I live in Coventry, so about 100 miles away (about 2 and a half hours drive)
We're getting a coach at 6.50am in order to get there, I really hope it's not late or I might cry!
Fingers crossed you get accepted
Yeah, my ex boyfriend (quite a few years ago now!) lives in London so I'm used to the travelling, I actually really enjoy it! (Not sure I'll be saying that by the end of the trial! )
Yeah, really nervous! Really want to be accepted, although my doctors have been extremely difficult with getting results and stuff
Good luck with your appointments Friday and fc you both get accepted - let me know how you both get on
Welsk they do pay for 2 nights in a hotel - we are in London at the mo and they are giving me my expenses form tomorrow so I can confirm exactly what they cover.
I had another scan this morning and its so amazing how quick your follies can grow. I had 2 follies yesterday that were mature and today I have 4 - 2 grew 5mm in 24 hours!
I have another 6 or so that are around 15mm so they may be mature by EC
I have had my kisspeptin trigger tonight and I am all good to go on thurs morning
I had my initial appt and managed to see everyone that day. I only needed an ultrasound as I had all my results from previous tests.
I started gonal f injections 9/3
First scan 13/3
I had a further 3 scans but normally only 2 needed. 16/3, 18/3 & 19/3
Kisspeptin trigger 19/3
Blood test 20/3
EC 21/3
So 7 days off from work so far and will need 1 more for transfer.
They do scans from 7-9 so if you get an early appt depending on where you are travelling from you may be able to go before work
Babybell - how exciting about your egg collection!! Good luck for tomorrow! Did you stay overnight at the hospital after the trigger? Ali mentioned it to me.. but I'm not sure...
AF arrived today so starting the gonal f tomorrow. Bit worried 150 IU won't be enough for me... last time I stimmed on 150 then 225. But Ali seems keen to keep it on 150 - has anyone had there's upped?
Babybell - that's a great number of embryo's!! Hopefully you will have some to freeze as well! I find this bit the worst as you're on the edge of your seat waiting for that call from the embryologist!
Cass - hope your scan goes OK! They're so undignified!
Day 2 of stimms - no twinges yet... but feeling very spaced out and forgetful - today I kept putting things don and then losing them! has anyone else had that? When I did the long protocol I felt really headachy and rough... but I feel OK so far (touch wood!) just a bit like i'm in the clouds!
Anyone else stimming at the mo?
Space (aka jessica546 on Fert Friends - if you're on there!)
Hi space - I thought you were one and the same!!
I felt fine on the stims - a little emotional and bloated towards the end. I am always forgetful anyway so couldn't say whether it effected me that way too!!
I know I can't wait till sun when they tell me how they are getting on. Feels so weird that our little babies are growing in a dish!!!
Feel exhausted today - I'm glad I took the day off work as I have slept all day!
I feel like I rattle with all the pills they have given me along with the frolic acid I take and my epilepsy meds I have tons to take
Not enjoying the bum bullets!! Haha
hahah "bum bullets"!! my experience is that it gets worse the longer you use them.. they can become quite "explosive"!!! sorry if tmi.. just be prepared!
I didn't get on so well unfortunately
Dr Carby didn't feel they knew enough about my fertility status to suggest that I was suitable for IVF. But felt that it wasn't really their place to do a lot of the testing (although I did have a transvaginal ultrasound, which was fine and waiting on the results of a AMH blood test).
However she said they might consider us again if DH's SA comes bad with low morphology again. Although she suggested she still wasn't comfortable with the concept and suggested they'll still probably say no.
Really gutted! Felt that I'd jumped through all the hoops they asked for and fit the criteria perfectly, yet still basically got a no. I desperately want to be a mum, but unfortunately most doctors don't care and ignore the issue.
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