The Starting Line Up!
FJL - starts at 67kgs
Miel - awaits
NeyNey - awaits
Maz - 11st 1.4lb
Mazmos - awaits
Rachelle - 36.9 BMI
ALD - awaits
Helen26 - awaits
Natthecat - 44.8 BMI
Autumnsky - 215lb
Hays - awaits
Littlestar - awaits
Megan16 - awaits
Akcher - 205lb
Merol - 11st
Redfraggle - awaits
Carebear - awaits
MissAma - awaits
Farie - awaits
I've listed the start weights/BMIs etc for those who were happy to share them and 'awaits' for everyone else - end of each week i will list how well we have all done! Go us!
great idea Rosh love this!
come on girls we can do it!
went and had my BP done today and the Dr said it's super!

whoooooooop me! lol! 125/82
gym tomorrow (got a body combat class)
doc has said she will prescribe clomid for me when my BMI gets to 40 or less so.... for the record, thats roughly 2 stone.
Felt great as it meant i have a target. Although, i have made my taget 3 stone loss which means i have some room for manouvre along the way!
she went through my FF charts too and said they looked good for 2 ovulations over 4 months. it was 0/like a million before so i'll take 50% right now! lol!
i'm so psyched right now too!
Have my picture done and it is on my fridge (cliche i know! lol) next to a pic of a dummy

also made it my screen saver!
but then thought about when i make my weightloss happen. I WILL post the "fatter" pictures with an up to date picture for anyone who starts this later in the year and needs the motivation!
Today went to asda, lasdies take a look there! they are selling these jelly things which you get strawberry and reaspberry or mango and passionfruit and they are FAT FREE and have only 10 calories per pot! they taste fantabulous
Breakfast this morn was banana and a yoghurt. lunch i had a small cup of pasta (no sauce) and dinner tonight is a fatty chinese buffett meal, cuningly disguised as brown rice, grilled chicken and steamed veg! LMFAO
anyway am looking forward to Motivation Monday's with our results so far!
Bring on the baby!
sorry for loooooooooooooong ass thread just felt the urge to tell all! lol!