The Hammersmith Kisspeptin IVF'ers :)


Iris' Mummy!
Jun 11, 2012
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Thought it would be cool to have a little group for those attempting to go through the Hammersmith Kisspeptin IVF clinical trial, anyone wanting to take part, check this out:

I thought maybe introduce ourselves and speak about why we're here :)

I'll start then:
I'm Kathryn, I'm 22 and my DH is 29 and we've been married for almost 3 years. We've been TTC for 15 cycles, I've had blood tests and an ultrasound done; all normal! DH is waiting for SA results (unfortunately it's likely to be an issue as DH takes anti epilepsy drugs which can impact on fertility).
I saw the advert on the LTTTC forum and thought it was an amazing opportunity as I'm too young at the moment to go through IVF on the NHS.

My first appointment is on the 22nd March, so excited!

Hopefully we'll all get through, get lots of support and get our BFPs! :flower:
I'll go second, I'm 29 and DH is 32 and we'll have been married 2 years in Nov. I came off the pill (which I had been on for 10 years) about 2 years ago. After 6 months of still not having a period, I went to the docs, who sent me for various tests and I was told 'I probably have PCOS'. Anyway after 6 failed rounds of Clomid, I'm ready to move onto something new - hopefully this IVF trial!

My appointment is 5th April, eeeeeek excited. It's just annoying how far I have to travel to get there, over 200 miles (travelling from Manchester). But I think its too good of an opportunity to pass up and I'd do anything for a baby, so I'm willing to travel!

I believe they pay for a couple of visits (travel and accommodation), does anyone know any more about this?
Yeah, don't know if you were given the participant information sheet? They pay for you to stay overnight when you have to stay for them to give you blood tests after the Kisspeptin injections. But I don't know if there's any other funding...
You also get a second round of IVF if you fail the first, I don't know if you heard that?
AND... I've read from other women that if you're accepted, they're normally happy for you to start the next cycle!

I'm so excited! Although a little nervous at the concept! Have you got any concerns or questions you're gonna ask when you get there?

How are you getting there, train?
Hi, I have a consultation on the 15th March.

My DH and I have been trying to conceive for 15months since my daughter was born. The reason we started trying straight away is because it took us 2.5 years to conceive the first time. I have pcos and had ovarian drilling 3 years ago which helped me conceive my daughter (I was also taking clomid). I am on the waiting list for ovarian drilling again but I may not be as lucky next time so would like to try this in the meantime. This time around I have tried 5 months of clomid.

I hope we all get accepted on this trial. Good luck with your appointments x
Hi mcnicks! :hi:
I feel bad, I feel like I haven't done as much as everyone else :wacko:
We haven't been done many other avenues, although we can't go down a lot as I'm so 'young' in the NHS's mind.
But this was such an amazing chance and to be accepted from 18 upwards, you'd never get another chance like that.
Does anyone know if they have male fertility issues? As obviously they didn't mention about that. And we're hoping to have DH's SA back next week :thumbup:

You'll have to let us know how you get on mcnicks! :hugs:
This is an amazing opportunity for us and I really hope we all get accepted.

TTC was so stressful first time around I thought I would never have a baby but I did. U will get there. I feel more positive about it this time because I know it can and will happen. My DH and I want two children and then our family is complete.

My DH had a SA test when we were TTC baby number 1. His results were average apart from morphology which was 4% and they said he had some sperm clumping (can't remember the proper term for it). They said this could cause problems. However, I had ovarian drilling in the march and conceived in the April so it can't of been that much if an issue.

Let us know the results when u get them. My DH hasn't had an SA this Tim as he said I stressed him out about it last time. If we get accepted on the trial I suppose the results won't matter as much x
Hello :hi:

So has not everyone already had IVF before? I though part of the acceptance was that you had to have had at least 1 cycle before but that's good if not.

Me and DH are 29 and have been trying since very early December 2010, after 9 months of no success I was referred to Guy's for tests (I have Cystic fibrosis and as it can cause fertility problems and timing is important my team referred me earlier than usual if going through a GP) and October 2011 we had our first appointment.
All my tests came back clear but DH count was very low and we were told we needed ICSI, this was in January 2012 but we were getting married abroad in the May and would be away mid April - mid May so decided to wait until after to start our first (and only NHS funded) IVF cycle.

That was in June/July 2012 and failed, although DH's count was then normal, still slightly low but considered normal.

In November 2012 we decided to try IUI as it was quite a lot cheaper than paying for IVF, this was cancelled due to being over stimulated. February 2013 and we did IUI again, DH's sperm now looked great with a count of 48mill per ml so we no have no diagnosis as to why we're not getting pregnant, despite everything look great for it this IUI failed.

We had our first appointment yesterday with Hammersmith and pending more tests, some bloods and ECG they are happy to accept us and we could/should be starting on my next cycle which should be early April.
Hi Tinkerbell! :hi:

No I think the rule is that you cannot have more than one failed IVF, that's the way I read it :shrug:

I'm sorry you've had lots of problems in the past, it must be awful :(
Ahh, finger crossed all your tests go well! How was the appointment? How long did it take?
Hi ladies:wave:

Can I join??

