'Later, when Caroline Wharram accused Deana of leaving her leg hair on the dining table, Conor ranted about Deana, pretending her epilator was a microphone and singing into it: "Get your epilator and stick it up your ass! We don't give a fuck, cause I gonna smash your fuckin' face you little piece of shit!" When Ashleigh Hughes said "Maybe you need to play fun games with her tonight.", Conor replied "With who? I'll give her a fun game, I'll stick this up her fucking minge, stupid *******. I'll give her a fucking epilator! I'm gonna play loads of pranks on her because she's a fuckin' piece of shit, I don't give a fuck if I get pulled up to the Diary Room!" Upon being asked by Ashleigh on how he would react if Deana was to throw water on him, Conor replied "I'd punch her in the face, just knock her out."