My SIL became pg within a few months of TTC, we'd already been trying a year
and she knew we were trying, however she was inherently cruel to us about being pg, with statements like 'now that I'm pg' whilst looking at me or going on about she can't believe she having the first grandchild! We'd also had a mc and not one of DH's family asked us for over a yr how things were going. All she kept saying was 'when I'm pg I won't have to work and I'll get a house, she didn't she got a 2 bed flat!
surviving that period was the hardest thing I've ever done!
Fast forward we now have a 5 and a 1/2 month old little boy conceived on our 24th cycle ( dh poor morphology)and he's amazing. Yes, when he was born all she would do was change the subject to her having her second one or what MIL bought her baby, she's a troll and all me, me, me, me.
She now pg with her second a little girl and is now bragging about having the first granddaughter, yawnnnnnn. This time I don't care
Sending lots of love, luck and baby dust to all you wonderful and amazing ladies
Ps my MIL cried when we told her we were pg because she knew how much this baby was wanted! Did she cry when SIL had the first grandchild, nope. Being the first baby doesn't make them any more special in our family our lo is proof of that.