Nice cake blondey that's great news about the recruitment, hope this is it for you!
Emmy, indulge me, what did you buy from farmfoods? I need to go to this shop like now!
I think I was also one of the (unintentionally) smug mummies with a sleeping baby. I put it down to a mixture of good luck and solid routine (my boy likes routine)
Plans for tonight losers? Me and hubster are off to a friends house for his bday, I'm going to drink copious amounts of vodka. Tomorrow we pick up our new car and sort the old one out for selling. Tomorrow night I think we'll either get a takeaway or m&s dine in thing plus a bottle of vino and a film. Sunday is cleaning day/Sunday roast at mums. Weekends go too fast
We've had a chippy tea but I had just chicken and salad in pitta bread whereas Dh had a plate full of chips. Just about put rory bed then have a couple of beers. Tomorrow im going have a lie in then got wait in for rorys toy box be delivered for his bday. Sunday, I'm doing personal training and then taking rory to his friends 1st bday party then come home and have a big Sunday dinner of course!
Doo's bedtime is about 9pm lol. She nodded off eventually, she just lays there talking to her dummy
That cake is looking good Blondey! All cakes have a back lol so that's ok
Kimmy eep exciting about the car!
I got almost a kilo of chicken breast (we freeze it anyway so why not buy in bulk lol!), chicken nuggets, kievs, turkey alphabet shapes (we had dinosaurs before cause OH wanted them ), onion rings, frozen veg, 2kg of chips, pizza, cheese, 4 litres of milk and two loaves of hovis (and possibly something else) for £19.95!
Looking good Blondey!
Malc went straight out from work so I've bathed, bottled and bedded the little monkey and she is sound asleep in her bed
I'm eating tuna pasta salad and a toasted baguette with real butter
Tomorrow I'm having a bath while Malc walks to his work with T to get the car. We have a sealed envelope thing for pizza hut from December so we'll go for lunch on Sunday and probably tidy the house
Cake looks amazing! *jealous* all I did today was make some pink cupcakes well I tried making a proper cake but I cooked it in the wood stove and it wasn't hot enough and it just kinda dried up.
Nice cake blondey! well done you!
Hope you ladies enjoy your parties tomorrow, and I hope AM and Maria have a ball!
Can't remember much else... Oh good luck on applying blondey.
Had dinner at My parents tonight with my brothers and their wives, it was great. There was loads of people willing to entertain jen and watch her crawl around. Jen ate loads of homemade lasagne so I'm hoping she sleeps well... Hell, even 5 hours, that'll do!
Was playing a new game on my big brothers phone- quarrel! Bloody brilliant, I'm def going to download it!
Lettuce I don't know how you do it! I showed OH your vid of Jen cruising along her cot, he couldn't believe it and was thinking himself lucky ours is still immobile lol
omg if my OH talks about his job any longer I'm going to stick my fingers in my ear going 'la la la' GAAAWD!
night night blondey, you'll need your sleep for your busy weekend!
I know, she's a wee horror, but I think I'll keep her! she's just full of joy. My brother wrote an article inspired by her for their football site- totally made me cry! I know I moan about the lack of sleep, but she's such a lovely happy wee bright thing, I feel bad sometimes. She's really a great wee babby. Guess that means a nightmare toddler!
Anyone seen that capol advert in the supermarket, where the baby is licking the other customers bread... Bet thatll be Jen...
Don't Lettuce, I am waiting for the scales to balance too. I had an easy pregnancy, easy labour, easy baby who sleeps (infact she's still asleep now and went to bed at half 6!!) Surely I am going to get my just desserts soon!!
Well, I better get cleaning the toilets and hoovering and balloon blowing and banner putting upping!!
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