150 is a good HB. And yes it's ok for babies to measuring a few days behind. my ovulation date had my due date as the 12th of June but my scan date said the 19th. So by my calculation, Theodore was measuring 7 days behind for most of the pregnancy.
Thanks ladies!!! Quick question...me being the worry wart that I am, the doctor said the heartbeats were strong and the babies looked good...but they are still measuring 4 days behind and that worries me...has anyone measured behind on u/s. And there heartbeats are in the 150's...should it be higher right now? I know I'm a crazy lady The dr says everything looks good and what do a turn to...google...which keeps me up at night worrying!!!
So I lost a small part of my plug on July 4th and today woke up able to breath looked in the mirror and LO has dropped. I have my appointment tomorrow and shes going to check it all out. Baby feels like he/she is above my pelvis still but really freaking out my family. lol