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*TEAM 2012 BABY*Beans in our bellies by the end of 2012 ! **88 BFP's**

Kitkat I am so sorry!!!:hugs:

AFM: I had my egg retieval on Wednesday. They got 21 eggs. The doctor said with so many eggs he was afraid of OHSS so they put me on another medicine and told me no water but to drink i glass of V8 a day and 6 glasses of gatorade. They called yesterday to let me know that 13 of the eggs fertilized. I went in this morning for a sono and bloodwork to check if I had any signs of OHSS. When they did the sono they noticed I had a lot of fluid around my ovaries and they were very swollen. So they were having the RE look at my sono and my bloodwork and decide is this is going to effect the transfer :cry:

Right now the transfer would be tomorrow or Monday. Fingers crossed that this is just mild and my blood work comes back ok and I can continue.

Hey ladies, so the doctor called back and they said I'm on for a 5 day transfer on Monday. I still have 12 little eggies!!! The said 9 of them are really good. 3 of them are 5 cell, 6 are 4 cell, 1 is 3 cell, 1 is 2pn, and 1 is compact.

Does anyone know exactly what a compacted embryo means?

So for Day 2 embroys thats pretty good right?

Oh, wow. Good luck. Hope this goes well for you :)

can i join? DH and I have been ntnp since we got married last may. we really started doing more last august and still nothing. I have my first dr. appt on Monday. I ovulate either today or tomorrow so please pray i get my bfp this month and wont need any kind of help!

good luck to everyone :dust:

Good luck and fingers crossed for your BFP :)

@ Kitcat, I am so so sorry to hear that :hugs: I really hope you are OK - would love to hear from you every so often!!

@ Haj - how exciting! That sounds really positive, I am happy for you :dust:

AFM ... FINALLY, some good news! After having some devastating news all along the road, the Tamoxifen my husband took for 7 weeks worked - they were able to freeze 6 straws of :spermy: on Monday (always found max 200.000 - and on Monday, they found 13 Mio! with 8% Motility). So, I will be starting the hormone stimulation in my next cycle - so somewhere mid-June, I will be giving myself the injections and by the end of June we could (hope hope hope) we could be reinserting a couple of embryos!
I am excited beyond belief, that there is hope at the end of the tunnel and we could actually have a baby in my belly ...

So - my big sprinkling of :dust: all around ...

Good news for the spermie count :)
Good luck to you :hugs:
Preg_pilot CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!!!
Congratulations preg_pilot! That's wonderful news :) H+H 9 months to you :hugs:
Hope you're all well ladies!! CD1 or will be tomorrow for me, my fingers are crossed and renewed hope for this cycle!! I was getting very grumpy with late ovulation but me and DH are gonna really go for it this time. Hopefully if I do O late again, we'll try hard enough that we wont miss it!! DH is desperate for us to conceive this cycle as his mum is ill now and it's time after 2 years to take this more seriously and TRY!! Yay :)
Thanks for your thoughts ladies I'll pop in on you from time to time hope you are all doing fab! Missing you skeet, Jo, Haj and anybody else I have chatted with! :(
Congrats on the new bfps xx
Congrats again, preg_pilot!! :) :happydance:

Haj- how did the transfer go? Hooray for being PUPO! Are you watching a lot of comedy and eating walnuts and pineapple core? I've been told that these are great for encouraging eggys to snuggle in deep. :)
I miss you kitcat!!! Hope you are holding up okay :hugs:

Aw lady I miss you too its been bloody awful but getting easier each day. Thankyou so much for being a great friend to me and keep me posted how you're getting on please x
Aww kitcat I can't even imagine :hugs: I wish I was closer and we could go have :drunk:

Things for me are okay .. Oh and I have found a house!! We move in on June 15!! I'm so excited I will get to sleep beside him every night ( even if it's only for an hour or 2 since he will be getting home just before I wake up for work) we had a huge talk about ttc this weekend at the cottage. He tried to tell me that he thinks I need to come to grips with the chance that I may never be able to carry a baby. I explained to him that now that we will be living together it will be easier to ttc and that I wanted to go for testing in feb if I'm not preg by then or if I lose another before then. He agreed to it. I told him I won't lose hope until after testing. It was nice to have a good chat about it. On a neg note I finally ov'd and oh and I didn't bd at all because we were at the cottage and there were too many people around :( atleast I won't be stressing up to our moving date!!
Sorry it's been a few days, but I was on bed rest at my Mom's house after the transfer and I didn't have my comp there and its really annoying to type this all on your phone. Sooo Monday was my transfer and all went well. They transferred 2 blasts that the doctor said were perfect and they were actually already hatching!!! So i spent the next 2 days on bedrest...afraid to sneeze. Now the terrible 2 week wait has ensued. I had a doctor appt at my RE today to get a sono and bloodwork to see how many ovaries were doing. They said the fluid went down but my ovaries are still huge. So they want me to continue drinking gaterade, v8, and taking my medicine. I have to wait to see what they say later today about my bloodwork and what the doctor said about the sono and I guess I get my next instructions from there. So as of right now I'm 3dp5dt ( 3 days past 5 day transfer) and I should be getting my beta June 4th (11 days). I knowwwww I'll crack and test before then. I'm actually thinking about testing Sunday when I'm 6dp5dt (technically I'm like a day ahead because my eggs were hatching early. I have noticed people start getting their bfp at 5dp5dt so my fingers are crossed.

DZB-yup ive been eating my pineapple core and relaxing and watching movies. i tried eating walnuts but blehhh i hate them lol

kitkat-:hugs: hope youre feeling better love
Oh haj!!! I'm so excited for you!! I can't wait till June 4th!!! I have no idea how you will wait!! I would definetly test early :haha:
haha i wont i would test now if i thought there were any chance lol

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