KARRY, loving your positivity!
JOSEPHINE, I have to wait that long, AF has been unpredictable since the July MC. I have had 28-41 day cycles, OV has been CD17-20, nothing is normal so FF recommends waiting until the 12th but we have a doc appt already scheduled on that day so the day before will allow us to gather questions. I can't afford (financially or emotionally) to see too many BFNs as this is soooo costly so we will wait. We have been trying for a couple years now and BFNs never get acceptable.
LIKEAUSTR, YAY for 12/16!!! And yes, VERY normal, with both my PGs that is what they do. They usually wait to do a dating scan around 6-8 weeks and then see you in at 10/11 weeks for a proper scan. You are right on track!
HAJ, as long as your temps stays above coverline you are fine, infact it can dip below once and in some people's case, twice and still get a BFP. It means that the Progesterone is building and keeping temp up! It is soooo super early at 4DPO for anything, there is a pic I will attach, don't expect much around this time Hun!
https://thomasgwyndunbar.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/conception2implantation.jpg?w=513&h=388 The Path
ANTSY, I know right! I am loving it!! What a great bunch of mother's to be! We are next hun!
AFM...PLEASE stalk my chart.... 7DPO , the worst night of sleep. I was so hot, DW woke me because I was sweating and said I could turn fan on me. Twinges galore as well... I soooo hope this is some sign of a BFP. Tomorrow is last day of temping, I am not going to temp past 8DPO. Going to do all I can NOT to SS unless it is something like nausea and super sore bbs (none as of now.) I hope I am blessed to join my brother this month with a BFP. Well
...watching my chart closely....