i have been sad enough to comapre which prenatal tablet is the best..
i compared what i thought were the 3 ebst brands..Zitawest supps, Vitabiotics , solgar, santagenand pregncare. Each one had 1 or 2 more ingredients than the other but the main ingredients were all there..
the winner is.......
ZITA WEST..reason for the research is, these tabs are a bit more expensive but i read alot of people got their BFP thru these. So i wanted to see exactly how much ingerdients they have copared to the others. overall zita had the MOST ingredients
They won hands down to be honest. I went to a nutrution talk the other day and she said not to buy the cheaper supermarket brands becuase its not only about how much ingredients are in each tablet but how much the body apsorbtion rate is more important. Ie 2 brands can have the same amount of ingredient but the absorbtion rate could be lower for one, we want the highest absortion rate . Also with supplements you get what you pay for
hope this helps....i know which one ill be buying
i compared what i thought were the 3 ebst brands..Zitawest supps, Vitabiotics , solgar, santagenand pregncare. Each one had 1 or 2 more ingredients than the other but the main ingredients were all there..
the winner is.......
ZITA WEST..reason for the research is, these tabs are a bit more expensive but i read alot of people got their BFP thru these. So i wanted to see exactly how much ingerdients they have copared to the others. overall zita had the MOST ingredients
They won hands down to be honest. I went to a nutrution talk the other day and she said not to buy the cheaper supermarket brands becuase its not only about how much ingredients are in each tablet but how much the body apsorbtion rate is more important. Ie 2 brands can have the same amount of ingredient but the absorbtion rate could be lower for one, we want the highest absortion rate . Also with supplements you get what you pay for
hope this helps....i know which one ill be buying