The breastfeeding vs. formula feeding debate really is a crock of s-you know what!

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Can we PLEASE get this moved out of the formula feeding forum where there are vulnerable women who are distressed about the circumstances they've found themselves in just a few threads up who are now going to end up reading this and being FURTHER upset? Stick it somewhere neutral PLEASE?!!?!?!?!?!

Give women who are feeling low a fricken break from the endless barrage of "I wouldn't feed my child another creature's milk"... "anyone who says they can't just didn't try hard enough"... "synthetic milk"... "obesity/asthma/eczema/ovarian cancer" barrage - they can access that information enough already - don't just sit three or four threads down from where they're grieving and baring their souls and dark thoughts and rub it in a bit more. FFS give them SOME break and show some humanity.
Can we PLEASE get this moved out of the formula feeding forum where there are vulnerable women who are distressed about the circumstances they've found themselves in just a few threads up who are now going to end up reading this and being FURTHER upset? Stick it somewhere neutral PLEASE?!!?!?!?!?!

Give women who are feeling low a fricken break from the endless barrage of "I wouldn't feed my child another creature's milk"... "anyone who says they can't just didn't try hard enough"... "synthetic milk"... "obesity/asthma/eczema/ovarian cancer" barrage - they can access that information enough already - don't just sit three or four threads down from where they're grieving and baring their souls and dark thoughts and rub it in a bit more. FFS give them SOME break and show some humanity.

I agree. There have been alot of threads in the formula feeding section recently that have been barraged by unhelpful "facts", comments and irrelevant points and arguments. This section is feeling less like a FF sanctuary and more like a stage for the BFvFF debate to ramble on. xxx
I know my husbands grandma was unable to breast feed and they just gave their babies normal cow's milk! Formula has been created to provide as best a nutrients as possible. I was unable to breast feed due to my son having a tongue tie and not latching. I had every lactation expert in the hospital come to see me to help and then I had lactation experts in the region come to my home to help me and they could see he wasn;t swallowing any milk yet due to a doctor refusing to send us to the right expert to get his tongue tie sorted quickly we hhad to wait until he was 6 wks by which time I had been expressing but my husband works away and my milk was practically nothing. Had I know about re lactation at the time I;d have looked into it. And I still fully intend to give breast feeding a go next time as i do feel that's the way nature intended it - however if I have to FF again I am not going to be wracked with guilt about it. My LO is thriving and happy and so am i and that;s more important to me then worrying about whether he was BF or FF
I'm vastly confused with the first post because there is another thread where the OP says she's never FF :shrug: (This popped up on my new posts as well. I don't come into the FF section often because I don't FF). To be honest, I feel like this is just fanning the flames of a long running debate.
Why would so many health organisations around the world strongly recommend breastfeeding if there were not substantial research to indicate benefit?

Good question. For the "why" part, I'd suggest that you ask your local MP to bring this up. I can offer a couple of suggestions.

Firstly, research costs money. It's expensive to do (properly) so if someone comes to these organisations and says "Oh look, I've done a study, it fits right in with what you're trying to do (see below for why they're trying to do it) and it's all sealed up in a nice package. No cost to you." So, they take it on board, because hey, it's free. Someone will probably cast their eye over the research, and go "Yup, that'll do." Do I sound cynical? I probably am. You see, I've done some research into other areas (cancer pain as an example) where the very guidelines being issued at Government level are using outdated research. In some cases, there are Cochrane Reviews (Gold Standard) which directly contradict the suggestions made in these guidelines. But they are published anyway. So really, I don't always see a lot to support your view that they aren't lazy or ill-informed.

Then researchers themselves aren't daft. They see what way the wind is blowing, and so you get more and more studies on the "benefits" of breastfeeding, as hey, they're almost certain to get grants. There are a handful of good studies (such as one recently into the proliferation of good bacteria in breastmilk vs cow's milk vs formula) but these are swallowed up by the media hype over every other dubious study out there. And by dubious, I mean the ones who don't control for confounding factors, don't disclose the fact that some of the researchers have vested/financial interest in BF'ing organisations, and generally misrepresent correlation as causation.

As for the WHO, people tend to forget that the "W" part stands for "WORLD", which means they issue advice which covers every country on this planet. Which includes areas where there are no safe supplies of drinking water, at which point, using formula probably wouldn't be a great idea. At that point, where there is probably a distinct shortage of nutritious food on top of the water problem, the calories from breastmilk are going to be the best thing a child can get, so by all means, keep giving it for as long as possible. In the developed world, where we have access to clean, safe drinking water? Not so much.

