The 2 under 2 discussion thread - **labour arrangements**

Hi, been off for a while, must change alert settings. Not quite caught up on thread yet, but, my experience and aspirations on last two topics:

Charlotte's sleep was horribly upset on the arrival of Bob. She changed from a little girl who settled to sleep without a murmer to one who cried for up to 3 hours a night. Naps remained no problem. After clutching at straws to find an easy solution to resolve it we (eventually) stayed as constant as we could, it took a tough 2-3 months, but we got the easy sleeper back.
This time, we'll keep constant earlier.

Bf Charlotte until she self weaned at 1 year, when I was 3months pregnant with Bob. Bf Bob, still doing so twice a day. Hoping he'll wean off within the next few months......:holly:
Intend to do the same this time, hoping that Charlotte and Bob won't get up to too much mischief.:rofl:
Baba me has £90 off the out and about nipper double if anyone is after one xx
I have ff both dd's and intend to do again.

I have to put my hands up and say myself and dd1 watched alot of cbeebies whilst I was giving dd2 her feeds and tending to her if she was fussy. It worked really well as dd1 doesn't really watch tv normally so she was glued to it.

I only had to do this for about the first 8 weeks. I also found sitting on the floor with both dd's whilst feeding made dd1 feel alot more included for some reason and also I would let her shake the bottle when making the feed, which she really enjoyed.

Sorry about the waffle hope all make sense.
I had intended to BF my daughter. She had issues latching at the hospital; I spent hours trying to put her on, but she wasn't haing any of it. My nipples hurt so much that I was crying as she tried to feed, so I resorted to giving her a FF on the second day. None of the midwives told me there was a way to make them latch; I just thought it was stick them on and you're done, so I never realised I was doing it wrong. I now realise that it was hurting me to feed her because she wasn't latched on properly, and I'm angry that nobody told me that. My milk never really came in, and I would feed her for an hour and she would still scram for more, but there was no more, so I would have to give her a FF after. I asked around locally if I could get anything to up my supply but there was no help and no advice. I gave up BF when she was a month old because she was so angry (through hunger) during feeds and I was resenting her for it. I decided it was best all round if I switched to 100% FF, because I wasn't bonding with her.

This time around I know much more about BF, but I'm scared it won't work again. It's my only real worry about this baby coming. My OH has said it's okay if it doesn't work as long as we try, but I kinda feel like failing to BF one baby is one thing, but failing with a second baby is just wrong. I would feel like a total failure if I have to end up FF this one too.

Ho hum, only time will tell
i had similar issues with ds1, no one helped with my latch and ds1 got so angry i switched to expressing after 4 days and the ff at a month old.

this time i went to a support group before ds2 was born and have been back since and had a bf support worker come to the house, i was having the same issues with the latch and now i know why it didnt work with ds1.

im on 2 weeks bf tom and really proud that i ve stuck with it but the support has really helped. we are still having some issues with him being slow to latch on properly but im hoping its cos he is full of cold at the mo.

if it dosent work out with your second though i wouldnt see it as a failure, as long as you feed baby does it really matter how.
if it dosent work out with your second though i wouldnt see it as a failure, as long as you feed baby does it really matter how.
Thanks hon; I know I wouldn't be a failure. If I heard of another mother that for any reason was unable to breastfeed her children, I woudln't think of her as a failure. It's just the pressure I put on myself to do it. I need to remind myself that while BFing is natural and easy for some, others never manage it, and I know that's a possibility. I just need to chill out a bit :)

Came on here tonight to say we just bought our double buggy :happydance: The Baby Jogger City Mini Double, in black.

We paid for it in full, and they will add it to their next order, which they're placing in September, to arrive in October. They order everything from the UK, so here we have to be organised and buy everything early. I know we still have 5 months (today!) until my EDD, but I'm planning ahead in case for some reason something goes wrong and their November delivery ends up being delayed. This way I can ensure we will have it ahead of time :thumbup: So excited; I love everything about it, and have only heard good things
Hello ladies; can we unearth this thread again please? :thumbup: Do we have a new topic? I'm keen to learn as much as I can before the baby is born; push the panic to the back of my mind :haha:
Sooooooo sorry I abandoned my own thread.

