Hello lovely ladies!
Hope everyone is well... just going to do a 'quick' catch up!
Hi ladies!
Had my 28 week midwife appointment today, all went well!
Measuring 27cm fundal height which is right on the 50th centile. She also said baby is head down which I suspected as my kicks are all high up and I felt hiccups low down on Sunday!
So pleased to here all is going well! It makes me laugh how we don't use the term little bean or anything like that anymore since our little beans are little people!!
Exciting times!
Just been for my midwife appointment. My blood results have shown a potential problem. My platelet count is slightly low so she took more blood to see if it has dropped any lower or stayed the same, or hopefully gone back up. If they've gone lower I'll have to go and see a haematology midwife at the hospital and it could mean complications with the birth. But if it's still borderline I might not have to go. But it's looking a bit shaky for the Birth Centre plan, they wouldn't let me go there with low platelets. Not too worried at the moment, just going to wait for the results which will be next Wednesday. Once I know those I think things will be clearer.
Other news is that she thinks baby is probably head down as there's no evidence of a head up the top of my tummy. But the mw agreed that she's very low in my pelvis, which is why it feels like she's poking my ovaries most of the time. And I measured 29 cm, which I'm very happy with!
Hey Pusscat. My fingers are crossed for Wednesday that all will be well. I haven't really considered a birth plan yet but I'm not too keen on the delivery suite. Me and DH had a look around the other day and it's like a hospital (if you know what I mean - DH thought I'd lost the plot... we are in a hospital
!!!) We get to see the Birth Centre (which is attached to the delivery suite) next time BUT I don't think they like to get your hopes up! Having your ovaries poked sounds interesting! I'm in love with the baby's random movements! Everytime I feel him/her is like the first! S/he's got a big butt like mama I think!!
Does anyone else feel like labour and birth is just around the corner and will be here before we know it?!
I've been buying stuff in preparation, but I just think that I've still got a lot to do and get ready before Baby arrives! Eeek.
So excited for my 4D scan on Saturday!
Yep Smawfl... I worry that I'm not going to have everything ready but I'm giving myself a deadline of the end of July/start of August! I'm ticking off 'to-do' lists (plural) as we speak!!!
Cannot wait for pics!!! 4d scan will be amazing for you!
I do now, after dreaming about premature labor last night
we didn't have a bag packed or the birth plan printed, and we couldn't find the doula's phone number...it was a good reminder to get organized!
Can't wait to see your pictures, smawfl
I haven't had any random dreams just yet seaweed - not linked to birth or anything! Probably not a bad thing though... poor DH and HIS to do list if I do! Ha!
Had our first growth scan today, everything looks good!
Baby is just a little smaller than average, head down, positioned just where I thought he was.
Smawfl, I hope yours is more cooperative tomorrow than mine was today...they usually do 3D but didn't even bother with it today since he had both hands over his face (seems to be a favorite position of his!). Granted they didn't try super hard, and that wasn't the point of the scan. But I was surprised at how much harder it was to see everything than at 20 weeks...it really is getting crowded in there!
Hope everyone's feeling well today
Glad baby is positioned well Seaweed! I'm sure he'll pack on the pounds over the next weeks!
Scan day today! Woke up way too early! Had another dream about our baby and it was a boy this time!
Glad your scan went well Seaweed x
Ha! I STILL have no idea... no incline whether boy or girl! 3D scan threw people a little as one pic looks like a boy, the other like a girl!!! I must change my avatar before giving birth! Ha!
Feelsoblessed! I see you are an early bird like me today! How are you doing?
I think I woke up throughout the night... I don't sleep walk/talk but I do sleep internet browse... and I therefore remain logged in and fell asleep! As you do! Had far too many toilet trips (all for the sake of a trickle) last night!!!
Pussycat have you changed your name?
Nope! Do you mean because it says Pusscat and not Pussycat? I've always been Pusscat, I think you must have always read it wrong! I like it though, it's your special name for me
How was the scan? Hope all looking ok with baby smawfl?
Seaweed - glad your scan went well. I'd be so interested to have a scan at this stage to see how squished up she is, but glad all is going well so don't need one.
Picked up a caboo carrier today, 2nd hand, £20. Practiced with a teddy inside it and loved the feeling despite it only being a teddy in there
Lol! I always used to type Pussycat and then change it to Pusscat! Smawfl - that made me laugh but as ever... blame it on the baby brain! One of my students finished my sentence the other day and shook their head, tutted and said baby brain!
We had to all laugh!
Glad all is coming together for you Pusscat... I've got baby buying fever!
Hey ladies, glad everyone is doing so well! Been crazy busy teaching summer school and working doing environmental education in a local park! Summer school ends July 13 then after the 17th my other work slows down...so only 10 days until I'm on summer break!!!! Wooohooo!
Going to see a comedian named Bill Maher in town tonight, DH and I love him so we are pretty excited! His politics aren't for everyone but if you agree with him, he's hilarious!
Tomorrow I'm helping host my friends shower! She's having twins and the theme is 'two peas in a pod' so I have lots of decorations to make this afternoon! Better get going...
Have a good weekend and I'm sure I'll be around more when work slows down.
Enjoy your evening Gaigirl! I've officially got 10 teaching days left too... high five over the forum!
The baby shower sounds like a fab idea. Have fun and bring back some ideas!!
I'm not sure myself about having one but the family aren't having none of it! Anyone else having one?
Well... must go prepare for my lesson observation
no rest for the wicked!
Have a great week all!