The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

hi ladies, so this was my first cycle of clomid since ectopic in march. 100mg the dr gave me cuz my cycles were being wierd andi wasnt oving properly. sooo on friday i had some spotting a red ewcm. dr daid it was normal. friday night i started cramping and it has continued. but i was feeling the pains on the left side for most of the day, then the right side, then just horrible cramping everywhere! feeling like my ovaries were explodin! i have heard you can produce more than one egg to be released, but honestly when i was on 50 mg only one follicle developed so im guessing the amount of pain and that it was on both sides is a good sign. i just want ONE good egg!!! and i want it to stick in the right place. after 18 months im exhausted. and due for another biopsy to check the cancer cells yay. hoping to get pg soon to avoid to much invasive treatment. keepin fingers crossed that my colposcopy etc took care of things last year. tww starts again today. if we get pregnant this cycle the baby would be due on our wedding anniversary. i hope that means good luck for us! til then i feel like my ovaries are going to explode lol
Hi, everyone :wave: I'm getting ready (mentally and physically) to start my first round of clomid 100mg cd 2-6.

mamatrujillio- sounds like I'm in for it! Hope it pays off! Has anything been brought up about biopsies and scarring? I had one yrs ago and wonder if it might be affecting my TTC efforts, even though they said it shouldn't
Hi, everyone :wave: I'm getting ready (mentally and physically) to start my first round of clomid 100mg cd 2-6.

mamatrujillio- sounds like I'm in for it! Hope it pays off! Has anything been brought up about biopsies and scarring? I had one yrs ago and wonder if it might be affecting my TTC efforts, even though they said it shouldn't

I have heard that scar tissue can affect it. I have had 3 biopsies of my cervix and 3 total laparoscopies but im still keeping hope. one of my friends had to have a procedure to remove and clear things out so she could get pregnant. today i am 3dpo, and have had some serious twinges in my uterus. so bad that it feels like its shooting down my left leg! i am really hoping that its implantation. i will wait roughly 3 or 4 days before i start any testing... good luck hun and keep me posted!!
I suppose someone would have mentioned it if something looked weird in there by now. I'm going to give my cervix the benefit of the doubt and blame my ovaries until after the clomid cycles.

That sounds intense.. Hope it lightens up soon and your tww flies by!
hey any idea friends.. i missed clomid for 2days.. doc told me to have it for next 2 complete 5pill dosage.. i missed on day 4,5.. then took it on day 6,7.. so finally i ended up taking it on day2,3,6,7,8... wierd i know.. but i did it.. now i m worried.. any ideas.. this missing pill.. help please
hey any idea friends.. i missed clomid for 2days.. doc told me to have it for next 2 complete 5pill dosage.. i missed on day 4,5.. then took it on day 6,7.. so finally i ended up taking it on day2,3,6,7,8... wierd i know.. but i did it.. now i m worried.. any ideas.. this missing pill.. help please
I think you're ok, especially if that's what your Dr told you to do.. I've heard of people taking in cd 4-8, or taking them for up to 7 days instead of 5, and sometimes skipping around, like missing a day and then tacking it on at the end (or not), or taking different dosages on different days, like 50mg for two days and 100mg for 3 days. Can't say if it helped or hindered, though. Do you feel all right?
Hi Ladies. I've been on clomid for the past 2 months. First month(July) was 50mg of clomid taking it on days 5-9, Second month(August) was 100mg taking it the same days. Both months it did its job, as in it made me ovulate. I had a blood progesterone test (level was 33 both times) to see if it worked & also ovulation tests at home. So im happy it did what it was meant to do(make you ovulate), but im still not pregnant! My husband & I have been ttc for over 14 months with no luck at all. We're both 28 years old & soooo wanting a lil baby of our own. Everyone around us seems to be having a baby with no troubles at all!! Just not fair!
So the symtoms i had with Clomid both months were twinges in my overy area pretty much the whole month through. Hot flashes every now & then. The usual sore boobs & sore lower back about a week before af arrives(which is normal even without clomid for me) I felt a little sick sometimes mid way through(around ovulation time). But that's it for symtoms.
Im currently on cycle day 1(so af showed today) and seing my gyno tomorrow. Which im pretty sure she'll give me another round of clomid but increasing it to 150mg. But im going to ask other questions too. Eg: why if im ovulating and having sex at the right time with clomid, im not pregnant???
Ive got all fingers and toes crossed for this next month of clomid. And also all my fingers & toes crossed for everyone else too! :)
Hi, Rynie.. Has your DH been evaluated? I hope your Doc has a good answer for that question! Boo for people that have it easy... flaunting their giant bellies and swollen feet... waddling around like ducks... a Boo for them... and for my ovaries and all uncooperative baby making systems... Boo for all of it

