Jmandrews you are so artistic!! Your nursery sounds gorgeous! Dh painted ours this weekend too. All White so far and then we have wallpaper to go up and all the furniture and accesorise to do over the next few weeks. Exciting!! X
Kind of a grey blue/slate-ish color. I'm going to do a white tree outline mural in one corner too. Then we'll hang a bunch of paintings/photos of wild animals (lion, kangaroo, monkey, frog... a couple others). That's my project for next week. I still have to do the curtains and crib bed skirt - the fabric is on order, so I'll probably do that the following week. The fabrics are going to be a combo of this: and this: It's going to be a kind of modern safari theme.
I love love this!!! i bet it is going to be super cute!
Gone so quickly! Could be any day now but baby is still only 3/5ths engaged so should be on time hopefully.
How are you doing jm?
Gone so quickly! Could be any day now but baby is still only 3/5ths engaged so should be on time hopefully.
How are you doing jm?
Pregnancy is going soooo fast i just want it to slow down and come to a stop so I can enjoy it more!! Does anyone else still have days that they forget they're pregnant for half hour or so then suddenly realise when u have a weird pain or something?! Sounds odd but it happened to me again today lol.
Hope you're all doing good girlies!!! lots of love to all
has anyone had antenatal classes yet or been spoken to about them. i got some sort of leaflett about ones in my area but i allways thought you got one every few weeks on different subjects but this leaflett looks like its just a drop in session for soon to be moms. i was hoping id have a few set dates to go to antenatal classes about things like how to breastfeed and tips for labour. anyone been through most of their pregnancy andnot been told about one class or is anyone half way through and allready been told about ones they an attend?
Thanks ladies! Keep the positive vibes coming and hopefully he will arrive on time(ish).
Just had to have a scan as the midwife thought the baby might be breech. Turns out he is head down and spine against my tummy - perfect position. Phew!! Nice to see him on the monitor one last time before we see him in real life. So amazing how massive he is now and you can only see segments instead of the whole body!
We are doing the Bradley method classes, which are one class every week for 12 weeks. To be honest though, I don't feel like I'm getting a lot out of it. I kind of dread going :/ I guess I feel like I could have (and have) learned the same and more elsewhere. I also ask a lot of questions that the teacher doesn't know the answer to, so I wind up doing more reading on my own when I feel like she should be a good resource herself. Maybe it comes down to the teacher though.