The Birth of Chloe, with TENS for pain relief. (apologies for length!)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2009
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It's been a few weeks since she was born but only now do I seem to have the time and energy to write this!

On Friday 11 June (baby being 8 days overdue!) My Husband took me out for lunch, before he was due to start a late we sat at the table I noticed that I was having contractions every 20 minutes or so but these were not painful so just put them down to being Braxton Hicks. I had my 2nd sweep the day before but was not holding out much hope! We had a lovely meal, returned home and my husband went off to work.

Later that day my daughters returned from school and I made them tea as usual but noticed that the BH's had not stopped but were now feeling like mild period cramps. Our dog hadn't been walked that day so I asked my youngest daughter (12 yrs) to accompany me on a walk with the dog, around the football field near our house, we went around twice as some locals had a radio controlled aeroplane they were flying in the field and our dog saw went nuts chasing it around the field for over 20 mins, I don't think either of us had laughed so hard as we did at the sight of her running full pelt up, down and around the field and after all it was really good exercise for her!
We returned home and the evening was just the usual routine of getting the girls to bed, tidying up and then going to bed myself...the BH's had not stopped and were every 15 mins or so but they didn't hurt, just mild cramp. But I was really restless and couldn't sleep, so I got my Ipod and spent the next few hours listening to music and playing bejeweled on it! My husband was due to finish at 2am and I expected him back at around 3am but due to his type of work it has been known for him to have to do a couple of hours over time at short notice. So when he hadn't returned I was not overly concerned but now the BH's seemed to be getting really close and I noticed pink watery discharge but didn't have a show.

I decided to use the online contraction counters, which then showed each contraction averaged 50 seconds in length and were 5 mins apart. But they really didn't hurt just still period type cramps, However between 4 - 5am I decided to call my husband and see how long he was going to be...He said he would probably be another couple of hours so we decided that I should ring the birthing unit and see what they say......I did and spoke to one of the midwives, she said that I know my body and If I feel the need to come in then I should! I rang my Husband again and he decided to leave work.
He returned at about 5.30ish. By now the contractions were starting to get a little uncomfortable, so I had a couple of paracetomol and woke the girls, when packed my husband took them to my parents before returning to collect me! We then set off for the Hospital.

On arrival at the birthing unit we were shown to the assessment cubicle, The midwife was great. We discussed my contractions and as the pain was regular but not really bad and that I was still leaking a little pink discharge she advised that I stay lying down for 30 mins in order for the liquid to pool inside me so they could see whether it was my waters leaking. This was around 7.45 am, they were due a shift change at 8am so she advised that after 30 minutes a new midwife would be in to see me. My Husband took this opportunity to catch a little nap as he had been up since 8am the previous morning. I just remained laying on the bed, watching the clock and feeling the contractions come and go every 4-5 mins or so. after about 35 minutes they were becoming painful enough for me to require to stand up, but as there was no sign of the midwife I had to wake my husband so that he could find her! At 8.35 the new midwife came in and immediately said it was not necessary for me to lay down anymore, she had read my notes and was confident that I was in labour. Therefore I got to my feet and leaned against the radiator whilst breathing through each contraction. After a little while the midwife asked if it was okay to do an internal examination to see how progressed the labour was. As she was doing it all I can remember thinking was please please let it be atleast 3cm! To all of our surprise she stated I was 5 cm dilated! She then explained as I had been to the hospital on 2 occassions due to reduced fetal movements, it was necessary for me to go to the labour ward and have the movements and baby monitored, if all was well I would be able to return to the low risk birthing unit...if not I would have to stay on the labour ward.

I was really unhappy at this news. Originally I had requested a Home Birth, but as the hospital had lost my notes on my previous 2 births and I had a large bleed with my first child. The consultant insisted I gave birth on the labour ward. I had spent months going backwards and forwards with my Midwife and the Hospital, until finally we came to a compromise and was allowed to labour at the low risk birthing unit on the Hospital site.
The Labour ward is a 3 minute walk from the unit....We walked; on the way there I had to stop twice because of contractions...they were definitely getting closer and stronger. When we reached the ward I was strapped to the monitor. The midwife was really good and did it in such a way that I could remain standing throughout the 30 minutes! It was really good watching the numbers on the monitor increasing and decreasing with each contraction, I think it helped me through the 30 minutes being able to see that a contraction was tailing off. The Baby was I was able to return to the birthing unit. 2 contractions and a short walk later we got there!