If it were this difficult for EVERYONE, no one would ever see a child as an inconvenience or take them for granted. Our society might be better for it
Hi, Rynie.. Has your DH been evaluated? I hope your Doc has a good answer for that question! Boo for people that have it easy... flaunting their giant bellies and swollen feet... waddling around like ducks... a Boo for them... and for my ovaries and all uncooperative baby making systems... Boo for all of it

If it were this difficult for EVERYONE, no one would ever see a child as an inconvenience or take them for granted. Our society might be better for it

Hi UnKannie Im seing my doctor tomorrow and i know she'll increase clomid to 150mg this time. (sorry whats DH? im new to this posting in forum's business and dont know all the abbreviations! is it dosage?)

But i really dont understand why she keeps increasing clomid if each month it has made me ovulate? So it's done its job but she still increases it. Now im starting to think something else is wrong as to why im not getting pregnant. I always think the worst though!

Have you started clomid yet UnKannie?
Im currently on cycle day 1(so af showed today) and seing my gyno tomorrow. Which im pretty sure she'll give me another round of clomid but increasing it to 150mg. But im going to ask other questions too. Eg: why if im ovulating and having sex at the right time with clomid, im not pregnant???
Ive got all fingers and toes crossed for this next month of clomid. And also all my fingers & toes crossed for everyone else too! :)

Hi Rynie, I got your answer to the 'im not pregnant???'. The short answer is when you have a 'perfect' cycle, you only have a 20% chance of conceiving. And so every month, if you have the perfect cycle, you still have 1/5 change to get the BFP. That's what my dr says.

Basically other ppl are lucky :-S
Im currently on cycle day 1(so af showed today) and seing my gyno tomorrow. Which im pretty sure she'll give me another round of clomid but increasing it to 150mg. But im going to ask other questions too. Eg: why if im ovulating and having sex at the right time with clomid, im not pregnant???
Ive got all fingers and toes crossed for this next month of clomid. And also all my fingers & toes crossed for everyone else too! :)

Hi Rynie, I got your answer to the 'im not pregnant???'. The short answer is when you have a 'perfect' cycle, you only have a 20% chance of conceiving. And so every month, if you have the perfect cycle, you still have 1/5 change to get the BFP. That's what my dr says.

Basically other ppl are lucky :-S

Oh its just not fair for all the people who have "accidents" though!!! :) All i can do is keep trying i guess! It just gets so hard sometimes :cry:
well ladies i am now 10 dpo, and cd 25. i have my dr appt today to have my annual done. yay. past couple days i have had cramping, bloating, nausea, migraines, urinating every hour, and my skin broke out starting yesterday. i think af is coming sadly. not sure my dr will do an hcg level on me or not. test today was bfn, after 18 months of ttc honestly im exhausted! i will maybe do 2 more cycles of clomid, and if i dont coceive i may see what other options my dr has. maybe next cycle they will iincrease my dose. idk. i was hoping id b preg this cycle because our due date would be days before our anniversary... im tired and a little down today which is pretty unlike me. maybe im putting too much stress on myself..

anyone else around 10 dpo and having similar symptoms?
well i got my CD21 test results back ( had to take it on CD22/23) and it was 3.?? so on to the next cycle with more clomid :( this will be my FOURTH round :( sucks! i feel like this is never going to happen!
well i got my CD21 test results back ( had to take it on CD22/23) and it was 3.?? so on to the next cycle with more clomid :( this will be my FOURTH round :( sucks! i feel like this is never going to happen!

