Hi ladies,
Oh sarah im so so sorry about your granddad, i hope he went peacefully

Mrsmmm, and josy, catch that eggie girls, i need you guys as my bumpbuddies

Well just for the record, i thought i share my symtoms;
1dpo - just cramp and ovulation pain
2dpo - bit crampy still and tingly nipples
3dpo - nothing much just a normal day
4dpo - again nothing much
5dpo - ok cramp is back but very mild, later in the day. Bloated and very gassy.
6dpo - these cramps are odd, a very strong pulling feeling, like 'o' pains but very low down, seem to be worse if i get up suddenly or move faster, bloating and gassy geting worse, slight back ache, in lower mid position.
7dpo - ok boobs feel tender today, the pulling cramp is still there, bloated and gassy,

, the back ache is worse today, had take pain killers.
8dpo - cramp still there, but seem to come and go, very full feeling down below, boobs feel heavy and mega tender, nipples feel tingly, the dam bloating and gassy feeling is still there, feel really tired, had a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, very rare for me.
9dpo - All of the above, but the cramp has clam down abit, and backache isnt as much either, still very very tired. Done a preg test, seem to be a very faint line, but dismissed it as evap line, try again tomorrow.
10dpo - really shattered can sleep all day if i wanted, done a test with first morning urine

but very faint, held wee, and done another, again

, its confirmed im pregy

. still have cramp but mild mainly pulling and tagging feeling, still bloated and gassy, boobs tender and massive can see the vains in them, skin seem very glowy dh commented on it (he doesnt know yet!!!).
11dpo - Still tired and sleepy, same as above most of it, dh knows today as i put a bun in the oven instead of his dinner

, he's over joyed with excitiment

And the rest well im still shattered, not getting much cramping and pulling now, weeing forever, and the bloody bloating and gassy feeling is still there, and ive started getting heartburn as well, just recently. Oh forgot to mention at 16 dpo, morning sickness has kicked in mainly when i wake up and goes by noon, Havent vomited or anything like that.
Just gonna past loads and loads and loads of baby dust your way girls,