The midwife began to fill the birthing pool and added some essential oils. My Husband went to move the car and get my bags because I was starting to feel that I really needed my TENS machine!! On his return he helped my put the pads of the TENS on and it wasn’t long before it gave me some relief from the pain, I also found that having to concentrate on the settings each time a contraction started really helped take my mind off the pain! I remained standing during this time as that also really helped!

When the pool was ready, I stripped down to just a vest top and got in. Initially it felt great and I felt really relieved but after about 10 minutes I noticed that I hadn’t had a contraction! Another 10 minutes passed without a contraction then it hit me...a wave of 3 really powerful on top of the other...I felt really sick. I think at this point I told my husband I felt I was going to die! My contractions continued and they were the most painful they had been. The midwife insisted that I try the gas and air even though I earlier told her how during my first labour it had made me vomit. 3 puffs later I dropped it on the floor and refused to use it again as it made me feel sick! I then requested to get out of the pool as I felt the TENS had helped me much more with the pain then the pool was!

My Husband helped me out and dried me off. We then went through to the labour was lovely and almost felt like home from home! We put the tens back on and I remained standing, The contractions were getting more intense and I could feel huge pressure down below, the only thing other than the tens that seemed to relieve it was to lift my left leg up! (I must have looked like a dog about to pee!) after a while I decided I would like to lay down on my side for a husband helped me on to the bed. The contractions were really painful and I got this huge urge to push...I told the midwife, who told me it was too soon! (not that she had done another internal or anything!) She then left the room, as I felt the next contraction coming (11 am) I couldn’t help but give an almighty push and my waters went pop! Gushing everywhere! I turned to my husband and said...’ooops that’s my waters, I know she said not too...but I just had too!!’ He pressed the buzzer and she returned. At this point something happened with the TENS machine, it was really hurting me so at my request my husband took it off for me.

The pain was now so bad I just wanted the baby out and I told the midwife I was going to push again on the next contraction...she said I shouldn’t but because I insisted she had a look and to her surprise could see the head! I then lent on all fours against the head rails of the bed and began pushing with all my might. When the head began to emerge she advised me stop pushing and pant which I did. I cannot describe how bad it stung but the midwife talked me through it ..with..I can see the eye brows...the eyes.....the nose...the mouth. The Head was born, with another push out came the baby and my husband told me we had a little girl! (We had remained on team yellow throughout the pregnancy!) Chloe Sidwell J was born at 11.16 am!

I managed to turn over and sit on the bed...she was placed on my chest for some skin to skin and we were wrapped up together....My Husband was concerned as I was shaking so much..... I explained that it was just shock. We discussed the delivery of the placenta and the Midwife said that it was not necessary for me to have injection. So it was delivered naturally, all in one piece. My Husband was surprised at how large it was! (Chloe is his first child, my other 2 girls ages 14 and 12 are from a previous relationship)
Chloe had a score of 9 but wouldn’t feed no matter how hard we tried. Therefore, with the help of the midwife I expressed and she was given 3ml by syringe. The midwife then ran me a bath and we all relaxed and had tea and toast!

If you read this far...Thank you! It was really good to write and remember this!


  • P220610_16.52.jpg
    19.2 KB · Views: 17
Well done gal, that was a really good read. Congratulations on your ickle girl.x
Congratulations :baby:

Thank you for sharing your story:flower:

Cute baby pic
Well done! A beautiful read - and Chloe is Gorgeous!
congrats on little Chloe she's just beautiful! That was a great story - thanks for sharing! :flower:
i love reading birth stories urs was brilliant :) congrats ur baby girl is gorgiz ! x
She's beautiful! Congratulations!

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