So heres the next topic. It won't be beneficial to all, and maybe only a few. But here goes.

Baby monitors

I'm stressing about baby monitors. We still use a monitor with Max and are intending on taking it out of his room and giving it to the next one. He'll be going into his own room from a very early age.

Anyway, my concern is that once we are in the lounge at night watching tv, we can't hear what's going on his room. He's still in a cot and can't open doors so if something was up, which it rarely is, we wouldn't hear him for potentially a long time.

Are you getting a second monitor/new dual monitor?
at the moment callum still has his monitor (cctv one) and josh is with me all the time so i dont need one for him yet, but i have a sensor mat for his cot which has a monitor so will use that one when needed.
We started putting Ellie into her own room for a nap at 3 months so I guess I'm OK until Ellie is at least 2. By then I suspect she will be in a toddler bed, and able to leave her room and shout us from the top of the stairs. I'm going to see how it goes and make a plan when I need to with this really. Even if Titch is asleep in our room, and Ellie asleep in her room I will probably be able to hear Ellie via Titch's monitor! And eventually they'll share a room so I don't really want to be investing in two/dual monitors for the sake of 3 months.
For at least the first 6 months baby will be with me for all naps etc anyway so we will be fine until at least then, but I doubt I'd take daisy's monitor away from her when shes only 2 so will buy a cheaper plug in one thats safer with no wires for her room then use hers for Finley :) x
I never used one with James, he was always in with me and then I could hear him when he wasn't in the room noisy bugger lol.

With Charlotte we actually needed one as James would never leave her alone so she was in her own room a lot sooner for naps etc.
We live in a small flat, so we can normally hear if our daughter is crying in the bedroom. For that reason we've never used one at home (we have one for when we stay with family in the UK because their houses are bigger; and my dad likes to have all the doors closed everywhere). So in short, we won't be worrying about baby monitors. I would say though that if your toddler is sleeping through (or pretty much) you should be able to have them without a monitor and just leave the TV on low in the evenings?

Otherwise can you put the monitor in the hall between bedrooms so that it picks up noises from both bedrooms? We did this once when there were two babies in the same house in different rooms and it seems to work fine.
Both bedrooms are on different levels. We've decided to get a cheap one for Max's room and put his old one in the babies room. Just need to buy one now!
So out of interest, what are you doing with your LOs once you go into labour?

If it's the middle of the night and I need to go in, my mum is coming round to sleep in our bed so Max isn't disturbed and she'll be there when he wakes.

If I go into labour in the day, I'll get mum to come and collect Max at some point.

If I get induced, I'll drop him off at her house first.

We are considering leaving Max at mums for a few days. I add quickly he worships my mum, adores her amazingly so we're not worried about leaving him. We're considering spending our first night at home with Chichi without Max. Not sure yet.

As regards while i am in hospital, mum and MIL will have Max and DH will keep popping in and out of hospital and home to visit both
i went in to labour at 10pm so laboured through the night and managed to stay at home til it was time for callum to go to nursery, he only goes tue and fri so timed it really well. then my dad picked him up from nursery and looked after him all that evening while my mum and sis were with me. my mum then went home and relieved my dad from his duties. if it hadnt have been a nursery day my dad was just gonna take the day off work.

we live with my parents now so i didnt have to worry about callum being away from home etc.
I don't know!

My mum currently lives in Devon (3 hours drive) but is planning to move back here before Titch arrives. If that's the case then she'll be the person we call day/night to watch Ellie. I'll keep Ellie at home though - mom/DH can take it in turns to help me through contractions and entertain Ellie. She'll sleep here on the couch. The same for if I end up with an elective c-section - she'll look after Ellie, take her to nursery etc and be there for the time/s that Ellie's not visiting me.

If she hasn't moved back by then I'm going to have to rely on her jumping in the car and driving up as soon as I think labour's beginning really. Ellie's labour was 38 hours before the EMCS so I'm hoping I can manage to last 3 hours :rofl:. She'll stay here for the duration and probably a day or two after Titch is born.

If I have an elective c-section then she'll just drive up for that.

I can call on the in laws if needed, but would like to avoid as far as possible!
So out of interest, what are you doing with your LOs once you go into labour?

Summer will hopefully be going to OHs mum and dads if not there then another family member

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