:wave: Hey girls, I'm in!! Thanks for setting this up Angel, great idea, and ta for the invite too
Must have, Vincent's Link-a-doos chair, my Close baby carrier (PERFECT for using with wheelchair / carrying him with crutches!) ummm.. There may be more, I'll think on it a bit! Like the sound of the bathtop baby baths, must get one of those, it's a nightmare at the mo!!
Would you guys like me to make some blinkie badges for our sigs? I've done a couple in the past, any ideas about what could go on them are gratefully received!!
Jemma, so sorry to hear about your PND, I skirted the edge of it but luckily passed quickly for me... Stay strong honey, hope you're getting plenty of support!
Abble, Tyler is gorgeous, love your sig!!
How old are everyone's little ones now? What names have you all chosen?
Shadow & Vincent xxx