Hi all! I am new to this 
Me and my partner haven't really been active this cycle however I had a wacky period last month which started on the 9/02/17 which was almost 5 days late! I am now 2 days before my next period is due and I took a test today from Home Bargains (79p) which came up positive it was faint (I'll try and upload a photo) then an hour later I took a boots own test which came up negative I then looked back later and it was positive it was a pink line so I don't think it was an evap. These two was between 8am - 11am .. I took more of the same brand tests during the day and also FRER and all negative I'm so confused :/ I've had one successful pregnancy - a blighted ovum and a miscarriage last year.. please help

Me and my partner haven't really been active this cycle however I had a wacky period last month which started on the 9/02/17 which was almost 5 days late! I am now 2 days before my next period is due and I took a test today from Home Bargains (79p) which came up positive it was faint (I'll try and upload a photo) then an hour later I took a boots own test which came up negative I then looked back later and it was positive it was a pink line so I don't think it was an evap. These two was between 8am - 11am .. I took more of the same brand tests during the day and also FRER and all negative I'm so confused :/ I've had one successful pregnancy - a blighted ovum and a miscarriage last year.. please help