
Hey, I have a cardiac history which when not pregnant causes no problems, however during this pregnancy it has causes palpitations on numerous occasions, have u had ure haemoglobin checked as often anaemia can cause a tachy. I'm due for another echo tomorrow as they noticed changes on my last one, so I'm hoping its only minor. I have been on beta blockers pre and during pregnancy and so far so good. Hope u get the reassurance u need, however if u feel breathless with a tachy the advise is always to get checked. Cardiac or no cardiac history, it's not worth the risk. Xx

Which beta blocker are you on? My cardiologist prescribed Toprol and I've not taken it yet. However, my OB is seeing me every two weeks due to this and wants the cardiologist to switch me to Labetalol. I am worried about taking either one to be honest! I have also been diagnosed as slightly anemic. It is at a level that is considered below normal but not low enough to treat? I will follow up with my cardiologist on Thursday and bring up the anemia again, thanks for reminding me!
Hey, I have a cardiac history which when not pregnant causes no problems, however during this pregnancy it has causes palpitations on numerous occasions, have u had ure haemoglobin checked as often anaemia can cause a tachy. I'm due for another echo tomorrow as they noticed changes on my last one, so I'm hoping its only minor. I have been on beta blockers pre and during pregnancy and so far so good. Hope u get the reassurance u need, however if u feel breathless with a tachy the advise is always to get checked. Cardiac or no cardiac history, it's not worth the risk. Xx

I'v not had my hemoglobin checked since my booking appointment at 9/10 weeks. They are going to do new bloods after my scan at 21 weeks i think but not sure. They didn't tell me anything about it so i was a bit confused... why look worried about something and then not follow up on it. Consultant wrote in my notes < Repeat PCR on 15th October > iv no idea what this means and he didnt ask me to come back and neither did the midwife :S x
I'm on bisoprolol, which is cardiac protective aswell, I originally was on 5mg once a day but after a few episodes of tachycardia it was increased to 7.5mg. I was told pre-pregnancy that I would stay on this throughout pregnancy and they may have to add or increase other cardiac drugs depending how my body coped with the pregnancy, but so far it hasn't been too bad. I think the baby has to get his blood sugars checked after delivery for a few days, as sometimes the beta-blocker can cause problems regulating sugar post delivery, but nothing too serious. I'm not one for taking medication but in this case the benefits definately outweigh the risks for me.
Sethsmummy, If I'm unusually tired and run down, I go to my gp and ask for my haemoglobin to be checked rather than waiting, as I'm not a red meat eater and lately my diet has been crap so I know if I'm probably anaemic. Breathlessness and a tachy are often linked to anaemia so it's worth a check if its not been done in a while, ure care provider/gp should be able to advise u better. X
Sethsmummy, If I'm unusually tired and run down, I go to my gp and ask for my haemoglobin to be checked rather than waiting, as I'm not a red meat eater and lately my diet has been crap so I know if I'm probably anaemic. Breathlessness and a tachy are often linked to anaemia so it's worth a check if its not been done in a while, ure care provider/gp should be able to advise u better. X

Thanks Laura :) Im always tired but I'v been like that since i had my son lol cant make it past 9pm post nights before i flake out. I'v had quite a bit of energy lately.... just the dizzy spells kind of put the damper on doing much. Didn't really get a dizzy spell yesterday or so far today so I am hoping and praying that it has sorted itself out x
I wanted to update this. I've had several appts since this post, and quite a few tests. My echo showed my heart is healthy though my 24 hour monitor showed some disconcerting news. My resting heart rate never gets below 110, and the simple act of walking between rooms shoots its up over 150. This is completely pregnancy induced. After several debates with the cardiologist and my OB its been decided I must take the prescription. The explanation that sealed the deal was this: before I say this though I want you all to understand this is an extreme case. Periods of a racing heart is one thing, but when a heart never gets rest and is regularly pumping over 120 beats per minute medication may be deemed necessary...... So, I was advised that when a heart is pumping too hard for too long the blood vessels around nonessential organs clamp so that essential organs like your heart and brain have enough blood flow to them. The human brain considers the uterus a nonessential organ, even during pregnancy. By not taking the medication I run the risk of regularly stopping blood flow to my baby. This hit home with me. Again, I stress this isn't to scare anyone because it isn't uncommon to have mild cases of a racing heart or palpitations in pregnancy., I have a more significant case than having brief periods or episodes of this. It is a constant state I am in with no relief. Talk to your Dr about what your feeling and let them decide how severe your case is. I will be seen every 2 weeks to monitor my condition. Good luck and I hope all goes well for you :hugs:
Oh, Coocoo, how scary!! Thank you for updating. I have a weird form of tachycardia called SVT, where I have short (1-3 hours) episodes where my heart rate reaches between 170-200bpm! It's terrifying, but the doctors told me I won't require intervention or that it won't damage my heart muscle until it reaches 230. Wow... So when it happens to me, which is thankfully only once a month or so, I just curl up an a ball, try to breathe, and cry :( I hope they can get yours under control! I honestly thought I was alone with this, and am actually relieved that I'm not the only one.
I get this as well, but usually mine are related to my PVC's, but if I get dehydrated, I will get tachycardic. Best piece of advice I have from experience is to really increase your water intake, maybe even increase your salt intake a tad (I do this by a Gatorade, nothing major) and some light exercise, even if its just walking. I know right now you might not want to because I know when im having bad episodes, its worse to try to walk or anything... Id first start with the water and Gatorade, and if its helping, then start a light walking routine.

