Lovely thread!
Our LO blew raspberries for the first time yesterday, hasn't stopped since.
My LO cried hysterically when I took a toy from him and clutched it sobbing when I handed it back. I know it doesnt sound like a development lol, but It's the second time he's ever reacted that way to something like a toy. The first time was yesterday. It's like he's really starting to notice the world around him and he's expressing it in little ways.
My little guy started reaching out for a toy he wants when i hold it in front of him... today he laughed hysterically while nursing because he found it funny he was filling his diaper, iykwim he's definitely got his fathers sense of humor.
He reached out for me to pick him up I've been waiting soooo long for that one!
Holly has started to hold something up to her face and then move it and peek round it so we can play peekaboo!
He tried to crawl over the pillow barracade that I put on our bed whilst I'm doing my hair and make up. Need to find somewhere else to put him now I think!
She just rolled front to back for the first time! She managed to roll back to front two weeks ago.
My LO rolled front to back last week, she's now starting to master it as well as trying to roll back to front.
Dylan has started to open his eyes and properly look at us. For the first 2 weeks we never saw his eyes!
She rode a rocking cow thing at soft play and had the MOTHER of all tantrums when I took her off it. Other people seem so genuinely shocked that something SO small and cute and sunny and giggly can turn into SUCH a demon at the drop of a hat.
My girl sure knows what she wants xx