No, I honestly don't think you can teach them to sleep, but you can support them until they reach the point when they do it on their own. For our daughter, this happened around 11 ish months. Up until then, I'd always fed or worn her to sleep or laid down next to her and cuddled her to sleep. Then she just started to be happy to lie down sleepy but awake and go to sleep on her own. Certainly, there have been periods of disrupted sleep since then (like with teething or taking away her dummy or when she was dropping naps), but she's 2.5 now and she has her milk and we have a cuddle and then she climbs into bed and I leave her to fall asleep. We didn't have to do anything to make that happen. It just did when she was ready - this from a baby who slept every single nap until 9 months in a wrap with me or daddy. We did absolutely everything that everyone says will create 'bad habits' and it didn't. When she was ready to sleep independently, she just did. In the meantime, just find new things that work for you. At 8 months, I started to rock her until sleepy and then lie her down and hold her hand until she fell asleep. I've played music. I've danced with her. I've read a story while she lay in her bed and got sleepy. We've changed naps and mealtimes around. Basically, just trying lots of new things eventually hit on what worked until it just started to happen on its own.