right im back from work, showered, wearing pjs and loving the filth. i should introduce myself.
1. im amy. im 21 2 days before fuffy.
2. oh matt is 21. hes amazing, id be stuck without him. plus hes as weird as me.
3. 2 plans of ttc - if he gets a 2:1 we ttc straight away. he might be going to china to teach english for a month but would be full steam ahead after that. if he gets a 2:2 he ttc next june. however, i will sort him out and itll be before that. this whole 2:1 thing was his idea. he gradually shows more and more broodiness. i love it.
4. we have lots of tropical fish and 2 bunnies called freddie and george. theyre really silly and run about like loonies but we love them and enjoy calling ourselves mummy and daddy. for matts birthday he got a card from them, chewed, and containing a mixture of poo, rabbit nuggets, hay, and sawdust.
5. i really really love scarves, and men who wear scarves.
6. ah yes - im just about to graduate. i have 2 exams next week, if i just about pass i'll end up with a 2:2. this will do me. matt is also on the same course. (this is how we met).
7. things i like to do - shop/want to shop (this is pretty much a constant). i love fashion, i work in fashion...... but i have a degree in english. hmm. i love cooking. my spaghetti bolognaise is better than any italian restaurant makes (im only arrogant about my spagbol. ok fine the spag bol and my ability to give fantastic blow jobs. i apologise if this is tmi but oh says theyre really really good). i love taking photos of stuff. i would LOVE to be a fashion photographer.
8. i wear my ugg boots every day.
9. i collect dvds and have to keep them all in alphabetical order. (very slight ocd...)
10. i want to travel everywhere, i dont care where. i want an off roader pram (like a jane) so we can go for family trips to the lakes etc) yeah im a bit sad.
11. i have a really big obsession with friends. its amazing.
12. sorry i'll stop now. my favourite colour is turquoise, closely followed by orange.
is this ok??