goodness hun im sorry. this was my 4th cycle also and my dr didnt even do an ultrasound or a cd 21 test. i feel like they dont care either way anymore. im seing a new dr in the office today. a woman this time. i dont know if they will run more tests etc. i too am getting discouraged. my dr told me gettin preg again after my ectopic would be no problem. and nearly 6 months later im still barely ovulating! how long have you been ttc? i have to keep faith that it will happen.
i cant even talk to my husband about it anymore, he has become discouraged to say the least.
wow really! thats crazy that they arent doing anything more. i know my doctor said that they go up to 5 rounds and if it doesnt work then we could try metaformin or something like that or a doctor said he didnt think we would have a problem getting pregnant well...looks like we are gonna have a problem :( we have been TTC for over a year now. :( i have thyroid issues which are now under control and im not ovulating and i have polycystic ovaries :( we havent checked hubby yet...trying to get me fixed first. good luck today! i hope she does more for you and you get your BFP soon!
wow really! thats crazy that they arent doing anything more. i know my doctor said that they go up to 5 rounds and if it doesnt work then we could try metaformin or something like that or a doctor said he didnt think we would have a problem getting pregnant well...looks like we are gonna have a problem :( we have been TTC for over a year now. :( i have thyroid issues which are now under control and im not ovulating and i have polycystic ovaries :( we havent checked hubby yet...trying to get me fixed first. good luck today! i hope she does more for you and you get your BFP soon!

ive had along history myself. ive had 2 laps for endometriosis and pre cancer cell issues on my cervix. im worried it could be scar tissue hindering me. i got preg in march on clomid after 3 cycles, but it was ectopic. weve been ttc for 18 months. i wasnt ovulating at until my march cycle of clomid. ovd on my own my first cycle after mc, but then stopped again! i have no clue whats goin on w my body. im surrounded by friends and family members who are pregnant and just had babies that were unplanned and its torture! i feel like i took advantage of my body and thinking getting pregnant would be easy. isnt it ironic? i had no problem getting pregnant w my 1st husband and only 1 of them was planned, but cant for the life of me give my new husband a child! the one man who loves my children as his own and tries so hard to make up for their dad being absent and i cant give us a baby of our own. doesnt help that we have NO family support. i will keep you updated after my dr appt today. ive heard of metphormine for pcos but didnt know it helped w fertility. i hope you get some answers and a bfp soon:hugs:
so i went in for my annual exam and during the dr gave me an ultrasound. im only 10 dpo but she did verfy that i indeed ovulated. the only thing is that she said the lining of my uterus was still thin. she said normally if an egg had already implanted that the lining would be thicker. which it wasnt. she said theres still a chance that i will implant in the next couple days but she said if i take a test friday and its negative that most likely im not pg. :cry:
So I have gone to RE yesterday....and left crying…I have just recently started seeing RE…before that I was prescribed Clomid for 5 months and it did not work for me…it has actually messed me up…I only had 21 day progesterone check with it and no ultra sounds….so when I have seen RE he has told me to get my CD 3 blood work done and I was scheduled for ultra sound to make sure things are going on no cysts and such…well my blood work showed that now I have hypothyroidism…I believe Clomid caused that since my thyroid was fine when they did blood work a year ago…RE said “probably” not but who knows…so now I am on meds for that…also my blood work showed that I have low egg reserve…he did not explain much just said he did not expect to see that in the women my age (34) and has sent me for more blood work…not really explained what that means…I goggled it and I should have known better then to do that…anyhow u/s showed two cysts that RE referred as “huge” when he was talking to resident student…I was like what do you mean huge…He said about 5mm or 6mm anyway again I have no idea what that means…all I know now is that I have waited $140.00 on Femara this month as I have already taken it since he has gave it to me because he did not anticipate this many problems as he considers me to be young ..also I have to get my thyroid under control and am going for another u/s in October to see if the cysts are gone…he believes it was from Clomid and is hoping they will go away if not I have to go back on birth control…WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!...birth control but I do not have time for that time is ticking …I JUST WANT A BABY…Is that to much to ask for…I swear this is turning into a nightmare…o yea and as I was leaving there was a lady in the car with an infant that was chewing on a cigarette pack…REALLY!!!! What in the world is going on…anyway thanks for letting me vent…I am just very tired and existed…all I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry but got to work…I hope beach trip in September will help me relax some and forget about all this…GL to all of you and I will check once in a while to see those BFP’s…
Sasha0430 I am so sorry you are not feeling well, it sucks when we want something so much and it does not work out as planned, the good news is that it is possible and we just have to stay positive. The September trip sounds like a great idea give yourself
sometime away from all of this. ( I sure could use that time )

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