Hi ladies
Cass they do 3 or 5 day transfers depending on how your embies are doing.
They only recommend putting back 1 blast but I told them I wanted 2
I wanted to give us the best chance of success
Space wow look at you go!!! Really excited for you

We stayed in a hotel for the night of the trigger, the following night and went home after egg collection.
We stayed at the ramada encore which was a bit of a trek away and was ok but I'm sure you can find something nicer closer. Westfield shopping centre is not far from there - make sure you check it out.
The nearest tube to the hospital is 10 mins away so as long as you get a hotel near the tube you can get there in no time
We parked the car up at the hotel and just jumped on and off the tube for a couple of days.
I am not doing so good. I am having cramps and have been spotting pink since last night. Last month I started spotting a week before my period so it's around the same time. I am 3dp5dt
I called the nurse and she didn't really say much just if it gets worse to call them and rest.
I am feeling really pessimistic and feel that it's over before my lil embies have had a chance