girlies - as peter gabriel sang, "don't give up" - tis hard I know. I'm still doing the temp thing just cause it intrigues me at this point. Today was my lowest temp this cycle but forgot to take my agnus castus this weekend so think this might have affected it, but who knows. I def haven't given up drinking to have some pleasure before baby arrives!!
We were in morrisons today and dh commented on the amount of pregnant women - they're everywhere, grrrrr.
Oh and to stick the knife in my back and twist it 360 we found out that a couple who we met on honeymoon last year (who fyi she told me weren't starting trying for 6 months) have confirmed Friday they are due in October . Dead chuffed for them, but

And if MIL says it'll happen when the time is right once more..........
and breathe
So yeah we're all surrounded by babies.
We meet some friends last weekend who had a little girl 7 weeks ago and she was so cutee so I was doing the feeding and burping and it was so sweet. Oh and fyi they tried for 4 days!!!!!!!!!!! 4 days!!!!!!
and breathe again
So well, we're all getting somewhere.
Rabbit don't worry about it being a bloke. The way I look at it is that male doctors generally don't understand. HOWEVER, his speciality is gynae so that makes a huge difference. Don't worry.
sorry for coming across bitter today. I'll be better tomorrow.