

Mum of 2 - PG with No.3
Sep 1, 2006
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Hi Babe,

I have not been about the last couple of days.........how did your MW appointment go? :hugs: xx
:D awwww you did a post just for me !!! lol i feel so special!!!

ive just had such a stressful day at work and ive been shouting at everybody for most of it lol, but now im all happy coz i know you guys care.

my mw appointment went fine, bubs is doing great etc. we're arranging a trip to the hospital to see the labour ward to make me less worried!!!

we've also had a leak in the new house which could effect the survey on it so thats been stressing me out too. we've turned the water off and hopefully it will dry out in time for next week, also the ceiling in the kitchen is all bulging etc. arghhh

how are you hun?
sorry for the huge rant

Awwwwwwww bless! Yay, all your own thread :wink:

Awwwww babe, you have lots going on, dont worry about ranting and that was tiny......trust me :lol:

Glad the MW appointment went well, that is brill!! Good idea about going around the delivery suite, I am thinking of doing that too....

Hope you get everything sorted with the house, that is the last thing you need :(

I am doing great thanks babe, barrr being hit in the belly with a shopping trolley today, bloody hurt I can tell ya, but all is fine! So doing really well and looking forward to my 20 week scan in 3 wks and 2 days, not that I am counting :wink:

Take care babe and take it easy!! xx
lol im counting too .... 10 weeks and 5 days to go lol!!!!

ouch about getting hit in the tummy .... as long as the bubs is fine and everything.

going to pay some more money off the pram today , yay!
Ohhhh how exciting babe, when will you be bringing the pram home?

I am hoping we can start to put money down next week on stuff and so on.......we don't want to come home with it yet as we still have to get the nursery sorted!! So not really got room for tings yet, we need a good old sort out!

Hope you are doing well babe! You got anything else yet, or just the pram for now? xx
we are planning on keeping the pram at the shop until we're in the new house, its already at the shop in the back so we can pick it up whenever we want really....

i've been concentrating on buying house stuff so much that ive kind of put baby stuff on hold for the minute due to lack of cash lol!!! we're gonna save buying the rest of the big baby stuff till after we move in. it just makes more sense that way.

im working again today :( cant wait to start my maternity even thought its 6 weeks away lol!!!

howre u hun?
Terrie said:
we are planning on keeping the pram at the shop until we're in the new house, its already at the shop in the back so we can pick it up whenever we want really....

i've been concentrating on buying house stuff so much that ive kind of put baby stuff on hold for the minute due to lack of cash lol!!! we're gonna save buying the rest of the big baby stuff till after we move in. it just makes more sense that way.

im working again today :( cant wait to start my maternity even thought its 6 weeks away lol!!!

howre u hun?

Terrie said:
we are planning on keeping the pram at the shop until we're in the new house, its already at the shop in the back so we can pick it up whenever we want really....

i've been concentrating on buying house stuff so much that ive kind of put baby stuff on hold for the minute due to lack of cash lol!!! we're gonna save buying the rest of the big baby stuff till after we move in. it just makes more sense that way.

im working again today :( cant wait to start my maternity even thought its 6 weeks away lol!!!

howre u hun?

Awwwww those weeks will soon pass babe and you will get your well deserved rest!!!

I want to buy house bits too :( we want so much eh? LOL!!

I am doing fine thanks babe......groin in playing up a bit, but hey ho, onwards and upwards! All OK barr that :wink:

You doing OK babe?!

We are hoping to start on the nursery within the next couple of weeks and start buying the bigger stuff too :dance: xx
nice to hear from ya!

im having another one of those days in work :( totally sucks....


ive made myself a hair and nail appointment for saturday as my end of week treat.

just wont tell the dp how much its gonna cost lol!!!

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