts provide an easier and more comfortable option. SRC also make a recovery short - these are fitted from 35 weeks on and assist with reducing fluid retention, swelling, perineal compression and low back care post delivery. The seams are all double sewn and in positions that will not aggravate any perineal varicosities or caesarian scars. In essence, I think these products would be very helpful for you.

Hope this is helpful to you!!
Thats brilliant thankyou, off to find the website now!! I know that my problem is the bones seperating, not the ligaments but hey, anything that helps hold my pelvis in place is worth a try, especially after the birth when i'm meant to be back on my feet! Thanks so much for the info, its been very helpful x
Maybe you could contact the original women who design it and see if it would be helpful?! Sounds like your problem is a little more serious :-(

I really really hope they can help and give you some relief!!!! GOOD LUCK :D
Just wanted to add that I read some more info on the website and some private health insurance companies in Australia will actually give you a rebate for the shorts because they're recognised as a 'medical compression garment'.

Even though I've seen 5 doctors here in Germany and they all said there wasn't anything they could do, my FIL told me of a friend who had the same problem and she was sent to a physio to be measured for something similiar to what I bought. I'm going to get more info from him and follow that up. Maybe it's possible to buy something similiar for less money!! If I find out any more info on other garments I'll let you all know.
Thanks for the info! xx I'm only 10 weeks now, but I had SPD with my son and I am expecting to get it again as I have had a few twinges here and there already.
Those shorts look amazing but the price is way to high for me. I have the belt but find it uncomfortable and not any help. I can't really sit comfortably in it and definetly can't sleep in it. I do find some comfort wearing tight maternity pants that stretch. I feel everyone's pain! It's so nice to know I am NOT going CRAZY! 4 weeks to go and barely holding on. At this point I sit on the sofa with the computer and tv and watch the clock tick slowly. My son is 11yo so he can pretty much take care of himself now. My husband has been great but I am trying hard to let go. I want so much to be setting things up for my daughters arrival but just can't! I hope this goes away quickly once she arrives.

I was very active through the entire pregnancy up until 31 weeks then pow! Pain! Just my luck!

I am thinking of all of you going through this horrible condition! :hugs:
Sun - good luck! I hope you manage to get on top of it before it gets too bad :)

missdenise - I hope you can get through the last 4 weeks!! It's such a miserable conditions and to be honest, I think it's really rough that the shorts are so expensive. You think a physio or scientist could develop something similar that doesn't cost so if being pregnant isn't already ridiculously expensive.

I don't know if you saw the earlier post with info from the physio I contacted, but when she mentioned the sports trousers that atheletes wear I thought maybe they may help? Not sure?!?!?
Maybe you could contact a physio near you that specialises in SPD and ask if they know of anything similar.
Like I said, I was told by 2 doctors there was nothing they could do and then I find out a woman in a small town 20 mins from me is being measured for support shorts like mine. In Germany that kind of thing is paid for by your health insurance too so it would be totally free!! I wish I'd known about that a month ago! :)
Mutti- thanks. I am meeting with my pysio this week. I am going to ask her about them. My insurance did pay for my support belt. If not them I will just have to suck it up for the next 27 days! (notice I said days? I am on the count down.) When the weather is nice out like it is today it makes me angry that I am not out working in the garden or even able to wash all the new cloths I got for the baby!

I just keep wondering how long AFTER the delivery does this pain usually last? Do I need to start making arrangements for help with the baby and me?
missdenise - I had no pain during labour (not that I noticed over the contractions anyway :haha:) and very little after!
The post-birth pain lasted longer than the SPD pain - which went away super fast xxx
Sun- Thank you for giving me hope. I have been worried that I would be in horrible pain coming home with my little one and still unable to care for myself or her. I will keep my fingers crossed that it goes as well for me as it did for you. I am not to worried about labor, I am hoping for an epidural. I do wish my hospital offered a water birth option but they do not.
I thought I had managed to get away with SPD. No such luck, developed it at about 28 weeks and now can barely walk and Ive had to finish work (using up annual leave) and bring mat leave forward from 37 weeks to 34 :cry:
mrspop- I feel your pain. For me it seemed to come on suddenly. It really turned my world upside down.

I met with my doc last night and they are going to have a meeting to discuss possibly inducing me early! I am excited and scared for that. That would also put this baby's b-day just days past mine and my sons. My 10yo was born on my b-day may18th. He thinks it's very special! I would hate to take that away from him.

They are also going to be calling in a wheelchair rental for me. That way I can get out and my husband can take me for walks.

This all seems so crazy! I never thought it would come to this.
May 18th is my DH's birthday! It's a good day to be born!

Isn't it mad how this thing just appears almost overnight? I have a physio appointment in 2 weeks so FX they can do something but I know there isn't much that can be done.

I would love it if they could induce me early. They may have to anyway as my LO remains breech and has done for many many weeks, I know there is still chance for her to turn but if not I may end up with an ECS. If that is the case I'm going to request if it can be done at 38+6, my birthday. I'd love it if she was born then.

Does anyone find their spd more painful when they have a full bladder? Mine certainly does!

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