Mine has been so bad at times, I went up past 200 bpm... Was hospitalized for a few days due to it. It can be very scary and really makes you feel crummy.
oh gosh coocoo! I hope they manage to keep it under control! and also that it goes away once you have had baby, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that it doesn't effect anything.

I will hopefully have mine checked again after my scan on wednesday, iv not had as many dizzy spells etc but still getting the odd time. I was stood just drawing on the bedroom wall the other day and i had to sit down because of it. `
I'm on bisoprolol, which is cardiac protective aswell, I originally was on 5mg once a day but after a few episodes of tachycardia it was increased to 7.5mg. I was told pre-pregnancy that I would stay on this throughout pregnancy and they may have to add or increase other cardiac drugs depending how my body coped with the pregnancy, but so far it hasn't been too bad. I think the baby has to get his blood sugars checked after delivery for a few days, as sometimes the beta-blocker can cause problems regulating sugar post delivery, but nothing too serious. I'm not one for taking medication but in this case the benefits definately outweigh the risks for me.

I have something called POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and its so hard! Debilitating and affects my quality of life so much! :( I'm on bisoprolol too before pregnancy and now.. I find my blood pressure can drop sooo much sometimes! Especially in 1st tri it was awful! But sooo much bet than the tachy ulthough I still get it and some breakthrough ectopics since being on it! x
Wamommy,Thank you. Can I ask you when you aren't having an episode what your heart rate is at? I think they are saying I have to take the meds because I never drop below 110. I've been on restricted activity since they found this so who knows how high mine would get if I actually went for a walk or something. I had a really bad day of it yesterday and finally picked up my script. I wanted to wait and start it during the day so I can monitor how I feel. I can't imagine what I would feel like at 200 bpm because at 150 I feel like my heart is literally going to explode. It's terrible.
That's what's so weird about my SVT (supraventricular tachycardia). My resting heart beat is totally normal. It's usually in the 80s. Also, the episodes don't seem to be brought on by anything. I can exercise fine and have no problem, and then my heart goes crazy as I ride in the car! It makes no sense, honestly. Also, my blood pressure has never been an issue. All they can tell me is that my heart isn't handling the increased blood volume very well, and sometimes gets itself all worked up. They won't intervene until my hb hits 230!! I can't even imagine. I'm SO glad they are putting you on meds for yours. Having episodes is bad enough, but I can't imagine having a constantly risen heart beat, or not being able to do normal activity! Let me know how the meds work, and I hope you feel better ! :hugs:
I also had a 24 hour tape which showed a resting heartrate of 115-120 bpm and episodes of over 150bpm and like you this was only from standing up and going from room to room...I'm having to use a wheelchair as I get so breathless and heart-poundy that I can't walk for more than 5 minutes at a time.

The cardiologist doesn't seem too bothered though! I'm having a 7 day tape and also an echo in 2 weeks. I'm worried about how my body will cope with labour, particularly as I'm being induced early due to previous obstetric issues.

I'm not on any meds for my tachycardia and I've been discharged from clinic, I'm very concerned that this isn't being taken seriously especially as I have a history of ectopic beats/fast heart rate for which I was put on calcium channel blockers some years back :shrug:
TaraMum. I am sorry you are going thru this too. The difference in medical care I see on here amazes me and always makes me wonder what is right or wrong. I see my OB doctor every 2 weeks and my Cardiologist monthly. I hate to think they'd prescripe this medicine to me unless it was necessary, but you sound identical and I am confused now why your Doctors don't seem to think its a big deal. I have taken the medicine for 2 days now with no real relief. I plan on calling tomorrow when they open as I'm not sure if I should see a difference yet or not. If I should feel relief, and I'm not, then taking this might not be worth the worry it causes me. I'm so sorry you are feeling this too. It's awful. I broke down and cried today because it is such a terrible way to feel. I wanted to take this medicine and feel better instantly, but since I don't I am now questioning taking it at all. It's not a happy place to be. I will keep you posted. Good luck. XOXO
:hug: Really hope you get some relief soon, keep hanging in there xxx
So I've been on the meds for over a week. Both OB and Cardiologist told me it can take 2 weeks for the meds to kick in. I will say, I still have my moments and still have bouts of shortness of breath, however I can tell its working. Since about Saturday (exactly 1 week on the med) I noticed I was having much much fewer palpitations and racing heart episodes. I normally sit around 104 now which is still high, however its been down to 95 (yay!) I am not waking up feeling my throbbing heartbeat thru out my entire body, and I am not nearly as exhausted as I was before. I think this is a good sign and look forward to seeing the OB this week to confirm baby is doing just fine.
I'm so glad!! Thank you for the update, and I hope it gets better and better! :D
How is everyone doing with this? I was on meds prior to pregnancy for this but I am not now and have had a few spells the last month. One being this morning. I was just sitting and started feeling lightheaded and dizzy. Pulse was at 123. mI pray this does not effect my son.
I haven't had a single episode in over a month (knock on wood!!). I'm assuming my heart was just adjusting to the extra blood flow, which is what they told me originally. I'm so sorry you're still dealing with this, Vidal :( I hope they get it sorted soon!
waiting for my OB to call back, Today is just one of those days, It has been going up and down so I have been in bed today.

I haven't had a single episode in over a month (knock on wood!!). I'm assuming my heart was just adjusting to the extra blood flow, which is what they told me originally. I'm so sorry you're still dealing with this, Vidal :( I hope they get it sorted soon!

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