I am 32 and DH is 33 - we have been together 11 years.
We have been TTC since Jul 2010 and had a MMC in Nov 2010. Nothing since :cry:

I have had hormone bloods and a HSG and these are fine. I have normal cycles and show my surge each month on OPk's.
DH has super sperm!! He was really pleased with his results and asked for a badge!! haha
AMH 14.6
So we have been labelled as unexplained.

We got married last year and this year we decided to really go for it - we are not due to be referred for our 1 and only NHS IVF until Nov so wanted to do something in the meantime.

We had appointments and paid for IUI privately and were waiting to start that when I heard about the trial.

Couple of days emailing and I booked an appt with Dr Carby.
I bought all my previous test results with me and the only additional test Dr Carby wanted was to check my ovaried etc.

She managed to get me in to see the sonographer, the nurse and have a medical with Ali all that day. We arrived at 11 and left at 6!!
I had tons of forms to fill out and went away with lots of info - we were so excited to be accepted :happydance:

AF arrived on friday and I started gonal f on sat so I am currently day 4 of injections. I have my first scan tomorrow to hopefully see that my ovaries are doing amazing [-o<

There have been 11 people through so far. 1 didn't respond, 1 none of her eggs fertilised and the other 9 all had 2 embies but back and 4 are pregnant!!!
I have been speaking to 2 that are preganant and have just had there first scans :happydance:

Sorry for the long post!!
I hope this is a lucky thread and you all get accepted and we have lots of BFPs!! xx
Hi all, just returned from my appt.

Dr Carby is lovely and believes that I am suitable to take part in the trial. I'm so happy!

I arrived at 12.30 but Dr Carby was running a little behind so saw her at 1. We had a 30 minute chat about my fertility problems and medical history. I then had a ultrasound scan to check my ovaries and a blood test to check amh. As long as my amh level is ok I can start next cycle! Should have my blood test result back by next Wednesday. I have to email Ali for this next week. If its ok I have to book in to see the coordination nurse and also meet with Ali to complete ppw and have some further tests. Also my dh will need to do a semen sample next visit.

Dr Carby didn't run through the ivf process with me as she said the nurse will do this on the coordination visit. It all went really well apart from the car journey! 4 hours to get there and 5 and half hours home - traffic was a nightmare! I will be asking Ali about travel and accommodation funding next week. Does anyone know anymore about this?

Good luck everyone x
Hi ladies,

Can I join you? I'm also on the Kisspeptin trial at Hammersmith. I've just received my drugs and am due to start stimms sometime next week when AF turns up!

About me: i'm 32, one previous ICSI at hammersmith last year - BFN. I was on the long protocol and to be honest I don't think it agreed with me... I hated the down-regulation as had lots of side effects - so am hoping this go will be much better!

We have a number of issues - I have endo and a history of ectopics (1 tube removed and had another ectopic just before christmas last year). My other half has a low count on last test last year but has been "airing his bits" since then and so I suspect it has gone up (also a natural BFP before christmas suggests that somethings working!

Hope there are plenty more successes from this trial!

Mcnicks that's great news :happydance:
Good luck with your results and SA
FC that all goes OK and your are starting before you know it

Blimey that's a long journey!!! We have a 2 hr drive but it took nearly 3 this morning!!

When you have the trigger shot you need to stay in a hotel for 2 nights as you need to have blood taken 12 hours after and then the EC.
The study will reimburse you for your hospital stay and travel expenses for that part. Not sure about the rest - Ali didn't mention it

I had another scan today and need another tomorrow and possibly trigger and EC thursday :huh:

Scary stuff!! I have 2 mature follies and about another 8 that just need to grow a lil bit more

Hi Spacebunny - hope AF rears her ugly face soon :hugs:
Welcome new people! And Hi Babybel :hi:

mcnicks; I've pretty much heard the same as babybel that they remburse you for the overnight stay (although I only thought it was one night! :shock: )

spacebunny; best of luck! You must be so excited :)

Gosh, that's a lot of travelling babybel! If you needed a scan today and tomorrow, how come you didn't stay around london, or too expensive? I think I'll probably end up staying the night if that's the case, I've been to London quite a few times for job interviews and tend to stay just outside of the M25 as it's a lot cheaper :)

How exciting though, I really hope it goes okay and you get your BFP soon! :)

Only 4 more days to my first appointment :happydance:
Hi Ladies,

I have just had an email back from Ali and I am really hoping that I can take part. I am just hoping that my FSH and AMH hasn't changed that much since last year. It was 14.8. I really want to start this.\

Does anyone know if there have been any births yet using this?

Good luck to you all.

Welcome Cass :hi:
I believe the study has only been going since December so no births yet. But I'm pretty sure it's written on here that out of 9 women who have taken part 4 got their BFPs (unfortunately one ended in MC) and one must be about 17/18 weeks along now and the other two around 13 weeks :)
That is really exciting. I have just got my first appointment for the 5th of April.

I really hope it all goes well and I can start. I have not done any IVF before so I am a little nervous. Hopefully it will all go well.

I hav just spoke with them and they have an appointment for me this Friday. So excited :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Ahh amazing Cass, what time? I'm also going this Friday at 11am :)
Do you live far from London at all?
O wow I will be there at 12.30. I live about an hour away. I am nervous as my partner can not make this appointment. They did say that he is not needed at this stage though. I am very excited and hope that all goes well.

How far do you live from there?


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