Hi everyone just updating, have been for my scan.
My placenta is 4.7cm's away from the cervix so ok to give birth natural. Now the weight part, the scan woman said they dont give lbs and oz's because it it totally inaccurate but she measured his tummy circumferance and it was 36+6 weeks! So over three weeks ahead.
So when i saw the consultant and said i was concerned he was 3 weeks bigger, she said oh it is probably wrong as scans are so innacurate i don't know why they bother doing them for weight.
So now i am worried i am gonna have a huge baby again and they dont give a crap.
I asked her about being induced on my due date and she said no and that it would be a sweep if i get to 40+7 and induced from 10 days to 14 days past due date.
Anyway... so then i said could i be induced at 10 then cos i am not happy about going to 14 days and she said if there were some beds maybe but if there were no beds then no! So i am not happy today.
I am now going to wait till 37 weeks and drink loads of raspeberry leaf tea, have loads of sex and eat the hottest things i can find.
On a plus we got a letter today saying that we will get the surestart money in the accound on Monday so some shopping should make me happier lol
Hope everyone is well today xx