Nats I love Maria's pics! She looked like she had a fab time
Happy Birthday AM!
I'm a bit peeved at OH, we have six+ inches of snow, yet he still did the 45 minute commute to work for overtime even after saying last night he wouldn't. He also woke me up after a shit night sleep to tell me he's just made it in time.
happy birthday AM!!! Have a wonderful day guys. Xx
Boo Emmy. We have no snow, it's actually quite mild and lovely here!
That sucks nats.
Yup, never been able to eat one since... Lol.
Jennifer is over tired cos dad got up with her at 7:30, I made her breakfast (porridge and raspberries) and went back to bed, he fed her and then he didn't wake me til 10:30! he didn't really drink much last night cos he felt so bad about it all.
She also had a nightmare night, screaming for hours cos of her teeth!
Its the second round of the elections today but we're not going to vote cos our votes will just cancel each other. The arsehole will win though I'm sure.
Glad the party girls had fun
Nasty teeth for poor Jen
What did doo have for her lunch? Looked messy!
We've just taken rory to a party. He enjoyed it but is now zonked out. Was a bit late going for his nap but he still sat there at the table all cute eating his party food, he was so tired bless.
We've got lamb lobby with crusty bread for tea! Change from a Sunday dinner as such. Yum de Yum!
so far this afternoon she's napped for ten minutes... before waking screaming a poop out and is now fannying about in the travel cot... I want to go outside and have a lookie at the snow before it gets dark!
Thanks for the birthday wishes for AM! Been a strange day as I have been poorly Sick 6 times and I won't even mention what else Couldn't even keep water down this morning!! And I was so paranoid that I'd poisoned everyone at the party but OH and AM ate the same as I did so couldn't be anything from the party. Thinking I must have picked up a bug from one of the kids or something
But I did managed to make it out in the snow with AM and OH and wondering whether to have something to eat.
OH has tomorrow off work as well, so thinking we will walk to the Toby carvery and grab a nice roast. And they do eaton mess! mmmmmmm!
What's a lobby Fabby?
Sounds like a lovely present Nats!! Cousin just put a fiver in a card for AM too and dropped it at my mums (obviously they've forgotten our address!) I hope I don't come across as a selfish brat, but when you've always done presents and we spend close to £20 on her daughter at birthdays and always ask if there's any toys she wants, it's a bit hurtful that they couldn't even buy her something! They could have got her a cardi or t shirt from primark and I would have been fine!
Sounds like norovirus to me Blondey, did it come on really suddenly? That big is awful
I've got a bit of a cold coming on but I'd take that any day over a sick bug!!
Yey for zombi crawl Emmy!
I'm just going to quickly jump in the shower so I'm out in time for Call The Midwife. Then I've got my ironing to do, yawn.
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