At the end of the day, what I get angry about is the fact that meaningful support is being replaced by rhetoric. Chanting "breast is best" throughout pregnancy is helping no-one. Mums should be getting screened for IGT antenatally. Midwives and lactation consultants should be realistic with Mums about the difficulties some women encounter, without brushing them under the carpet as "booby traps." Mums should be able to go into a breastfeeding relationship if that is what they want with the backing of professionals who can help them to achieve their own goals. And if it's not what they want, then they should be supported in how to safely prepare formula, or store expressed breastmilk and use it safely. And they should be given emotional support if a Mum is upset that breastfeeding didn't go the way she wanted it to, rather than being castigated and chastised by healthcare professionals and internet heroes alike.

It's only when the rhetoric is cut out, will we see an end to this debate. To illustrate my point - I went to a meeting of a well-known Breastfeeding organisation when I was pregnant with Moomin. I was looking for advice on: breastfeeding post ELCS, breastfeeding after sexual abuse, positions to help with larger breasts, minimising nipple damage, etc. Now, I got some of that support. But to get it? I had to sit through people referring to formula as "chemical crap" and telling me how lucky my second baby was going to be that it would get breastmilk and not that "rubbish" which my first baby got. I had to sit through little "games" where people listed the benefits of breastfeeding as "My child won't be fat, stupid and sickly" (I'm not paraphrasing). All the while I sat and thought of my delightful, petite, intelligent, healthy 2 year-old, and wanted to cry. Why couldn't I just get the support I was after, without the cruelty? I turned to this organisation as my local midwives were less than useless - how is that helping Mums?

So the rhetoric, which is supported by this bad science, over-blown by the media and re-spouted by lazy health organisations... That's what needs to go.
I don't think there will ever be a mutual understanding about formula feeding and breast feeding going hand in hand as viable ways to feed your baby unfortunately.

I can't speak for the research side of things but I can speak as a woman having to formula feed my baby after failed breast feeding and honestly it bloody sucks. I hate having to justify why I feed Logan with a bottle and not breast (I had a massive PPH - my body went into shock and I didn't produce colostrum or milk for 4 days and even now after pumping 8 times daily and getting him latched, it's such a little amount that I can't feed him with it - in case someone asks). I tell people I'm formula feeding and they look at me as if I'm poisoning my child, like I'm a bad mum and I feel enough guilt as it is!

But hey ho, nothing will change, people will always blast me for my choice and I will always be a second rate parent in the eyes of the medical industry and some breast feeding mothers.
In my opinion there isn't a "debate" about breastfeeding being the best choice for babies. It is simply a fact. Humans are mammals. All other mammals receive same-species milk. Human milk is designed for human babies.

Formula has come a long way over the years. Thanks to science we now have a medically safe alternative for babies. The fact that the risks of formula feeding appear to be statistically small goes to show how much it has been improved over the years.

Nevertheless, it is still the biological norm for all mammals, human beings included, to suckle from their mothers. Nothing can ever change that fact.

I personally couldn't give two hoots about the choices other people make and I am fed up of all this guilt mongering and also fed up of all the people formula feeding trying to assuage their guilt and justify their choice with posts like the OP. You made your choice, or perhaps you didn't get the right help with breastfeeding, or perhaps you were one of the few women who actually can't breastfeed, or perhaps you are on medication and formula was the safer option for your baby. Whatever your reason it is up to you and you have a right to make your own choices without having to justify it.

Breastmilk does not stop being beneficial at 6 months. It changes with your baby and continues to benefit their health and immune system for as long as you continue to breastfeed. Obviously if you then wean them onto a diet of McDonalds Happy Meals then you are probably going to undo your good work quite quickly.
Makes me laugh how many articles, our choice is better, etc appears in the BF section subtle questioning why any mother would decide to FF because of xyz etc etc ... should someone who FF go in and stand up to some of the comments that can follow they should leave if offended with their tails between their legs ... I do agree most times it's best to avoid but dare someone post something in the FF section for members to discuss those participating are suddenly justifying themselves because of guilt. No that is not the case, every time a FF Mum dares talk of this feeding method stop thinking it's because they feel they should justify themselves to anyone on public forum just because it's formula. I'm fedup of people throwing those two words around the BF/FF discussions ...'guilt' and 'justify(ing)'

That kind of reply is one of many that end these threads negatively.

I am seeing a lot of BF Mums slipping into FF discussions lately slowly leaving a uncomfortable feeling ...quit please and mostly if you don't relate don't reply.


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